Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 85 Super rich hardcover version

Although it was not loud, the exclamation just now still caused a wave of vigilant inspections and inquiries in this team of almost all newcomers.

"So who can tell me what just happened? Why did you just walk in a thousand feet and start screaming?"

Maxim, he didn’t know whether it was because he wanted to hide that he was also aroused by the exclamation, or because the chapter leader was present and they immediately made such a low-level mistake.

Anyway, he sounded very angry asking on the squad channel.

"Nothing, actually, uh, I just thought I touched my grenade tab and took it off."

"...This is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard. I swear, Vitalier, really, you make me feel ashamed. If our mission hadn't been completed, I would have stuffed you in right now. I'll give you a good beating in the fighting cage to wake you up!"

They stood there, the entrance seemed not far away, and they could retreat within a few seconds at any time, making this place still appear safe.

The darkness looked down at them silently, and the dust floated around them.

At this time, the mechanical priest used his cold and emotionless electronic signal to speak from the speaker installed on his body.

"Your Majesty Omnissiah, the entire Terra hour of research time I have wasted is precious. If you are just going to stand here talking and not move forward, then I suggest that we might as well leave now and return to the top. Go, and I will personally be happy to fabricate and provide you with a detailed inspection and combat report that is guaranteed to be a perfect success for the Chapter Commander, what do you think?"

The meaningless argument was immediately dispersed.

“Stop talking, be more alert and move on.”

Maxim gathered everyone's eyepiece data together again and began to draw a real-time map to compare with the ship structure diagram they had obtained before they came down.

"First, we will go through the first twelve decks to make sure that the original maintenance access and the cabin next to it are safe and can be used; then we will arrive at the B13 deck, where the sensor is said to have been continuously offline recently. Phenomenon, none of the two teams of maintenance servitors sent in returned or took pictures of the situation there. - So, there is something waiting for us there for sure. Everyone's bolters should be kept loaded at all times, and be alert , the servo skull continues to explore forward, 'Sage', please inform us of the progress of the previous exploration in a timely manner."

"Omnisiah will guide us." "Sage" muttered again, and then asked his soldiers to come forward and guard the front wing of the team.

The Chapter Master stands in the middle and rear of the team, and just one look at his figure can make people feel reassured: even among the genetically engineered extraordinary warriors, he is a true giant, wearing a strong and tenacious spirit. His power armor is the heaviest power armor that loyal warriors of the empire can equip. Each component made of thick ceramic steel and adamantine is an expensive craft treasure that can withstand the most severe conditions in most environments. Damage, his single blow can destroy an entire army of Empire enemies in the blink of an eye.

In front of him, in addition to a mechanical priest holding a power gear ax and equipped with some long-range weapons that cannot be directly named, and a man equipped with shoulder-mounted twin O-type bolters, a long-handled gravity hammer, and an automatic reactive energy battle shield. In addition to the "Domi Tower-class" mechs.

Surrounded by fully loaded bolters, melee power weapons, various rare varieties of grenades, plasma pistols and finely crafted flamethrowers and other gadgets that should not appear on recruits - by Lamizane A group of new recruits that they secretly called the "super rich, hard-covered and blindly stacked tactical team". Oh, by the way, they even had the luxury of bringing along one of the only two pharmacists on the ship, the Parogov brothers.

I really don’t know whether the decision-maker who decided to use this configuration for this mission should be too reassured or too worried.

Lamizane felt that it was uncertain that the power of this team could even change the fate of a certain planet elsewhere, but in the final analysis, they just planned to clean the unused passages and rooms of this ancient battleship. So... it should be over soon, right?

The corrosion marks left on the metal bulkhead at some point were strange and thick, like something crawling past. At a glance, they blended into the shadows.

From a very distant place, there was the groan of the metal structure being continuously twisted, some gas hissed out from a broken pipe somewhere, and there were more sounds of dripping liquid intertwined with or confronting it.

The sound of heavy ceramic boots echoed in the dark space along with the flashing lampposts of searchlights.

Something feels wrong.

"Maxim. 'The Sage'."

"Yes, Chapter Master."

"Report reading."

"Other than the low temperature, high humidity, and turbid air, there are no changes. So far, this place looks like an ordinary idle cabin."

Lamizane still felt something was wrong.

It's too quiet here.

Something he had seen in 2K suddenly came to his mind at an inappropriate time.

Generally speaking, the number of ordinary and technical crew members required on the lower deck of a void ship of this size is quite considerable. The number of mortal crew members required for a normally prepared Moon-class cruiser when it is ready for combat sailing should reach three to three. Fifty thousand, and larger ships would undoubtedly require more.

In the 41st millennium, there are large military floating fortresses, ships, and many large civilian ships - such as those on charter fleets with fixed routes. Their crews have not even gotten off the ship for generations. , the cycle from birth to death is completed in the small world on their ship.

Some ships never even docked at the port, and the crew gave birth to generations of descendants in the cold cabins. These people who were born in the iron wall were called children of the void. This was what the people born on the ship were given by the residents of the empire. a title.

If a ship is large enough and sails in the void for a long enough time, it will even produce professional crew members who are inherited by family and blood. The positions are usually fixed. For example, an artillery aiming position may be fixed for generations. It is controlled by the same family, and from generation to generation, parents pass on the required professional knowledge to their children as family secrets.

——So even though this is the lower deck of the Ironblood, which is famous for its degree of automation, isn’t it a bit too unpopular?

——And, by the way, why didn’t you notice it just now? Why are there no lights here? I remember there’s nothing wrong with the Iron-Blooded’s power room——

These two thoughts passed through the body and mind of the Fourth Primarch at the same time.

Changes are sudden.


I’ve long wanted to write a little bit about it【

You can guess what happened

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