Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 796: "Hua Shenlu"

"Is this the crystallization of Godhead?" Wang Xu asked Tong En with his head tilted slightly, holding the "bear bile" in his hand.

"Absolutely, this is the godhead crystallization of the natives in the Creation Tower, but it is not the same as ours in appearance, and the position in their body is also different from ours. Our godhead crystallization is located in the heart. The location, theirs, it grows in the lower abdomen, but you should be able to feel the majestic energy that is far beyond the crystal of ordinary gods!" Tong En sincerely explained the doubts of Wang Xu.

"Oh...really..." After listening to Tong En's explanation, Wang Xu felt the energy coming from the "bear bile". This feeling didn't matter. Wang Xu felt a familiar feeling in an instant. , This feeling made him startled for a while, and then he roared in a low voice: "Demon Pill!"

Wang Xu, who has been "symbiotic" with the monster races in the prehistoric world for thousands of years, was originally familiar with this kind of thing, but after coming to the world of Loren, he instinctively thought that there would be no prevalence here. The things of the world, so, at first, he didn't think about the demon pill, but under this feeling, his long-sleeping memory was instantly awakened!

"Do you know what this thing is?" Although Tong En viewed the demon pill as the crystallization of the godhead, she actually didn't know what it was, and she was also very curious.

"Well... this is indeed something similar to the crystallization of the gods. The real name should be called Yaodan. By the way," Wang Xu also thinks of the pagoda of Nezha's dad Tota Li Tianwang, which was originally used to imprison demons and ghosts I understand why the demon pill appeared inside, "Are there many humanoid creatures that can turn into monsters among the native races in the Nine-Floor Pagoda?"

What Wang Xu wanted to ask was the specific situation of the Monster Race in the Ninth-Floor Buddha. At this moment, he is holding the Donghuang Bell of Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Monster Race. He is worried that if he enters, he will be discovered that he has Donghuang Bell, isn't he the target of everyone's killing!

"Well... there are many humanoid creatures that can transform into beasts. After killing them, you can get the crystals of the gods that you call the demon pill. However, there are too many native races in the Genesis Tower. In addition to what you said, there are many races that resemble the wronged souls. Anyway, there are more of them. When you go there, you can see for yourself!" Tong En nodded and answered Wang Xu.

"You just said that each layer in the Nine-Floor Pagoda is an independent world. Then," after putting away the "bear bile", Wang Xu felt the other parts of the Mithril Space Ring. "God Crystal", he found that out of the 500 "God Crystals", about 90% were demon pills, and the remaining 10% contained both true God-head crystals and souls full of powerful soul energy. Jing, these soul crystals should be left over after the death of the ghosts among the monsters, "How big is the area of ​​each layer?"

"Boundless, my family and I have lived on the first floor of the Creation Tower for the longest time. We have stayed there for almost 1,500 years. In such a long time, we have not found the boundary of the first floor. So..." Tong En shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"Oh, it's amazing..." After nodding and responding to Tong En, Wang Xuxin said: The Nine-Floor Buddha is worthy of Tota Li Tianwang's housekeeping magic weapon. It is really not built. Just look at the fact that its interior becomes an boundless world. , It's enough to make it famous.

"Okay, now, I'll read the book you grabbed again. You supervise me, and I will return it to you after reading it..." Then, Wang Xu took out the book for Tong En and his wife. The scattered "culprit"!

After placing the book on the desk in front of him, Wang Xu observed it several times and found that: this is an ancient book with rhino leather as the cover. The cover is only one centimeter thick. The whole book is The appearance of the book is not too dark, as if it has just been soaked in oil, but to the touch, its surface is not greasy, and it is as cold as metal.

It is about the size of two slab bricks, but it is more than ten times heavier than a slab brick of the same volume. Not only does it feel like metal, but when it is held, it has a metal-like heaviness. It does not look like one at all. Book.

"Hey hey..." With a harsh sound of metal friction, Wang Xu flipped the rhino leather cover of the book. In an instant, he found that the pages inside the cover were also made of rhino leather and black. Both are about one centimeter thick.

When I put it upright and looked at it, Wang Xu found that this book, plus the upper and lower covers, was about ten centimeters thick in total. Excluding the upper and lower covers, only seven or eight centimeters were left, and it looked like eight or nine pages. .

After carefully opening the cover of the book completely, Wang Xu observed that on the black front page, what directly caught his eye was the three ancient seals written in golden paint-the record of God!

After seeing the word "Hua Shen", Wang Xu's pores all over his body instantly exploded, and his attention was completely concentrated. He knew very well that the word "Hua Shen" was the cultivation level of a Taoist monk. One, compared to the Golden Core Realm he is currently in, the Deity Transformation Stage is two full levels higher. After all, the Golden Pill is only the Yuan Ying Stage, and above the Yuan Ying Stage is the Deity Transformation Stage.

After opening the homepage that recorded three words like carvings, Wang Xu found that this book did not disappoint him. It was a secret book that recorded the route of spiritual power in the body.

Following Wang Xu’s flipping notes, he quickly turned to the last page of the book, where the origin of the book was recorded. It was said that this was a quote written by Boyangzi, a monk living in the Zhou Dynasty. The method of qi is practiced according to the above method, and it only takes five to six hundred years to enter the state of transforming the gods, and from then on, immortality with the world.

Originally, Wang Xu had a high expectation value for this "Hua Shenlu". After all, this is the first practice secret book he got. You must know that in these years without the secret book, although Wang Xu's practice progress is slow He’s dying, but after a long time, he also found out some experience. After comparing his own experience with the content in the "Hua Shenlu", Wang Xu instantly knew that the "Hua Shenlu" recorded The content is definitely not fake.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When Wang Xu saw the touted content on the last page of "Hua Shenlu", he directly folded his expectations of the cheat book in half. It said, practice according to the cheat book. , Five or six hundred years to enter the transformation stage, this... absolutely false!

Let’s not talk about how fierce this cheat book is, let’s just talk about people. They all have different talents. It is possible to enter the stage of **** transformation in five to six hundred years with good talents, but what about those with poor talents The life expectancy limit of the Qi stage is 150 years old. If you live to 150 years before you enter the foundation building stage and you die of old age, how can you enter the **** transformation stage for five to six hundred years?

Although there are exaggerated and flattering elements in this "Hua Shen Lu", it is a cheat book under the banner of a celebrity. It is estimated that there is still some credibility. Wang Xu feels that if it can really send itself into the God-Human phase, Then it's perfect...

"What's written in the book?" Tong En, who was always curious, but couldn't understand the big seal. After realizing that Wang Xu had read the whole book, he asked Wang Xu in a low voice expectantly...


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