Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 797: Reasonable suggestion

"I finally understand the real reason why you and your family were hunted down." After listening to Tong En's question, he has completely given the contents of "Hua Shen Lu" to Wang Xu, and closed "Hua Shen Lu". ", and pushed the book to Tong En, looked up at her, shook his head and said: "This is a secret practice secret of a power of others. The key is that this thing may still be an orphan. For that power, This book may also have important symbolic significance, so..."

"Cheats!" Although Wang Xu said a lot of things, Tong En didn't hear anything except for the words "Cheats", "Can I practice?"

"No, this is not something in our world. The energy needed to cultivate it is not a magic element. I can assure you that the kind of energy mentioned in the cheats is absolutely not in our world. Another reason is that we All races in this world are very different in physical structure from the races in the world where the cheat sheet is located, so..." Wang Xu didn't even think about it, and directly told Tong En the answer.

"Oh..." Tong En, whose eyes originally flashed with the "light of expectation", dimmed instantly after hearing Wang Xu's answer.

"Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you..." Seeing the contrast in Tong En's emotions, Wang Xu casually comforted her.

"If you lie to me, I can see it. Just now, I have been observing you. You are not interested in this book at all, so you don't have to lie to me!" Tong En looked up at Wang Xu, dejected Responded.

"Smart!" After complimenting Tong En with no sincerity, Wang Xu took a sip of the cold green tea in the crystal cup and continued: "I'll give you a reasonable suggestion..."

"What suggestion?" Tong En asked Wang Xu puzzledly.

"Don't take this book with you anymore, it's better to hide it in a place where no one knows!" Wang Xu gave out his suggestion.

"Why?" Tong En couldn't hear Wang Xu's starting point for this suggestion!

"In case, what I’m talking about is just in case, if you are caught by that force, and then they find books from you, then you and your family will be miserable, but, if they find books from you If you don't publish a book, then you still have room to change, at least you can't die, what do you think?" Wang Xu explained the reason for his suggestion.

"It makes sense, but they are the indigenous forces in the Creation Tower. They can't get out. Outside, I don't worry about being caught by them..." Tong En felt that the collection of books was unnecessary.

"Hey, if you have money, do you know if the forces in the Nine-Floor Pagoda are willing to produce enough benefits, then there will be people from our world who are willing to do things for them, if you He is a newcomer who has just passed from here. Do you think you will be bought by them?" Wang Xu replied indifferently.

"It makes sense..." Tong En nodded after listening to Wang Xu's words.

Later, Tong En pushed the book of "Hua Shen Lu" that remained on the desktop in front of her, and pushed it in front of Wang Xu, and said: "If you hide it, you will still be found. Now, I will hand in this book. Here you are, it doesn’t matter if I am caught or I die. After all, we have signed a contract, and you will definitely save my family in accordance with the contract!"

"I don't want to be in the dark!" Wang Xu, who had already written down the contents of "Hua Shen Lu", really didn't need to take the risk to hold it.

"You help me keep it, and I will give you another thousand crystals of the Godhead, how about it?" Tong En, who has a little understanding of Wang Xu's character after a long conversation, understands that if you want Wang Xu to work, you must You have to take advantage of it, otherwise...

"Deal!" As soon as he heard that he could get nearly a thousand demon pills, Wang Xu immediately agreed to Tong En's "deal". Although up to this moment, Wang Xu still didn't know the specific use of demon pills and soul crystals, but Well, he felt that people's cognition would improve. If you don't understand it today, it doesn't mean you don't understand it tomorrow. These things, after all, come from the god-level monsters and ghosts. As long as you discover its use, it will definitely benefit a lot.

"You are too dark, you just keep a book, you have to collect a thousand crystals of the godhead!" After seeing Wang Xu's rapid attitude change, Luna said in an unhappy way, "I know you are a profiteer. But, what I don’t know is that your treacherous strength has reached a heinous level!"

"Hey, no business is not a crime, let alone, I am still a famous profiteer," Wang Xu talked to Luna while putting the "Hambling God Record" in front of him into the backpack system: "Furthermore, this is a safekeeping one. This book is so simple. I’m helping your friend take big risks. Let me take on such big risks and don’t give me much benefit. How can I do it?"

"Just what you can say..." Luna, who was helpless by Wang Xu's "risk talk", had already taken Wang Xu's cheeky degree, and she didn't want to say anything except shaking her head dumbfoundingly.

Immediately, Wang Xu took the other "precious" Mithril space ring that Tong En had handed over. In it, Tong En promised to pay Wang Xu a reward.

"By the way, you can live with me in the past few days. Take a stroll in the city by the way. I can guarantee that the city I designed, built and managed is by no means inferior to the capitals of the three human kingdoms!" Er's Wang Xu, after taking another sip of cold tea, suggested to Tong En.

"No, I can't let Tong En live with you. You are a big man, and Tong En is a married woman. I won't let you ruin her..." Finally found Luna, who had been complaining about it, and spurred her horsepower again. , Tucao Wang said: "Even if she stays, she must live with me!"

Hearing that Wang Xu was complained about, Wang Xu's women did not speak out for Wang Xu's defense, but laughed. Obviously, their views are the same as Luna.

After a helpless glance at his women, Wang Xu turned his gaze to Luna and said, "Well, it's up to you, but since she lives with you, then, take her shopping. I'll leave it to you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's late tonight, I'm tired, let's talk about anything tomorrow!"

"Hmm..." After listening to Wang Xu's words of seeing off the guests, Luna stood up directly, and then greeted Tong En and got up.

Immediately, under Wang Xu and Nilu's delivery, Luna and Tong En, who were three or four heads higher than her, left the city lord's mansion.

When Wang Xu and Nilu returned to the dining room to sit down and were about to say "house matters", Zana, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked Wang Xu: "Do you think Tong En's father and husband are still alive?"

"No matter how you analyze it, I think that the two men in Tong En's family are probably less ill-fortuned..." Wang Xu replied, shaking his head lightly.

"Why..." After hearing Wang Xu's answer, Nilu asked with a surprised look...


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