Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 798: The aftermath of the Tongen incident

"The reason why I said that the two men in Tong En's family may have died, because we all know that the space barrier in the area of ​​God of War Island is opened every sixty years, and you all heard that just now, Tong En said that there are still six years, which is the time for the next opening of the seal enchantment. In other words, Tong En came out of the God of War Island when the enchantment was opened last time. A simple explanation, that is, She came out to rescue soldiers fifty-four years ago!" Wang Xu explained, shaking his head lightly.

"Fifty-four years ago..." After listening to Wang Xu’s analysis, Nilu couldn’t help repeating Wang Xu’s words. When repeating these words, Nilu’s expression gradually became serious. Obviously, she already knew that Wang Xu was in Imply something.

"To put it bluntly, the two men in her family have been kidnapped for more than fifty-four years. Even, maybe Tong En did not come out last time, but the last time she came out. This is another sixty years. In this case, it will take a total of 114 years. Do you think that after all this time, how likely is it that the two men will be alive?" Wang Xu slightly curled the corner of his right mouth and raised himself the opinion of.

"These...don't she know that Tong En herself?" Nilu, who has fully agreed with Wang Xu's viewpoint, turned to look at Wang Xu, frowning in confusion.

"I think she must know that the two men in her family are no longer auspicious. However, in reality, she is still so active in moving the soldiers. The possible reason is that she was driven crazy by the loss of her relatives. , Or she has another purpose!" After looking down for a few seconds, Wang Xu raised his eyes and looked at Nilu's eyes and replied.

"Another purpose, what purpose?" Nilu is rarely curious and positive about her good friend Tong En. Obviously, the friendship between her and Tong En is relatively deep.

"What her true purpose is, I guess only she knows it, but I guess there are two possibilities: one is that she wants to retrieve the body when she already knows that the two men in her family are dead; the other is , While regaining the body, she still wants revenge!" Wang Xu said in a low tone.

"This..." After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Nilu didn't know what to say for a while. She knew very well that her husband's analysis was reasonable and might be a fact.

"I think your analysis is correct. The woman named Tong En came to us for revenge..." Zana took a deep breath and suddenly said.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the contract has been signed and the deposit has been received. Even if the risk is not small, it is worth the risk for so much money!" After taking a deep breath, Wang Xu said: "Okay, Now, there are no friends who have become gods. I will give each person a godhead crystal to study. By the way, I will divide the money for everyone. After all, with so many benefits, I can’t take it all by myself. I eat meat, everyone. I have to drink some soup, I decided to share 10 million gold coins for each person, can you accept it?"

After listening to the word "friend" that Wang Xu mentioned in a joke, the women of Wang Xu who were sitting around the dining table couldn't help smiling.

However, when Wang Xu offered to distribute 10 million gold coins to everyone present, they all froze at the same time. The reason why they had such an expression was because, usually, Wang Xu kept sending them money, everyone The total amount of money he received had already exceeded 10 million gold coins. Now, Wang Xu wants to give them another 10 million gold coins to directly double their personal assets.

At this time, all the women of Wang Xu had the same mentality. There was only one same voice in their hearts, that is: In this life, even if I throw money every day, it is estimated that I will not spend all the gold coins on my body.

"Come one by one," Wang Xu stood up and ordered: "Whoever I walk to, give me the space ring, and I will put the money in it. Okay, let's start!"

After speaking, Wang Xu began to walk around the dining table and "spread his wealth"!

Just when Wang Xu divided the money among his wife, Luna, who left the city lord's mansion, was leading Tong En, while shopping, while walking towards the tree of life in the center of the city.

"You said, can Mario Wharton help me?" Tong En whispered in Luna's ear as he walked out of a jewelry shop.

"Don't worry, if he can't help you, then no one in Loren's world can help you!" Turning to look at the worried expression on Tong En's face, Luna whispered to her.

"Didn't you just look down on him, why are you so sure at the moment, can he help me?" Tong En asked Luna with a wry smile.

"What I look down on is his character. Didn't you find that the extent of that guy's greed and **** is already outrageous?" After listening to Tong En's question, Luna hummed bitterly: "What are you looking for? The woman is not good, he even did not let go of the devil and the women of the Naga Sea. Doesn’t he know that the Devil and the Naga Sea are the dead enemies of our wood elves? He is really... hey..."

After cursing Wang Xu in a low voice, and after a long sigh, Luna changed her conversation and shook her head and muttered: "Although the character of that guy from Mario is too poor, but he is indeed very capable. What’s even more powerful is that his abilities are still very comprehensive. It can be said that in the millions of years of history of our wood elves, if we talk about individual ability, he can rank in the top five in every one. , He is definitely the strongest in history, no one can beat him, he is simply unprecedented, and there is absolutely no one to come!"

"Is he as good as you said?" After listening to Luna's description of Wang Xu's abilities, and then reminiscing about the appearance of the Mario he just met, Tong En questioned: "He doesn't look as good as you said. Fierce?"

"Hey... a year ago, I just regarded him as the future leader of our elves, but now, I found out that I was wrong. He is so powerful that he is a leader, you know him. Did you do anything for a year..." Before Tong En asked, Luna asked and replied: "He..."

While walking and talking about changing to shopping~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luna told Tongen all the "feats" she had discovered about Wang Xu in the past year, and her expression changed constantly. In her ever-changing expressions, more are expressing surprises and incredible emotions.

"You know, in this year, he killed more than two million enemies. This is all I saw on the battlefield," Luna concluded: "With him, our wood elves will never worry about it! "

"A person who is so good in internal affairs, military affairs, and diplomacy is indeed someone we have never seen before in wood elves..." Tong En, who knew that Luna would not lie, said in a long voice.

Finally, the second daughter who bought a lot of things returned to Luna's nest on the branch of life.

The next day, in the city hall meeting room, Wang Xu was sitting behind a round meeting table half the size of a basketball court. Around the meeting table, there were all the senior managers of the entire New Hill City...


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