Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 799: be quiet!

"Maybe some people are well informed and already know what happened to the royal dinner last night, but certainly not everyone knows the details, so now, I will repeat all the details of the royal dinner last night." After glancing at the officials of the hill city sitting around the conference table, Wang Xu said: "Your Majesty the King has decided to make Towns Wharton the crown prince..."

With a sound of "Boom...", there was a "volcano eruption" in the originally quiet conference hall. All the officials shouted loudly. The shouts were messy. Wang Xu didn't even hear a complete sentence. He only heard something like " Words such as "sinner" and "traitor" are obvious. Those who say these words are yelling at Downs Wharton.

"Quiet..." Wang Xu performed a displeased expression, raised his hand and frowned and shouted: "If you want to talk, raise your hand! I will ask one by one! You talk together, who knows what you are talking about?"

Finally, under the blessing of Wang Xu's "Lion Roar Technique", the original quietness in the conference hall gradually recovered, but, "Huh, huh, huh..." The sound of raising hands continued to sound, and the three sitting around the round table Forty people, except Wang Xu, almost everyone raised their hands.

"You said, Lord Yaheng!" Wang Xu, who has gradually realized a little bit of dominance, is the first to name Yaheng Baker, who is the highest official on the court.

"His Royal Highness, you know, Your Highness Downs, but a traitor appointed by His Majesty the King, and to say that he is a traitor is not to slander him. After all, it is the snowfield half-orcs he brought to ruin our former home. Well, you said, how can we accept him as our crown prince?" When encountering the most critical problem, Yaheng Baker also changed his habit of flattering before speaking, and went straight to the core of the problem.

"Yes, yes, yes..." As soon as Yaheng Baker's voice fell, the other officials all "supported" loudly.

"Quiet!" After Wang Xu roared again, the conference hall became quiet again. "This is the decision of His Majesty the King, and it cannot be changed. As for why Downs Wharton became a traitor, we all know, he Do you want to be a king? Now that he has been given the position of the crown prince, he will rebel if he is sent to the upper position?"

"But," the second-ranking minister in charge of the foreign affairs of the elves, who was also the former subordinate of Downs Wharton, the wise Arch Druid Yadunis, asked Wang Xu, "His Royal Highness Downs was in the past. But the one who committed a felony, did His Majesty the King forgive him for that?"

This time, the officials who knew that Wang Xu would explain, did not discuss again in a mess, but just cast a wave of dissatisfaction on Wang Xu.

Wang Xu knew that those dissatisfied eyes were not given to himself, but to Downs Wharton and the Elf King. However, nowadays, among the Elves, there are only people who can help resolve these dissatisfaction. By myself, I can't let Towns Wharton and the Elf King come forward to solve it. If you really do this, a riot will be inevitable.

"We all know that Downs Wharton is a sinner. He has a serious sin. I think he knows this too. So, in order to redeem his sins, he promised to go to the north to defend the frontier for a hundred years. You also know that nowadays, Xueyuan The half-orcs have invaded the elven forest in an all-round way. Their troops are more than our total population. If we fight with them, we are at risk of genocide. And defending the junction of the dark mountains and the elven forest is definitely the same thing. A mission of nine deaths and a lifetime, if he can really guard there for a hundred years and stop our genocide disaster, then, even if he committed too many sins before, it will be redeemed!" Wang Xu explained with a serious expression.

"I personally can't accept the punishment method of atonement for the merits. I can't always make a mistake and make merits and it will be fine. If this is the case, everyone will make mistakes before making merits. Is there any king's law? "Yaheng Baker, who has always been quite clear about where to say and what to say, this time, uncharacteristically, he has never supported Towns Wharton in his position. Obviously, he has other plans.

"Master Yaheng, if you have anything you want to say, just say it?" Wang Xu, who planned to solve this matter completely today, didn't get too verbose and asked Yaheng Baker directly.

"I don't understand why His Majesty the King didn't make you the crown prince. You should know that we all support you. Moreover, we all know that only under your leadership can we wood elves have the opportunity to reproduce the glory of the past. !" Yaheng Baker said firmly.

"Yes, yes..." The venue was finally quiet for a while, because Yaheng Baker's words of allegiance became confused again.

"Quiet!" Wang Xu, who controlled the scene again, became angry and roared: "If you mess up, go out. We are here as a meeting place, not a vegetable market!"

After the venue was quiet for the third time, Wang Xu turned his attention to Yaheng Baker and replied: “I know everyone’s intentions and that everyone is embarrassed, but I am also embarrassed because of various I can’t elaborate on the reason, I can’t be a crown prince, but you don’t have to worry about our elves will sink in the future. Let’s not say that I personally will never allow this kind of life, let’s talk about this person like Towns Wharton. , Do you think he is a trash?"

Except for Yaheng Baker and Yadunis, who had already expressed their views, shook their heads slightly, the other ministers, because they were afraid of offending the future king, no one dared to answer the question Wang Xu asked, and even one who dared to nod and shook his head No one.

After a satisfied glance at the responses of the ministers, Wang Xu asked himself and replied: "Although I don’t really appreciate the character of Downs Wharton, I have to admit that he is still capable. Whether it is internal affairs or diplomacy, he has done a good job~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although his military capabilities are relatively short, but can you help him? He is not the kind of person who can’t listen, you say Isn't it, Lord Adonis?"

"Well," Adonis, who has been an assistant to Downs Wharton for a long time, nodded and replied after listening to Wang Xu's question, "In the past, I have been an assistant to His Highness Downs Wharton for 20 years. I can Guarantee, His Royal Highness Downs is not a dictator, but I cannot guarantee that he will not change his character when he becomes a king. After all, power will change people!"

"Don't worry about this. I will supervise him. Even if he becomes a king, it will not be difficult to get him from that position..." Finally, under Wang Xu's somewhat taboo words, the ministers A consensus was reached, and there is no objection to Towns Wharton becoming the crown prince for the time being, but they also reached another consensus, that is: once Towns Wharton makes another mistake, he will be immediately abolished!

Just after this difficult meeting, when everyone left the room, Adonis suddenly stopped Wang Xu and whispered in Wang Xu's ear: "Your Highness, the Mermaid is here, I want to see you..."


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