Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 800: Mermaid is here

After listening to the report of the Archdruid wise Adonis, Wang Xu stopped, turned his head to look at the expressionless Adonis, and asked in a low voice: "The mermaid are here to exchange their prince who was captured by us. of?"

"Yes..." Adonis still replied blankly.

"Did they reveal what terms they want to exchange for?" Wang Xu, who had a sense of measure in his heart, asked Yadunis again after he curled the corner of his left mouth slightly.

"The conditions they gave were a two-hundred-year peace agreement and the release of all the Elf captives in their hands..." After listening to Wang Xu's question, Yadunis said flatly.

"Nothing..." Wang Xu, who thought there were other conditions, did not expect that after Yadunis said two conditions, he fell silent.

"Yeah..." Yadunis nodded and replied. This time, there was an expression on his face. It was a kind of dumbfounding expression. Obviously, he also felt that the exchange terms offered by the mermaid tribe were really insignificant. .

"No, they are here to redeem their prince. They are not to be funny. With such simple conditions, they want to take a living prince back. Could it be that the mermaid named Archibald I captured? The prince is fake, or, let's cut off the fingers of the prince and show them to the mermaid group?" After a cold smile, Wang Xu made a joke.

"That's not good, I guess, the conditions they offer now are not their bottom line. As long as we work hard, we can negotiate better conditions!" Hearing that Wang Xu planned to cut Archibald. With two fingers, Adonis was taken aback. Obviously, he did not hear that Wang Xu was joking, thinking that Wang Xu was telling the truth. After a few seconds, he persuaded Wang Xu in a low voice. .

"Then what do you think their bottom line is?" Although he knew that Adonis had misunderstood him, Wang Xu also lazily explained to him. After a slight smile, Wang Xu asked him in a low voice.

"Now I don't know, I will know after a while, but I assure you that I can at least allow them to accept the signing of a five-hundred-year peace contract, and also allow them to pay a ransom of one million gold coins..." Diplomatic skills Adonis, who was almost at his level, patted his chest and assured Wang Xu.

"I know this negotiation will be very difficult, and I know that you have worked very hard, but I think the benefits you said are still too few..." After listening to Adonis' oath, Wang Xu shook his head.

"That's it, Your Highness, if the mermaid sends ordinary diplomats, then I can at least double the ransom, but what?" After a sigh, Adonis continued: "The other party They are sent by their Deputy Foreign Secretary Ansir. I have dealt with this guy. He is a bigoted and tough old stubborn. With him, we can hardly take advantage of too much. If we put too much pressure on, He may abandon this negotiation at any time, turn around and leave!"

"Really, very good. I like dealing with this kind of person the most." After listening to Yadunis' explanation, Wang Xu smiled "irritably", and then whispered to Yadunis, "Since I have come hard I have an idea, then, this negotiation will be hosted by me personally. Please don't tell the mermaid about my involvement. You will wake them up at 3 o'clock in the morning and talk at 4 o'clock in the morning, huh, let's see if I don't play with them! "

"I understand..." Yadunis replied to Wang Xu in a somewhat lonely way. The reason why his mood sank down was because he felt that it was because of his inability to do things that his Royal Highness had to take action. Yes, I am too incompetent...

"Let's go..." Wang Xu, who could tell what he was thinking from Adonis's expression, patted Adonis on the shoulder lightly, and said to him as he walked: "If you talk about diplomatic ability, a hundred I can't compare to you, but, you are not a businessman after all, and I am, so if you talk about the ability to corrupt money, hehe, no one in Loren's world can compare to me, huh!"

"His Royal Highness is considerate," Adonis, who knew Wang Xu was comforting himself, after a wry smile for a while, persuaded Wang Xu with a serious expression: "That Ansil is really stubborn. He likes head-to-head negotiations. Need an idea!"

"Thank you for reminding, I know, yes, you will also follow the negotiation tomorrow morning, and bring all your staff. In terms of numbers, we definitely have to crush them!" After walking to the door of the city hall, Wang Xu finally He ordered Adonis.

"I understand, Your Highness, don't worry!" Yadunis nodded in response.

"Okay, I'll go now, you are busy..." After smiling and saluting, Wang Xu turned and left, leaving behind the melancholy Adonis, still standing straight by the gate of the city hall, watching Wang Xu go away.

"You are the king we really admire in our hearts, hey..." After whispering to the distant back of Wang Xu, Yadunis slowly turned around and walked into the city hall.

At 2:30 the next morning, in the clear and cloudless night sky, apart from the blue and purple moon, there were only gleaming stars.

Although under the light of moon and stars, the space in the hill city is not a situation where you can’t see your fingers, but it is accompanied by the sound of cold wind passing by and the trembling of leaves. , And the empty connection, the hill city at this moment is still very scary.

Suddenly, a group of dark shadows, dragging "heavy" steps, appeared at the entrance of the avenue leading to the city hall. This group of less than ten people was a negotiation team sent by the mermaid tribe. .

Although Wang Xu's request was for Yadunis to wake them up at three o'clock, Yadunis, who learned Wang Xu's tricks, woke them up at half past two.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the moment they are doing it, like sleepwalking, they can't even walk in a straight line, they can only move forward in "wind and twists".

"Is that Adonis insane? Someone negotiated at three in the morning. He is a night owl, we are not!" A subordinate in Andorra grumbled with pain.

"Keep it down," After glaring at the complaining subordinate, Andorra snorted towards the front of the team, where two Adonis subordinates were leading them, "Whether it will negotiate, early Leaving early after the talk, what the **** is this **** place, all I eat is greens, and my mouth still smells like carrots, it’s disgusting!"

As he said, Andorra yawned in tears, "Ah..."

Suddenly, through tears, Andorra glanced at it, and a building in front suddenly lit up. At the door of the building, there was a figure that he knew well...


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