Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Whose routine is deep

"Friends of the mermaid, please come in..." Adonis, who had been waiting for a long time, stood at the door of the brightly lit city hall with a face of spring breeze. After glanced at the painful mermaid negotiation team in front of him, he was right. Wang Xu’s admiration has reached the point where he can’t add to it, and he kept admiring in his heart: His Royal Highness is still great, and he can come up with this kind of damage. Just the half-dream and half-awake people in front of him, let alone negotiations, can speak completely. That's not bad. At this moment, they can have half of their usual "combat power".

"Master Adonis," Ansil, who was dozed with tears in his eyes, walked to the side of Adonis, mocking him: "We are all in the diplomatic business, and we are all professionals. If you come to this set, there is a loss. Identity!"

"Excuse me, Master Ansil, I did not tell you to negotiate so late, but our Sixth Prince asked to do so, and, after an insincere apology, Yadunis whispered to Ansil. Fact: "This negotiation is not for me to talk to you. It is our Royal Highness Mario who personally talked with your team. After all, your prince was personally caught by our prince. It depends on whether you can get someone. I can't persuade our prince."

"It's him, Mario Wharton..." For Wang Xu, who has been in the limelight recently, Ansil is still a little scared, but he has been a diplomat for hundreds of years and still has a set of methods to stabilize his emotions. Yes, he couldn't help comforting himself in his heart: Mario Wharton is only strong, diplomacy, he knows a fart, as long as I use a little trick, I don't believe that he is not suitable!

"Yes, this time, our Majesty Mario will talk to you." After smiling and nodding, Yadunis stretched out his hand to greet the mermaid negotiating team and said: "Let's go in and talk again, it's pretty cold outside!"

"Okay," After sighing, Ansil turned to greet his subordinates: "Go in..."

Under the guidance of Adonis, Ansil’s negotiating team took the lead in entering the conference hall. After they sat behind one of the two opposite negotiating tables, Adonis spoke again: “I’m going to inform. Her Royal Highness..."

After speaking, Ansil was not given a chance to reply, and Adonis, who was standing at the door, disappeared.

As soon as Adonis left, Ansil and his men were miserable. They didn't know that Wang Xu would come at four o'clock, and it was less than three o'clock now.

Therefore, the hour from three o'clock to four o'clock has become the most painful hour of Ansir's life. They are constantly fighting with their drowsiness, and they dare not really fall asleep. After all, If it is known that the diplomatic envoys are asleep at the negotiating table, will they still have the face to continue this after that?

Of course, within this hour, Ansil was also constantly sending his subordinates out to urge, but the only answer they got was: His Royal Highness is still dealing with other things, and he will come over immediately.

Finally, when the hand of the wall clock pointed to four o'clock exactly, Wang Xu entered the venue. In addition to his staff Zana, Mya and Helen, there were also Yadunis and a dozen of his men.

Of course, this negotiation was led by Wang Xu, and Adonis and the others were just for the occasion.

"You are Lord Ansil, I'm sorry, you have been waiting for a long time." After Biadonis apologized more insincerely, Wang Xu smirked and irritated Ansil and said: "You know, I There are too many women around and it’s hard to deal with, so as soon as I got my women, I came over immediately!"

After listening to Wang Xu's "apology", Ansil was instantly choked with anger, and he scolded in his heart: I thought you were so busy and never came. It turned out to be playing with a woman, you...

Finally, after working hard for a long time, Ansil swallowed the anger, gritted his teeth and greeted Wang Xu: "It's okay...Since your Highness is here, then... let's talk..."

"It's almost morning. Are you and your subordinates hungry? Or, let's have breakfast first and talk afterwards..." For Ansil who was already very impatient, Wang Xu continued to stimulate him and wanted to see him Will it directly "explode".

However, Wang Xu’s intention to watch the good show did not come true. After all, Ansir is an experienced old diplomat. He resisted Wang Xu’s two psychological attacks and did not mean to explode: “No, we are under the emperor’s order and responsibility. It's important, but work is the most important thing!"

"Oh, so...do you mind, let's talk to you while we are eating..." Wang Xu continued to toss Ansil endlessly.

"No...mind!" Although the three words "don't mind" were said on his mouth, the anger in Ansil's heart burned to his chin, and it was about to burn his face. At this time, He cursed Wang Xu in his heart and said: You little bastard, you can't have a face, first cover me so that we have no food, and then you eat by yourself, let us see, you...

"Papa..." After two palms, the Good family, who was already waiting at the door, brought the big fish and meat prepared in advance to Wang Xu's table, plate by plate, and Andorra Their long table is still empty.

"That..." After taking a bite of braised turkey legs, Wang Xu, who was sitting on the negotiating table opposite Ansil and the others, said: "Your condition, Master Yadunis told me, my The attitude is that I will not accept any of them. My condition is to sign a thousand-year peace agreement and pay 10 million gold coins. You will not only release the captives of our elves, but also the captives of the cat people, the naga sea and the tauren people. , I'm going to be released, I just ask for that, you think about it..."

After speaking, Wang Xu raised his eyebrows towards Andorra, suggesting that he could speak.

"Impossible!" Andorra, who was originally tossed by Wang Xu, was very angry~www.wuxiaspot.com~, after listening to the exchange terms proposed by Wang Xu, finally couldn't hold back and exploded: "We don't want your request. Will agree, even if we lose a prince, we will not shame the entire race."

"Okay, then, don't talk about it. I want to tell you something, that is, this..." Wang Xu pointed his finger and sat on his left side, wearing a black warlock cloak and black scarf mask. Miao said to Andorra, "It’s a friend from the Naga Sea Clan. She is willing to give you the conditions I just proposed. I remember that the Mermaid Clan and the Naga Sea Clan are deadly enemies in the endless sea. The Naga Sea Clan captured the prince of the Mermaid Clan, wow, your emperor should be very upset, he is upset, you..."

Before Wang Xu's words were finished, Miao, the Naga Sea God-level Array Mage, quietly uncovered the black kerchief on his face, and also took off the hood on his head, revealing her standard Naga Sea beauty. The appearance.

Looking at the wonderful appearance, Ansil believed 90% of what Wang Xu said just now. Even if he was an old diplomat, he panicked at this moment...


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