Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Divide the spoils afterwards

"I'm a person who does things. It is very time-sensitive. Therefore, I only wait for you for six days. If you do not fulfill the contractual conditions after six days, then I will treat you as a breach of contract. Of course, I I'm not joking, and I'm not just talking about it. I will record these in the contract..." Wang Xu said his request.

The reason why Wang Xu limited the performance of the contract to six days is because he felt that if there was no time limit in this matter, the other party would definitely be dragged. When would it be a head, so... …

"No problem, sign a contract..." Ansil, who didn't want to stay here any longer, didn't even think about what Wang Xu intended to do, and directly agreed to Wang Xu's request.

"Well, Master Yadunis, the contract is written..." After a slight smile, Wang Xu turned his head and glanced at Yadunis who had been writing the contract, and asked softly.

"Okay, Your Highness..." Yadunis stopped the quill in his hand and replied to Wang Xu.

"Then give the contract to Master Ansil, let Master Ansil see if there are any problems..." Wang Xu ordered Adonis.

Following Wang Xu’s order, Adonis handed the contract in his hand to one of his subordinates, along with the quill pen he used to write the contract. The subordinate took the two things around to the long table opposite, gently Put the contract in front of Ansil.

After holding the contract two or three times uncomfortably, Ansil, who did not see any problems, put down the contract and took out a snow-white pearl material square seal, which was printed on the same snow-white leather contract. .

"Take it away..." After the seal was printed, Ansil angrily ordered the subordinate Adonis at the table to take the contract.

After the contract was taken back by Adonis's men, Wang Xu glanced at the seal on the contract. He found that there were two rows of mermaid characters like painted symbols on the blood-red mark, which he could not understand at all. .

Just when Wang Xu was about to ask Ansir what mark this was, Miao quietly patted Wang Xu’s leg under the table, and told Wang Xu in consciousness with a sound transmission: “This is the king seal of the mermaid. The imprint of the highest level in their place is not fake. Don't worry!"

After getting a sure answer from Miao, Wang Xu raised his eyebrows with satisfaction, put away the contract, and then said: "Master Ansil, now that we have reached an agreement, let’s celebrate, Goode, serve. !"

After receiving Wang Xu's suggestion, Goode and his family put on a long table in front of Ansir and them with a feast of fish and meat like Wang Xu's table.

At this time, Ansil and his subordinates, who were exposed to the atmosphere, ignored the etiquette, shook off their arms and ate and drank. After eating and drinking, they didn’t even say hello, so they patted their butts and left. , Wang Xu, who was watching, were stunned.

"Wow, your Highness, do you dare to say that you don't understand diplomacy? You are simply the **** of diplomacy. You see that you angered Ansil, he forgot even the basic diplomatic etiquette, hahaha..." Ansil As soon as he left, Adonis praised Wang Xu with a cheerful expression: "I have been fighting Ansil for hundreds of years. I have never seen him so decadent before. It's so cool..."

"You can't say that," Wang Xu, who was also grinning, said politely: "This time, we will occupy the right place, the right place, and the harmony of people, so that we can kill them without leaving them. Next time, there will be no such good luck. Up."

"Next time, hehe, I guess, this is the last time Ansil has been to another country. After such a face-saving person, after suffering such a terrible defeat, it is estimated that he will have no face to continue to be deputy foreign minister, huh... "Adonis took a rare schadenfreude. From the comfortable expression on his body when he said this, Wang Xu could see that in the past, Adonis must have suffered from Ansil.

"That's the best," Wang Xu leaned softly on the back of the chair and whispered after he replied to Yadunis indifferently, "This time, everyone did a good job. They got 60 million gold coins, Yadu. Nice, you take six million gold coins, ten of your subordinates, three million per person, everyone, do you have any comments?"

"His Royal Highness, you caught the second prince of the mermaid tribe, and you discussed the negotiation. Therefore, the money is yours. You don't need to share it with us. We are ashamed!" Yadunis was polite Having said that, at the same time, his subordinates also nodded one after another, expressing their agreement with their boss.

"As I said, I will not treat my subordinates badly. As long as I have a job, the money will not be less. Since you have no objection, then this matter will be handled as I just said. It's late at night, let it go, I have to go home to sleep, you know, I have a lot of women..." Wang Xu raised his eyebrows at Adonis and the others after a "wretched" smile.

"Haha," After listening to Wang Xu's words, Adonis and his subordinates smiled awkwardly. Then, Adonis got up and hinted to his subordinates humanely: "We won't bother your highness, although we had a fulfilling life this morning, But we are also tired, so we can get a good night's sleep at home!"

"Let's go..." The people who can work under the wise Adonis are not stupid people. After receiving the boss's hint, everyone got up and left. In less than 30 seconds, the city hall meeting room was still in full swing. Only Wang Xu and his three women were left.

"The three ladies have worked hard too. One person has six million gold coins. Are you okay?" After the outsiders were gone, Wang Xu asked Zana's three daughters back.

"Give me money again. You only gave us 10 million gold coins yesterday, and today you gave another 6 million gold coins. Is it too much?" Helen replied with a slightly "painful" expression on Wang Xu One sentence.

"No, you all have opinions about giving you money..." Wang Xu replied dubiously to Helen's complaint.

"I don't hate money, but you give too much. The money I have now will not be spent in my entire life. It is enough to buy a country on the second floor of the abyss. You pay it back!" Helen continued to complain. Tao.

"This time... Helen and I didn't seem to help you much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You gave us all the money you want. After all, if she hadn't cooperated with you, the negotiation would not be so good. The effect!" Zana also felt a little vomiting because of the money, so she led the "disaster" to Miao.

"Okay..." After listening to Zana's opinion, Wang Xu focused his attention on Miao and said in a low voice: "Soon, we will receive a lot of Naga Sea captives from the Mermaid tribe, and release them. It is impossible for them, but they are not willing to accept the management of foreigners. Therefore, the important task of managing them is left to you. However, management always needs money, so I will give you 18 million. The management expenses of gold coins are necessary in order for the prisoners who have suffered for a long time to live better."

"Okay..." After listening to Wang Xu's great theory, Miao accepted the "management fee" Wang Xu imposed on him.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, in the round table meeting room of the city hall, the senior officials of the elves gathered again...


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