Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 804: Craziest opponent

Of course, because this meeting was about major personnel changes in Hill City, the three human tribes, the core of power in Hill City, were also invited to participate.

However, compared to the elves with a population of three or four million in the city, the total number of three or four thousand in the human race is really not enough. However, as the true natives and meritorious races of Hill City, they are absolutely qualified to participate. Come to this major meeting.

This time, the round table in the city hall meeting room was filled with the sinking bottom. A total of forty or fifty people came. In addition to the three patriarchs of the human race, there were more than a dozen elven officials present. , Every elven clan official present is a core manager in the hill city or even within the elven clan. Most of them are outstanding talents personally promoted by Wang Xu, and they are the backbone of the future elven clan revival!

Apart from the change in number, the biggest difference between this meeting and the one a few days ago is that it is no longer Wang Xu who sits at the main seat of the round table, but Downs Wharton, and Wang Xu, Sitting on the right hand side of Towns Wharton, on the other side, there was Kai Wharton who took the initiative to join in the fun without him.

"Hey..." he slapped his hands, and after the whole meeting was quiet, Wang Xu said: "This time, it is the King's intention to call everyone. The purpose of this meeting is for me. To announce the will of His Majesty the King..."

After glanced at everyone around the round table, turned his head to look at each other, and nodded at the same time, Wang Xu continued to preach: "His Majesty the King has restored His Highness Downs Wharton's status as an elf prince. , Starting today, he will once again become the second prince of our elves, applaud..."

"Papa......" Although they were reluctant, due to Wang Xu's face, all the officials present still clapped in a coping manner. Embarrassingly, the applause was sparse, and fifty or sixty people clapped. The voice was not as loud as Wang Xu's clapping alone.

Tangs Wharton, who had expected this kind of treatment for a long time, faced such a situation, the general's style was full, he just smiled slightly, without any dissatisfaction on his face.

And Wang Xu, after looking at Towns Wharton, shook his head with a wry smile, once again cast his sights on the officials, and said: "His Majesty the King also appointed His Highness Downs as the Lord of the North, and at the same time His Royal Highness Downs also promised that he would be willing to guard the northern border for a hundred years to make up for his achievements!"

"Om..." Before Wang Xu's words were finished, there was a strange sound like a swarm of flies moving. Obviously, those officials had very opinions on this appointment.

"If you have anything to say, just spread it out, don't mutter underneath, okay, let's talk first?" Wang Xu, who hates this kind of "fly sound", shouted loudly.

However, after Wang Xu finished roaring, the strange sound of "Om, Om, Om..." immediately stopped. Obviously, they only dared to mutter underneath, and did not dare to face to face Tangs, who might inherit the throne in the future. ·Wharton.

"Well, if no one speaks, just listen to me," Wang Xu, after turning aside the corner of his right mouth impatiently, continued: "His Majesty the King also has a promise to the Lord of the North, that is, as long as the Lord of the North His Majesty has fulfilled his promise to guard the northern frontier for one hundred years. Then, His Majesty will establish His Royal Highness the Lord of the North as the Crown Prince!"

After saying this, Wang Xu glanced at the officials present. He found that this time, the gang of "flies" stopped muttering. Obviously, they were afraid. If they muttered again and were named by themselves, it would be miserable. ...

"We all know that the crown prince is the city lord of the capital, so today, I am going to hand over the position of the lord of the hill city to His Highness Downs Wharton. However, because His Highness will go to the north to guard for a hundred years, so In the past hundred years, I will temporarily act as the lord of the city. A hundred years later, when His Royal Highness returns, he will personally take charge of the hill city!" Wang Xu explained the most important thing for today's meeting.

"I don't agree!" Suddenly, just as Wang Xu's voice fell, a sharp female voice, like a heavy hammer, exploded on everyone's eardrums in the conference hall!

"Who?" After realizing that someone dared to veto his decision face-to-face, Wang Xu widened his eyes, stared at the place where the female voice came from, and let out a low growl.

Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting round table in his sight, a white mist suddenly rose up. After five or six seconds, the mist became thicker and thicker, and gradually gathered into a ball of water. Then, the ball of water began to expand and expand. Became the appearance of a woman.

"Luna, what are you doing?" After seeing that it was Luna's avatar, Wang Xu immediately complained about himself frantically.

The so-called wise man must have lost his thoughts, Wang Xu was misguided, although, before this meeting, he thought he had greeted everyone at the meeting, and even gave a briefing to give all the contradictions. This meeting was held after the settlement.

However, he forgot to notify one of the most difficult people, that is the crazy woman Luna. Now, the consequences of not notifying her in advance are coming, no, this crazy woman is here to make trouble!

"I don't agree with him becoming the new crown prince!" Luna was more direct and directly explained her purpose.

"This is an order from His Majesty the King. If you disagree, then you can talk to His Majesty the King about this..." Wang Xu intends to throw the black pot to the Elf King.

"Hmph, do you think I haven't found your father before? He said, he asked me to come and find you. He also said that this matter is dominated by you and he was not involved at all..." Luna didn't look at it. Seeing what kind of occasion this is, directly began to "break the news".

After listening to Luna’s "revelation", Wang Xu cursed the Elf King in his heart: Dad, you are worse than me. You started it earlier than me, so I just dumped a black pot and let me carry it. I really convinced you...

"That~www.wuxiaspot.com~Luna, do you think I can decide this kind of crown prince? There is nothing to do with me, I just came to convey the decision of His Majesty the King That's it..." Wang Xu, who was helpless with Luna's kind of crazy character, knew that he couldn't persuade her because she was a lunatic.

Instead of making her crazy here, it is better to persuade her to leave. Just take advantage of this crazy woman's departure and finish the meeting by herself. From now on, there will be nothing wrong with her. If she makes trouble again, she can only go and make trouble. Downs Wharton.

"No matter what you say, don't forget, it was Towns Wharton who took the snowy orcs and destroyed our former home. I will never allow such people to become the new elf king!" Luna shouted coldly. .

"That..." Just when Wang Xu was distressed about how to get Luna away, Towns Wharton took the initiative to speak: "God Luna, can we talk privately..."


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