Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Difficult mad woman

After listening to Luna’s idea of ​​contributing beautiful women to the Elf King, allowing the Elf King to have more children, waiting for those new royal descendants to grow up, and then choosing outstanding talents to become the new crown prince, in an instant, Wang Xuyou Kind of dumbfounding feeling.

Everyone knows that there is never a shortage of beautiful women around the Elf King, and the Elf King is also a prolific sower. His number of heirs has exceeded 70. Among the large group of Elf Kings, he can really take a shot. Yes, that is, the three giants of the Wharton family. The others, who can't make it to the table at all, are rich second-generation, parasite-like figures.

There may be many reasons for this situation, but one of the reasons that Wang Xu recognizes most is that the gene of the Elf King is not good, so the inheritance of the children is not good, because the gene of the Elf King itself is Lazy, greedy and stupid three in one, so his descendants basically inherited one of his three stupid points more or less, all of them are quite "useless".

However, there are many children who have genetic mutations. In Wang Xu’s view, the Wharton family’s Big Three, including himself, are the products of genetic mutations. At least, those who do not inherit the Elf King Fault.

"I said, Luna Dafa, do you know how many children your Majesty the King has now?" After organizing the language, Wang Xu asked Luna.

"Thirty?" Luna frowned slightly after listening to Wang Xu's question.

"Seventy!" Although the actual number of people was more than seventy, considering the face of the Elf King, Wang Xu took the initiative to help him cut a lot.

"So much..." After listening to the shrunk data, Luna still raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Do you know how many women are there around our King?" After seeing Luna's horrified expression and knowing that her words had achieved the expected effect, Wang Xu asked her again.

"One hundred?" According to the number of Elf Prince heirs, Luna guessed another statistic, but this time, Luna answered very hesitantly. Obviously, she didn’t have the statistic she guessed. Confidence.

"Four hundred!" Wang Xu gave the real answer with a wry smile.

"Ah..." After hearing this answer, as Wang Xu expected, Luna was directly stunned by the bluff, and her mouth slowly opened uncontrollably, showing a standard stunned look. .

"Luna Dafa God, Your Majesty the King already has 400 beauties by his side. Do you think that even if you look for some more beauties for the Elf King, can they compete with the existing 400 people? The probability of being alone is too high. Lowered..." After shaking his head and sighing, Wang Xu continued: "Furthermore, I have so many brothers and sisters. Today, only me, Kay Wharton and Tangs The three of Wharton, based on this situation, even if the Elf King gave birth to a few more children, the chance of having a good child in the future is basically zero!"

"Hmm..." Even though Luna had not studied genetics, she felt that what Wang Xu said was reasonable after a long time.

After discovering that Luna’s mentality had begun to fluctuate a bit, Wang Xu continued to persuade him: "I said Luna Dafa God, you always only care about the tree of life and divine power, and you don’t interfere with secular things. Yes, for worldly things like the establishment of a crown prince, you should just leave it alone and just do what my Majesty and I want. You also know that nowadays, the only available talent in the royal family is Tangs Waugh. Stop it!"

"What if he has a problem again, you said, I am the one who manages the sacred tree, don't forget, how the last sacred tree was destroyed, it was not because of Towns Wharton!" Luna Always entangled in this matter.

"Or else," Wang Xu, who was so helpless by Luna's paranoia, promised with his chest patting: "If there is another problem with Towns Wharton, I will deal with him personally, but if there is an ulterior motive. Deliberately designed to make him have problems, then I don't care..."

"Do you think I would deliberately target him?" After listening to Wang Xu's promise, Luna felt that the so-called "ulterior motives" in Wang Xu's mouth were talking about herself, so she asked Wang Xu unhappy.

"Who knows?" Wang Xu replied after spreading his hands indifferently.

"Huh!" After an unhappy cold snort again, Luna asked Wang Xu in a cold voice: "Even if the person with ulterior motives does not appear in your mouth, if there really is something wrong with Towns Wharton, even if he is caught by you. Dealt with it, then, how will the trouble he caused end up?"

"I'm here to close, it's the head office..." Wang Xu promised again.

"This is what you said..." Luna stared at Wang Xu's eyes and continued to say coldly.

"I'm doing errands, don't worry..." After listening to Luna's last sentence, Wang Xu understood that she was finally convinced by himself.

After secretly breathing a sigh of relief, Wang Xu sighed with emotion. In order to persuade her, he did not know how many brain cells died. If Luna is not the goddess of the elves, the patron saint of the sacred tree, or the symbol of the elves, so you can't defile it at will , I beat her up after a violent beating, so why bother with her for so long.

"I agree with the fact that Downs Wharton is temporarily the crown prince, but once a better descendant of the royal family appears, then I will immediately abolish him..." Luna said fiercely.

"However, if there is no such person as you said, if Towns Wharton becomes the new king, then you can't abolish the king?" Wang Xu warned Luna and told her not to "play." "It's too much.

"Huh! You go..." She didn't even mean to respond to Wang Xu's warning at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Luna sent off the guests directly.

Looking at Luna's rascal attitude, Wang Xu, who was really helpless to her, could only leave after a wry smile and shook his head.

After Wang Xu left, Tong En, who was sitting next to Luna, coaxed Luna with pity: "If you are not happy, don't do it. Come with me to the Creation Tower to pursue the limit of power. , There is nothing to worry about."

"This... I'll talk about it later, I'm still waiting for my son's arrival..." Luna sighed faintly. The son in her mouth was the Great Demon King Zaguna.

"Ah, could it be that you are so persistent in opposing Tangs Wharton becoming the crown prince, not because of his traitor status, but..." Tong En frowned and asked, obviously, she is an old friend of Luna , Know who Luna’s child is.

"Of course it's not what you think. Although Zaku is quite capable, he doesn't have royal bloodliness. He can't be the elf king. I waited for him to prevent him from bringing us the elf clan. The catastrophe coming..." After Luna sighed, she slowly raised her head, looked at Tong En faintly, and faintly said a bold statement...

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