Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 807: The Return of the Remnants

"Or, I will sacrifice to seduce the Elf King, have a baby with him, and then..." Luna said with a flash of light in her eyes, her eyes flashing constantly, with a sickly excitement mood.

After listening to Luna's bold thoughts, Tong En, who has always been overwhelmed with joy and anger, was also completely stunned.

After half a minute of slowing down, Tong En trembles his head slightly and said with emotion: "Just do what you want. I can also see that under this sky, there is nothing you dare not do..."

"So, you think my approach is right..." Luna replied to Tong En very seriously. Her words can clearly show that the idea she just said was not a joke.

"Just do what you do, I'm tired, go to rest..." Tong En, who was dazzled by Luna's absurd thoughts, was too lazy to persuade Luna, got up and left the room, just Luna was left to continue to figure out how to "tempt" the Elf King.

At the same time, in the round table meeting room in the city hall, Luna's current avatar that was standing in the center of the conference table has disappeared at this moment. Just as the current avatar disappeared, Wang Xu also teleported back. On his seat.

"Why did you persuade Luna, that woman is not easy to deal with?" As soon as Wang Xu came back, Downs Wharton whispered in Wang Xu's ear.

"How could we persuade her, just to stabilize her temporarily, in the future, you have to be cautious and then more cautious, but she told me that you should be careful if you stare at you anytime and anywhere in the future!" Wang Xu moderated "Remind" Towns Wharton.

"She won't kill me?" Towns Wharton asked Wang Xu half-jokingly. Although Towns Wharton's voice was very relaxed when questioning, Wang Xu still noticed in his eyes. There was a trace of worry.

"As long as you don't die, she won't do it, you can...Don't die..." When Wang Xu replied, he added an accent to the word "killing" and said the word twice. .

"I understand..." After nodding lightly, Towns Wharton replied Wang Xu with a serious expression.

Finally, without Luna, the strongest opposition force, the meeting "successfully" ended. This meeting of less than two hours gave Wang Xu a sense of exhaustion. He didn't sleep all night for a while. When he returned to his home, he fell asleep and slept all day.

In the early morning three days later, the Thirty Thousand Allied Forces of the Iwens, Baker and Dunn families and the Janissaries guarding the north finally arrived at Hill City.

Wang Xu, who greeted the triumphant return of his troops at the gate of the city, found that the 30,000 "militias" of his three major families, after the experience in the north, had become a bit of a regular army. The guards were much stronger.

As for the return of the Guards, Wang Xu was a little surprised. The reason why Wang Xu was surprised was not because of the great increase in the combat effectiveness of the Guards. The real reason was that the number of the Guards increased greatly. , Almost doubled.

After asking the commander of the Imperial Guard, Wang Xu learned that on his way back, the Imperial Guard continued to absorb the remnants of the former soldiers who had been defeated earlier. In the end, the number of the Imperial Guard increased from 300,000 at the time of departure. , Has increased to more than half a million people, almost double the number.

Although the number of returning guards has doubled, none of them will be homeless after entering the city. At this time, Hill City, although only one-third of the interior area is covered by the building, , It is huge and yet to be completed. It is already a huge city that can accommodate more than five million people. In addition, the current city has a total of only three million people. Even if it is filled with 600,000 people, the distance The number of people fully loaded is still far away.

So, it took a whole day, under the busyness of the genius Yaheng Baker and his subordinates, everyone in the Imperial Guard or Wang Xu’s private army had their own residence. Of course, Those who have already married and their family members have been allocated a house can just go home without having to allocate a new house to them.

As for the people of the Aiwens, Dunn and Baker families who were very close to Wang Xu, they lived directly in the southwest corner of the city, across the street from Wang Xu's bronze city lord mansion.

In the evening, Wang Xu held a banquet in the banquet hall of the Bronze City Lord’s Mansion to celebrate the return of the acclaimed couple Berg Baker, Rebecca Dunn, and Yuli Iwens of the Iwans family Of course, the three big families have been invited by Wang Xu, and the performance of Yaheng Baker, the "tide-maker" at the banquet, made the whole banquet an unprecedented grand occasion.

In the middle part of the banquet, Berg Baker publicly announced his engagement with Rebecca Dunn. This made Rebecca’s sister Afrah happy. She who didn’t drink much, because she was too happy to drink That's too much, so when the banquet was halfway through, she was carried away to sleep.

At the end of the banquet, Wang Xu also announced publicly that he would reward each soldier in the three major families with 10,000 gold coins. The three generals, Yuri Iwans, Berg Baker and Rebecca, each had 30 gold coins. Ten thousand gold coins.

In the end, a celebration banquet for the guests and the host was successfully concluded under Wang Xu's "spending money".

The next day, perhaps because of the return of the armed forces in his hand, the Elf King, who has always liked to stay in the palace and molested his sister, went out to stroll.

He led a squad of tens of thousands of guards in the hill city that was still under construction. He had lunch at Wang Xu’s, which made Wang Xu had to spend a lot of money to cover a street. The restaurant invited the 10,000 guards of the Elf King to eat. The direct loss of this meal was about 20,000 gold coins.

After another two days, it was time for the mermaid tribe to promise to exchange hostages. Just after noon, Wang Xu, who was standing on the gate of the city gate, saw a group of men and horses coming towards the hill city from a distance. There are no less than 10,000 people in that team. UU reading www. uukahnshu.com

The spies of the Imperial Guard in the city had long sent information back. Among the more than 10,000 people in the distance, only about 1,000 were spearmen of the mermaid tribe. The remaining nearly 10,000 were exchanged for mermaid. A captive of Archibald, the second prince of the clan.

Among so many captives, there were more than 7,000 captives of the Nagahai tribe alone, more than double the total population of the human race in the hill city.

Of course, the Elf King, who had recently gained "empowerment", also came to participate in this prisoner exchange ceremony. Looking at the captive army from afar, the Elf King who felt that Beier had face turned green with excitement.

Because the Elf King was here, Wang Xu's brothers and sisters also followed. They also felt that this was an eternal prisoner exchange ceremony, so they were all dressed up.

While looking at the army of captives still "wriggling" from the corner of the light, Wang Xu quietly discussed the details of receiving the captives with Adonis and Yaheng Baker beside him.

Suddenly, Wang Xu's cheeks were wetted by the sudden "liquid". He thought he had been squirting, and he had a hygienic disorder, and instantly became angry. Turning his head, he was about to kill the drool that dirty his face... …

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