Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 808: A good job is worse than a good marriage

Just turned his head and was about to "punish" Wang Xu, who was slobbering, he was "stunned" to discover that it was not saliva but tears that sprayed his face.

At this moment and here, the Naga Sea God-level Array Mage Miao, who has always been emotionally stable, without emotion, and like a robot, burst into tears.

Entrained by the "squally wind" blowing over the gates of the city, the tears gleaming on Miao's face, like tiny diamonds, filled the air under the bright sun.

On the whole, Miao, who was originally mature and stable, exudes a weak and pitiful girlish feeling from her body language at this moment, and Wang Xu is also a little heartbroken.

However, it is estimated that at this moment, among all the men on the city gate, only Wang Xu feels pitiful. As for the others, after seeing Miao crying, they are more gloating in their hearts. After all, All the men on the city gate are members of the elven clan, and the **** enmity between the wood elves and the naga sea clan will never change because of a woman's crying.

"What are you crying? All the captives of the Nagahai clan have been released. You should be happy!" Wang Xu, who couldn't stand the woman crying all the time, moved to Miao's side and whispered in order to divert Miao's attention. I asked her in her ear, "Are there any acquaintances among those prisoners?"

"Hmm..." After listening to Wang Xu's question, Miao was successfully distracted by him and nodded in response, "Most of them are my former subordinates. It is enough to survive the cruel and **** war. Explain that they are not simple characters anymore."

"Isn't it simple for those who became prisoners after surrendering?" Wang Xu joked casually.

"You..." Under Wang Xu's joke, Miao was choked directly, and a slightly angry expression appeared on her face. At this moment, she didn't even mean to keep crying. After a few seconds of delay, Wang Xu bitterly complained: "Can't you just tell the unpleasant truth?"

"Isn't he still talking about this?" Helen, who was standing next to Miao, helped his good sister, stunned Wang Xu.

"Faithful words against one's ears, faithful words against one's ears..." I felt that in addition to Helen and Miao, the other women present also wanted to join the ranks of his own. Wang Xu hurriedly used his divine skill of changing the topic and said to Miao, "You Husband, I’m great, I can trade one person for more than 10,000 people, hehe!"

"I think that the number of my people captured by the Mermaid tribe should not be so small, this is less than 10,000 people..." After listening to Wang Xu's words, he shook his head in doubt and questioned.

"It should be that much. Don’t forget. The captive exchange contract signed by the Mermaid tribe with me is written in black and white. All the prisoners of the Naga Sea tribe will be exchanged for their prince. Moreover, the contract is covered. The seal of their royal family, if they breach the contract, then they will have to deal with the **** of contract who came to the door..." Wang Xu, who heard the wonderful and knotty, untied her knot with one sentence.

"Well...I was suspicious. I just thought about it carefully and felt that those people should be all the tribesmen captured by the mermaid tribe. Although we have been fighting with the merman tribe for millions of years, we The number of prisoners between the two races shouldn’t be too many. Hey... the war between dead enemies is too cruel. Either you die or I die. It’s hard to become a prisoner..." After listening to Wang Xu’s analysis , Miao Youyou said with emotion.

"War is like this, it's the same everywhere..." Helen also sighed with the wonderful emotion. From this sentence, everyone at the scene heard that the war she experienced in the abyss, maybe, More cruel than Loren's world, even a hundred times more cruel.

"By the way, the group of Nagahai captives who came here in a while should be slaves. After all, captives who did not want to be slaves must have been killed." After Miaohua stopped crying, Wang Xu began to talk to him. She said on the matter: "Since they are slaves, when they are exchanged for prisoners, the mermaid will send their slave contract together. I plan to take the opportunity to restore their freedom to ease the lower elves and the naga. The relationship between the sea clan, after all, everyone is a native of the world of Loren, why bother to kill each other..."

"You are going to let them go..." I don't know whether he was moved by Wang Xu or frightened by Wang Xu. After hearing that Wang Xu was about to let go of all his people, Miao burst into tears again and raised her hand to shake Holds Wang Xu's arm, the tighter the grip.

"If you cry again, I will take back the plan just now, and at the same time, I will give all the captives of the Naga Sea Clan as gifts to the great nobles in the Elven Clan, so that they can continue their dark and boundless slave life..." Miao cried again, Wang Xu "threat" Miao Dao half-jokingly.

"I don't cry, I don't cry anymore..." After listening to Wang Xu's "threat" words, Miao quickly put her head on Wang Xu's shoulder and wiped away her tears severely. However, she held Wang Xu's arm. But her hand tightened. Obviously, she was still very emotional.

"Let go, it hurts..." A glance at Miao's sea-blue "claws" with five centimeters long nails, Wang Xu raised his other arm and patted the back of Miao's hand lightly.

To be honest, even if Miao’s strength increased tenfold, it would be difficult for her to hurt Wang Xu, who has a god-level fighting spirit bodyguard. The reason why Wang Xu let her let go was because Wang Xu discovered that the sleeves on her arms were already It was cut to pieces by the wonderful "sharp claws"~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It would be too embarrassing to change prisoners in this bad clothes.

"Hmm..." After realizing that she had cut Wang Xu's sleeves, Miao quickly released her hands and smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry..."

"Remember to pay for my clothes..." Before he could say anything, Wang Xu teleported away. Five seconds later, Wang Xu, who had changed into a new warlock cloak, teleported back.

"Well, I will make you a new dress myself..." Miao took Wang Xu's joke seriously, and promised to make Wang Xu a new dress with a serious expression. After making the promise, Miao continued her emotions: "Hey ...As the strongest person in the Naga Sea clan, I have exhausted my whole life to rescue those captured clan people, but I didn't realize it. I never thought that you did it..."

"Is it because you do it? What is the relationship between us, the couple, it's better to do a good job than to marry..." After hearing the self-pity attitude in the witty words, Wang Xu comforted her.

"Yeah..." I was very good at Wang Xu's coaxing. After listening to Wang Xu's comfort, she smiled and nodded and snorted. Then, she put away her smile and asked Wang Xu casually: "Why are there so many in me? Things that seem to be difficult to do, you can do so easily..."

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