Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 810: Something happened again

"That ancient book is an ancient book I read in my hometown, not something of this world. After all, when I came, I brought nothing, so..." After an apologetic smile, Wang Xu comforted Zana. Said: "However, I have memorized all the contents of that ancient book, and if I take the time, I will write the contents of the book to you..."

"Okay..." Zana, who was still disappointed after hearing Wang Xu's first sentence, was immediately relieved after hearing Wang Xu's last sentence. At the same time, she was also moved by Wang Xu's meticulousness and Thoughtful, rare sweet pursed smile.

Just as Wang Xu was about to continue his topic, a long horn sound of "Woo..." drummed from a distance. Wang Xu turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound. The thousand mermaid army suddenly raised countless flags embroidered with their royal flags.

The mermaid **** brigade held the flag and played music about 500 meters away from the city gate. When they held the flag and played the music, their progress stopped. Obviously, they planned to perform the prisoner exchange ceremony there.

Wang Xu knew very well the intention of the mermaid **** team to stop there and not enter the city. They must be thinking: entering the city, in the presence of millions of wood elves, it is too hurt to use tens of thousands of prisoners to replace one person. It saves face. Instead of getting embarrassed after entering the city, it is better to get everything done outside the city, and then leave. In this way, at least you can save a little face and not...

Just as Wang Xu was thinking about whether to ask the mermaid to **** the team into the city, a group of three or five guards cavalry rushed out from the gate of the city and rushed towards the mermaid team. This team, yes The elf king sent it out, obviously, they were to execute the elf king's orders.

When the troops sent by the Elf King came into contact with the **** team of the Mermaid tribe, the **** team of the Mermaid tribe immediately rioted, and the sound of quarrelling, with the breeze, quickly drifted to the ears of Wang Xu and others on the wall.

Although the distance was still far away, Wang Xu couldn't hear what they were arguing about, but from their body language, Wang Xu could see that the group of people, the command of the Elf King executed, must be the **** of the mermaid clan. The team entered the city to exchange prisoners.

"Aren't you going to take care of it, that's all quarreling..." Worried that something might happen, he turned his head and asked Wang Xu.

"I'm hesitating whether to take care of this..." Wang Xu, with a slightly tangled expression on his face, lowered his eyes to think, and replied in a low voice: "Actually, the problem I really struggled with is accepting the mermaid. The clan’s intention is to exchange prisoners outside the city, or according to the intention of the Elf King, let those people enter the city to exchange prisoners..."

"Looking at the attitude of the mermaid clan spearmen at this time, it is estimated that it is impossible to enter the city. If you use a strong word, I am afraid that they will hurt the prisoners..." Miao said what she was most worried about.

Among the people on the wall, Miao's mood was the most worried at this moment. She was even worried to the point of restlessness. After all, eighty to ninety percent of the prisoners were Naga Sea. People of the clan, in case that group of mermaid clan spearmen get anxious and start to kill the captives, the unlucky ones are also from the Nagahai clan.

Just when Wang Xu was going to take a look and stabilize the situation first, he listened to, "Da, da, da..." a hooves of horses rang, and I saw that another group of Guards cavalry rushed from the city gate. Out, this team of cavalry is not just the three or five people just now. From the smoke that they brought up, Wang Xu roughly judged that they also had at least five or six thousand.

Seeing that, the cavalry rushed to the mermaid **** team, and immediately they surrounded the regiment of the thousand spearmen of the mermaid.

Obviously, the five to six thousand guards were also sent by the Elf King. Wang Xu guessed that the Elf King must have noticed that the first unit he sent out had failed in negotiations, so he used it directly. .

"Now it's okay, the mermaid spearmen are all surrounded, even if they want to make trouble..." Wang Xu shook his head and smiled bitterly while looking at the mermaid spearmen who were being seized in the distance.

"Is that okay?" Zana, who was standing on Wang Xu's right, looked at the "event" in the distance, and whispered: "It was originally a peaceful and free prisoner exchange ceremony, but now it has become a forced prisoner exchange. , The Elf King offends the mermaid tribe so much, he is not afraid of their revenge!

"No way, let alone the Elf King, it's me, I'm also hesitating whether we must let the fish clan enter the city to exchange prisoners. After all, if they enter the city and exchange prisoners with us, there will be too many benefits, not only can immediately inspire the city The morale of the people, together with it, can also stimulate the spies of other forces in the Dark Mountain Range who are operating in the city. By the way, it shocks the morale of those spies who are located, so that they dare not act rashly against Hill City..." Wang Xuyou said quietly I didn't have a reason to prevent this from happening.

"But, there are many disadvantages to doing this..." After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Zana shook her head slightly, and then objected: "This will destroy the integrity of the elves first. Increase the defensive heart of other races who want to be close to the elves; secondly, this will offend the mermaid tribe. Although the mermaid and the elves have signed a peace treaty, this peace treaty will not restrict other races. Will not restrict the mermaid tribe to squeeze other races against the elves."

"I know all of this..." After listening to Zana's analysis ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wang Xu sighed slightly and said in a low voice, "It's because there are great advantages and disadvantages in doing this, so , I can’t make up my mind, but now, someone has already made my decision for me. Since the Elf King has already done everything, it’s a fait accompli Captured..."

"How to solve the mermaid's revenge?" Nilu, who was standing on the other side of Wang Xu, turned her head and asked Wang Xu in a crisp voice.

"Well...in a moment, I will talk to the mermaid group. I will put the blame for this matter on the Elf King alone, and let them hate the Elf King instead of our Elves. The best I can achieve is that the mermaid only hates the Elf King, and only takes revenge on the Elf King, and does not involve others. In this case, this matter will not have a big impact on our Elves!" I don't want to wipe the **** for the Elf King, but this is related to the future destiny of the Elves, and Wang Xu has to do it.

However, Wang Xu also decided that since this matter was done by the Elf King, all the costs should be borne by the Elf King himself. If he was slaughtered by the Mermaid Clan, it would happen that Towns Wharton took the position in advance... …

"Wow, wow, wow..." Just as Wang Xu was thinking about how to negotiate with the mermaid clan, there was a burst of cheers in the city...

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