Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Alex

Hearing the bursts of cheers, even if Wang Xu had not seen the scene with his own eyes at the moment, he knew what had happened. It must be the people in the city who saw the prisoner-changing team and thought that without knowing why Those captives were captured by His Majesty the King, so...

After walking along the nearly 20-meter-wide city wall to the other side of the top of the city wall, Wang Xu looked down and saw that the situation below was similar to what he had guessed. The one who walked in front of the prisoners was the guards. Surrounded by the elf king.

At this moment, the Elf King with a smile like a flower, holding the reins on the back of the Unicorn Queen in one hand, and waving his hand to the surrounding people with one hand raised above the eyebrows. At this moment, the Elf King appeared as if he really grasped Many prisoners of war returned in triumph.

"Aren't you going to release those foreign captives, but now, the Elf King regards those prisoners of war as his own trophies, how can you release them..." After a glance at the very ugly face, Zana took Miao. Questions that I didn't dare to ask and didn't want to ask were raised to Wang Xu.

"It’s the Elf King’s business to love or not to show off. It’s my business to release the captives. Even if the captives are released, they will slap the Elf King fiercely. The future of the elves!" As soon as Zana's words fell, Wang Xu made a firm decision without hesitation for even a second.

"Thanks...Thanks..." I was worried that Wang Xu would compromise. After listening to Wang Xu's serious promise, her heart hanging in her throat was swallowed back into her stomach. .

"Let's go..." After raising his hand and gently patting Miao's shoulder, Wang Xu waved his hand and told his women: "Go and do what we should do. Don't let the Elf King mess about... …"

After speaking, Wang Xu led his women down the city wall, and in an instant, he followed the guard team that was watching the mermaid spearmen.

To be honest, Wang Xu’s eye-catching ability is even stronger than that of the captives. After all, it is rare to see a group of people wearing a uniform black warlock cloak and black scarf in the city. With a faint suffocation, he knew that they weren't a group of provocative masters.

After sending away the five or six thousand guards, Wang Xu took the initiative to walk to an old mermaid man who seemed to be in charge, and asked him in a low voice, "Are you the leader here?"

"Yeah..." The old mermaid man with a deep anger on his face nodded and snorted, which was regarded as a response to Wang Xu. Then he shut up. In such an angry situation, the old man still Being able to respond, this already shows that he is a good-tempered person.

"Um... introduce yourself, this is Mario Wharton, what do you call it, Lord Ansil did not come?" I glanced at all the mermaid fighters around who had their weapons confiscated and found that they were all After being very angry, Wang Xu shook his head slightly, and asked the old mermaid man next to him.

"You're Mario Wharton, how did you do it? Didn't we discuss it. Peaceful exchange of prisoners? Is this situation a peaceful exchange of prisoners? What do you mean? Do you want to lock us up as prisoners? ......" After hearing the negotiator of the other side, he found the old man of the mermaid who was complaining, his mouth was like a firecracker, "Da, da, da..." complaints were endless.

"First of all, I apologize, this is our fault, and second, I am not making excuses now..." After an apologetic nod, Wang Xu continued to explain: "Originally, we had arranged a peaceful exchange of prisoners. Everything has been done, there is no such thing as the Elf King in it. I think Master Ansil has also told you about this. However, the new situation now is that the Elf King suddenly finds this matter interesting, so he comes in. Kongzi, I was caught off guard..."

"Ansil, the old immortal..." For some reason, the old mermaid suddenly scolded Ansil. After the cursing, he muttered bitterly: "No wonder he immediately quit his job after he went back and went home for retirement. It turns out that the exchange of prisoners this time was a trap, and he pitted me miserably."

"It’s not that serious. You also know that the person in charge of the elves is me now, not the elven king. The elven king is only a nominal king, and I am the actual king. Therefore, as a real authority, I always tell you Assure that the ceremony of changing prisoners is still peaceful, we will take what we need..." Wang Xu patted his chest and made a promise to the mermaid old man, "Of course, I will give you the grievances you suffered here today. Compensation with your subordinates..."

"The words count..." Regarding Wang Xu's promise, the mermaid elder didn't dare to believe it all, so he squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Xu's face, hoping to make a judgment after watching Wang Xu's next response.

"I am Mario Wharton, my reputation is well known in the world, do you think I need to lie to you?" After seeing the questioning expression on the face of the old mermaid, Wang Xu smiled bitterly. One sentence.

"Well, just by your reputation, I believe you once. By the way, my name is Alex. I think you should have heard my name. I am the foreign minister of the mermaid tribe, and I am Ansir Miscellaneous superior..." Mermaid Foreign Minister Alex introduced himself to Wang Xu.

After listening to the self-introduction of Alex, the old man of the mermaid tribe, Wang Xu was surprised that he turned out to be the minister of foreign affairs of the mermaid tribe. Before that, when Wang Xu managed to get this old man in just a few words~www.wuxiaspot. com~Wang Xu thought that this old man was a little man who was not on the stage. He did not expect that he was a big man...

"I think you are full of extravagance. You belong to the mermaid king today..." Wang Xu suspects that this old mermaid man named Alex is in high position by nepotism, and he does not have any ability himself. He belongs to high officials and low energy. , So Wang Xu casually tested him.

"Oh, you can see it, Her Highness has good eyesight. I am the half-brother of the king today. We are both members of the royal family, but I am the mermaid royal family and you are the elf royal family!" As expected, Li Shi was only a third-rate character, and in an instant, he was tested out by Wang Xu.

"Wow, you are so old. As a royal family, you personally took risks to exchange prisoners for your nephew. This is really a great achievement that can be recorded in the annals of history..." Li Shi's words, but Wang Xu despised him very much in his heart, and even Wang Xu began to figure out whether he could make a fuss from this old trash and pick something for the mermaid tribe.

"Hmm...you guessed it, as long as I..." After half of the words, Alex looked around vigilantly, and only after he noticed that the people around him were far away, he lowered his voice. Continue to say: "I'll tell you this alone, don't tell others..."

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