Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 813: Matilda

"This is Matilda, my most trusted subordinate. Now, she is the leader of the captives..." Miao raised her finger and introduced the petite female Naga Sea-Monster Empress she brought.

"Matilda, this is my husband, the sixth prince of the wood elves-Mario Wharton..." After introducing Matilda to Wang Xu, Miao introduced Wang Xu to her once again. Matilda, the most trusted subordinate.

Hearing that the goddess of his race, the God-level Array Mage Miao, had been captured for hundreds of years after marrying the six princes of the wood elves, Matilda, whose information in his mind had been out of touch with the world, was stunned. Then, softly asked, "My lord, is our race reconciled with the elves?"

"This..." I don't know how to explain it. She dared not look straight into Matilda's eyes. She was ashamed and thought: Am I going to tell Matilda that I am a slave now? I was still taken prisoner by the wood elves, and even now, I am still a little willing...

"Matilda, right?" After seeing the embarrassed expression on Miao's face, Wang Xu immediately relieved her, stretched out his right hand towards Matilda, and accosted: "My name is Mario Woo. Now, you can call me Wang Xu. This is my stage name. As for the question you just asked, I will answer..."

After shook hands with Matilda, Wang Xu continued: "The relationship between our wood elves and your Naga Sea tribe has not been reconciled, it has even worsened. As for the worse, part of the reason is Because I married the goddess of your race, Miao, but the power of love can surpass hatred and race, you...can understand..."

"My lord... have you... betrayed our race?" After listening to the explanation given by Wang Xu, Matilda turned her head to look at Mya with a shocked expression, noticing that Myo was avoiding her gaze. Later, Matilda "cuckled..." and sobbed with tears: "Did you... abandon us..."

"What is betrayal?" Wang Xu said after knowing that Miao's situation at the moment is unable to defend herself. "It is because she married me, so even though the relationship between us and the Nagahai clan has worsened. , However, the possibility of a war has become lower. With her, I will not take the initiative to fight with the Naga Sea Clan. It is also because you Naga Sea Clan lost her. Therefore, you are dealing with us. She will also be more cautious about this issue of war. Therefore, her marrying me is a great merit for the benefit of the two races. What kind of betrayal is..."

Wang Xu Huyou Matilda’s large passage is all sophistry, and its credibility is very low. However, because he used the current situation between the two races as an example to illustrate his rhetoric, so listen It's also like that. At this moment, only Wang Xu who said this thing knows best. Just now, what he said was bullshit.

Although some **** sounds a bit reasonable, it is obviously not enough to persuade people. Just like Matilda at this moment, she is obviously not convinced by Wang Xu’s bullshit. After listening to Wang Xu’s After remarks, her gaze constantly moved from side to side on Wang Xu and Miao's face. She saw the ashamed look on Miao's face. She suspected that Miao at this moment could no longer be regarded as a member of her clan.

"Hey..." After sighing, Matilda looked up at Wang Xu and asked in a low voice, "His Royal Highness Prince Mario, what can you do with me?"

From Matilda’s words, it was cleverly heard that the subordinate she once trusted the most was no longer willing to talk to herself. Obviously, she was convinced of the fact that she had betrayed the Naga Sea Clan. .

Because the entire team of prisoners was still advancing slowly, Miao, downcast, out of guilt, slowed down, and soon she was overwhelmed by the team behind.

"Hey..." Wang Xu sighed after a glance at the queen behind him. Then, after taking a deep breath, he adjusted his mentality and said to Matilda, "I call you Here, I want to tell you that, after a while, after the prisoner exchange ceremony, I will release you..."

"Why..." Wang Xu was interrupted by Matilda with a look of astonishment before Wang Xu's words were finished.

"Because, I want to use this move to show goodwill to the Nagahai Clan and temporarily end unnecessary disputes between the two clans. We are all smart people. We all know that if we continue to fight like this, it will be no good for anyone... "Wang Xu explained his reasons for releasing the prisoners.

"What you said is not the real reason..." Matilda deserves to be a general in the past, she is not stupid, she heard from the word "temporary" that the reason is not king. The real reason for the truce.

"It's the real reason, but I haven't finished it yet," Wang Xu, who was heard about the flaw, explained with an awkward smile, "You can't fail with the invasion of Loren by the demons. You know, of course the Naga Sea can help the Demon Race against us, but when we are eliminated, the Demon Race’s next target should be you. You can’t avoid it. I think, it’s better In this way, you should not intervene in the war between us and the Demon Race for the time being. After we lose both, you will take action. At that time, maybe you can clean up both us and the Demon Race."

"Don't our Naga Sea Clan worry that you unite with the Demon Clan to deal with us?" After listening to Wang Xu's so-called "complete" reason ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Matilda questioned Wang Xu.

"Do you think it's possible, we are wood elves, and the Demon Race will cooperate with us?" After listening to Matilda's questioning, Wang Xu stared at her with rounded eyes, and asked her back.

"Oh... and yes... you are the mortal enemy of the Demon Race..." Matilda realized that she had asked a silly question, and after shook her head slightly, she continued: "Then I understand what you mean, but I I'm just a small person, not to mention that I've been a small person captured for hundreds of years, and the senior members of the clan should have forgotten me..."

"I just asked you to help me release goodwill. I never thought of asking you to help me persuade you high-level Naga Sea clan, yes," he glanced ahead and found that there was still some way to go from the square in front of the palace. Wang Xu instructed Matilda: "After a while, you help me ask your subordinates, how many people are willing to leave, and how many are willing to stay here to live?"

"Will anyone want to stay?" After listening to Wang Xu's instructions, Matilda was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "This is the capital of our deadly enemy Wood Elf!"

"Do you think there will be no..." Looking at Matilda's uncommon expression, Wang Xu said with a disdainful face...

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