Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 814: It's him again

"What do you want to say?" Matilda, who felt that Wang Xu was deliberately talking nonsense, frowned slightly, and asked Wang Xu with a pout.

"Among you, not every one of you became a prisoner only after you were defeated and captured, right? There are some who became prisoners after surrendering," Wang Xu whispered, squinting at Matilda's slightly angry expression. She said: "Those who surrendered and become captives are still willing to go back? Not necessarily. If they go back, then they will inevitably suffer the contempt of their own people and even revenge. Therefore, in comparison, instead of going back and being despised by their relatives, It's better to stay and be despised by the enemy, don't you think?"

"Hmm..." After listening to Wang Xu's words, Matilda, who originally thought Wang Xu was talking nonsense, was completely silent. After nodding lightly, Matilda thought for twenty or thirty seconds. Then he asked Wang Xu with a worried expression: "If, what I said is if, some of my people really want to live here, can you guarantee their safety, here... but the wood elves' Capital, our relationship with your wood elves is mortal enemy..."

"I will let those who stayed work under Miao. Miao is my wife. If you bully her people, you will offend me. Do you think anyone in the city dares to offend me casually?" Wang Xu is frank. Replied.

"Okay..." Looking at the sincere expression on Wang Xu's face, Matilda nodded and promised: "I will help you ask now to see who wants to stay..."

"Thanks..." After saying a word of thanks, just as Wang Xu was about to relax and chat with his women for a while, Afrah walked over from the front of the team with a nervous expression.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Afrah's serious expression, Wang Xu immediately understood that something must have happened. As for what happened, you can only find out by asking.

"Just now, the shadow told me secretly," after reaching for Wang Xu's side, Afrau said to Wang Xu with a sound transmission talisman in consciousness: "The Elf King intends to kill all the captives of the Naga Sea Clan. In the square in front of the palace!"

"What does he want to do?" The Naga Sea God-level Array Mage Miao, who was originally hiding in the team behind and avoiding Matilda, rushed over after receiving the report from Afra, and stared at him. Wang Xu roared.

"Don't panic, I will communicate with the Elf King. Don’t worry, I am here..." Wang Xu, who realized the seriousness of the situation, quickly comforted him. At this moment, Wang Xu knew very well that if the Elf The king really dare to take action against the captives of the Naga Sea Clan, then, even if he is dead, Miao will assassinate the Elf King, being chased by a god-level mage, even if he is the Elf King heavily guarded. , It's unpleasant, even, maybe, the Elf King...

"That will never happen. I will go to communicate with the Elf King now, you will wait here first..." After saying that, Wang Xu was about to teleport away, but suddenly, Wang Xu's shoulder was caught. I was caught, if Wang Xu hadn't reacted quickly and didn't really launch the teleporting magic, otherwise, if he stopped the teleporting magic so forcefully, he would definitely be backlashed by the magic.

"Yeah..." Wang Xu, who wanted to violently beat the man who was supporting his shoulders and almost getting himself backed by magic, turned his head and found that "Problem" was the queen, Wang Xu was about to explode in anger. It went out in an instant, and then he asked softly, "What else is there?"

"If the Elf King disagrees with your idea, insist on killing my people!" Miao told Wang Xu the worst situation she could think of, and asked Wang Xu anxiously: "If it happens What solution do you have in that situation?"

"Then I will personally **** your people to ensure that they leave safely..." Wang Xu said toward Miao Bao.

"What about the consequences..." Miao reminded Wang Xu that if he did what he just said, then he might face very serious consequences, and even he might become a traitor to the Elves.

"No matter what the consequences are, I will bear it with all my strength. It's okay. Don't worry, Elf King. How can it be so difficult to deal with..." After gently patted the back of Miao, Wang Xu raised his hand and took Miao away The arm supporting his shoulder, then, he disappeared in a teleport.

Suddenly, Wang Xu appeared at the forefront of the entire team, frightening the guard guarding the Elf King. After seeing the standard dressing of Her Royal Highness, the guards were slightly flustered. Stabilized the formation and moved on.

After requesting a unicorn mount from the commander of the Imperial Guard and riding it on, Wang Xu patted his horse and came to the Elf King. In order not to reveal that he knew in advance that the Elf King wanted to kill the prisoners, Wang Xu’s first sentence Then~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just said my plan: "Your Majesty Father, in a while, I plan to release all the prisoners in the square in front of the palace. I hope you can announce this order..."

"What!" Before Wang Xu's words were finished, he was interrupted by the Elf King raising his hand. In an instant, the Elf King was angry. After groaning angrily, he snorted the king loudly and said: "Naga Sea Clan is Our mortal enemy, we finally got so many prisoners. Now that we got them, we have to make good use of them. I think the best way to use them is to kill them in front of the people. In this way, not only can it boost morale, but it can also deter the enemy, without any harm...

"You stay away..." After realizing that there might be a big dispute between the Elf King and Wang Xu, the commander of the Imperial Guard not far away quickly let his subordinates hide away. Hiding, he worried, if any of his ignorant people, if he hears something that shouldn't be heard, gets involved in him, then...

"His Majesty, I think the captives of the Naga Sea Clan cannot be killed. Although you can get some benefits by killing them, the slight benefits are too insignificant compared to the disadvantages." After a glance at the Guards who were afraid of being affected by the pond fish, Wang Xu analyzed to the Elf King: "If you really kill the prisoners of the Naga Sea clan, then, what will your reputation be in the future? You are the king of our elves. If you are called a captive killer, in the future, not only your face will be blank, but the reputation of our elves will also be stinking."

"This..." After listening to Wang Xu's words, the Elf King, who has always had the best face, began to hesitate.

"Also..." After seeing the Elf King hesitate, Wang Xu's confidence in persuading him became even stronger. "Think about it, if your murder of the prisoner spreads to the enemy, then, Times..."

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