Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Lime brother

After hearing the abrupt questioning, everyone turned their eyes to the direction of the sound, and saw that, in the distance of the bushes, stood a young humanoid young man dressed in peasant costumes.

He is probably in his early twenties, or he may be less than 20 years old. Anyway, he looks quite tender. He has black and shiny mid-length hair. Maybe it's because he hasn't been washed for a long time. The hair on his head is all They are glued together. Although there is no braid, his hairstyle looks like the dirty braids of an African youth and is very fashionable.

He is not tall, probably about the same as Kay Wharton. He is quite weak, unlike a farmer who does manual labor under the sun all day long. What Wang Xu feels is that he is less like a farmer, even though he is far away. His face was covered with mud marks, but his skin was delicate and pale, and he looked like someone who didn't work often.

"Who are you?" After plugging the map in his hand to Kay Wharton, Wang Xu walked slowly towards the young human race, spreading his hands, indicating that he had no intentions.

"I'm a farmer working here!" The young human race replied "very falsely" to Wang Xu, and after seeing Wang Xu walking towards him, he shouted: "Don't lean over..."

"Okay..." Listening to the young Human Race young man's shouting and seeing his wide-eyed surprised expression, Wang Xu first shook his head and gave a wry smile, then stopped his pace and asked him loudly: " How do you call it?"

"Um... Newton... By the way, you haven't answered me yet, who are you?" The young humanoid young man who claimed to be Newton, perhaps with a guilty conscience, asked with a stern voice.

"I don't need to answer you, because you are telling lies!" Wang Xu revealed the silly tricks of the human young man Newton with a smirk.

"You nonsense!" Newton, who was obviously not enough in the city mansion, was immediately anxious and shouted after being dismantled by Wang Xu.

"You said you are a farmer..." After looking at Newton casually up and down, Wang Xu continued to dismantle him: "Although you are wearing ordinary linen farm clothes, the shoes on your feet are wild horses. Leather. As far as I know, shoes made of wild horse leather are very expensive. I can buy a hundred sets of your clothes!"

"These...a pair of shoes...I picked it up..." Newton, who was more guilty, defended loudly and slowly backed away.

"Really, I picked it up, oh...you are so lucky..." Looking at Newton who put the word "guilty of heart" completely on his face, Wang Xu laughed and cried in his heart, and said to his heart: I said Brother Newton, you Is it necessary to answer my question? Is it necessary for you to argue with me? We are just meeting each other. You don’t want to answer my question. You can ignore me. Why is this...

"I'm lucky, what's up to you?" After listening to Wang Xu's irony, Newton, who thought he was right, used Wang Xu's irony as an excuse to refute it.

"Oh... Did you pick up your clothes? Didn't you find that your shirt is obviously two turns wider than your figure, and your pants are a bit narrow? If you say you like tights People, your shirt is too wide, if you are a person who likes to wear a wide robe and big sleeves, and your pants are too tight..." Wang Xu said to Newton with a smirk.

"I'm willing to wear this way, it's in your way..." Newton, who was seen through again, yelled at Wang Xu with a dodgy look in his eyes. He roared, his body slowly squatted down, and he was ready to turn and run away immediately. .

"I'm sure that all the clothes on your body are not yours, and you are not a farmer, because farmers work hard in the sun for a long time, their skin is healthy and bronze, their bodies are very strong, and you, Thin and thin, with pale and delicate skin, you are a person who doesn't see the sun often. Am I right?" Wang Xu continued to smirk and expose Newton's old bottom.

"What kind of person are you..." Newton, who was guessed by Wang Xu, his eyes rounded in fear, his body bowed lower, and his feet on the ground began to accumulate strength. Prepare to escape.

"It doesn't matter who I am, let me talk about you." After taking out his red sandalwood master chair and sitting down, Wang Xu raised Erlang's legs, glanced at Newton faintly, and said casually: "Look at your temperament. , You should be a fugitive nobleman, your profession should be an assassin, and your strength is not high-level, probably above the mid-level level, but what I don’t understand is that since you are an assassin, you should do things secretly. , Why did you speak up to let us know your existence?"

"Ha..." Newton, who was irritated by Wang Xu's analysis and dared not stay here anymore, let out a violent cry. Then, he raised his hand and sprinkled a handful of dry lime. Under the cover of the white smoke and dust, he leaned over. Hidden in the bushes that were waist-deep, quickly fled towards the bottom of the hill.

Different from his skinny image, he escaped quite fast, and within twenty seconds, he escaped under the hill.

Just when Newton was excited thinking that he had escaped a difficult time, he was shocked to see a figure blocking him, and that figure was the person who had just been sitting on the back chair and was talking to him.

"Hi..." There was another violent drink, and Newton made another trick. He sprinkled a handful of lime, and then he was about to jump into the river next to him and escape.

However, this time, his escape plan failed again. In an instant, he felt that his arms and legs were locked at the same time. After the lime smoke cleared, Newton saw and locked himself. The arms and legs turned out to be two alchemy puppets.

"Let's go, go back to the mountain and continue to answer my questions, haha..." After a glance at Newton, Wang Xu smiled slightly, and then he disappeared in place with a teleport, and Newton was caught by the two. The alchemy puppet returned to the top of the hill again.

After a glance at the fake farmer who was brought up~www.wuxiaspot.com~Kay Wharton asked Wang Xu incomprehensibly: "We have so many things, what are you doing with a kid like this?"

"I think you need someone to lead the way, and that guy, although he is a weak assassin, he should know all the secret trails around here. With his lead, you should be able to make it easier. Arrived in the Griffin Kingdom!" Wang Xu whispered back to Kai Wharton.

"I'm the one who often leads the war. As long as I read all the maps, I will remember them. Do I still need to lead the way? I have already seen the map you gave me. We are located in the south of the King's Capital City. On the side, it's not too far from the border, and it can be there in ten days..." Kai Wharton, who felt a little underestimated, retorted uncomfortably.

Before Kay Wharton could finish complaining, Wang Xu patted him on the shoulder with a "pop..." and smiled bitterly: "You need to lead the way, really..."


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