Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 823: Turned out to be a fellow

"I know that you have a grudge against the Temple Kingdom, and I also know that you have dealt with them, and they may also be wanting you, but I have no grudges with them. They don’t have to embarrass me. I don’t understand why I should So careful?" Kay Wharton asked Wang Xu puzzledly.

"Then I'll give you some grounds, brother, listen carefully." After taking out a pine chair and letting Kay Wharton sit down, Wang Xu also slowly returned to his red sandalwood armchair. He said quietly: "I came here half a year ago. I bombed the palace of the Temple Kingdom. I don’t know how they discovered me. However, they are looking for a half-elf recently, that’s me. , And the two of us are brothers, they look alike, don’t you want to take the blame for me..."

"You... bombed the palace..." After listening to Wang Xu's story, Kay Wharton was bounced off the chair by the bluff, and then he stared down at Wang Xu, carrying An unbelievable expression exclaimed: "You are so amazing, the revenge is so thorough, you do that, they want you all over the world, it should be..."

"So, if you don't want to carry my scapegoat, be careful. You'd better find someone to lead the way. Besides, my grudges haven't been reported yet. Maybe I'll be here again in a few days. You..." Wang Xu smiled and answered Kai Wharton.

"Well, you are really good..." After shook his head helplessly, Kay Wharton sank back into the chair.

"You..." After bringing in the two alchemy puppets with Newton's limbs, Wang Xu threatened Newton who was still struggling in a low voice: "You don't want to die, then, it's best to answer me honestly. Question, as long as you show me that you are lying, then you will be broken immediately, just like the puppet in my hand!"

As he said, Wang Xu tore a little scarecrow in his hand.

"I said, I said, don't kill me..." After seeing the broken scarecrow, Newton, who felt the same way, cried, crying and begging for mercy.

"You took the initiative to show up in front of these two or three hundred of us, do you want to kill or grab something?" Wang Xu asked Newton this question again.

"I never thought about killing. I found that there are a lot of people here. I thought it was a caravan. I want to join you and be a mercenary..." Newton, who was carried in the air, burst into tears. Cried.

"Oh... it seems that you are really a fugitive aristocrat. What did you commit to escape by hiding your identity? Is it treason?" Wang Xu asked Newton curiously.

"Rebellion, um, I was indeed framed as rebellion, that...I...I am not from the Temple Kingdom, I am from the Griffin Kingdom. After our king disappears, all nobles who do not support the king’s two adopted children will I was framed as treason by them, and my family is the same!" Newton cried.

"Oh..." I didn't expect to meet the fellow Wang Xu here. After raising his hand to let the two alchemy puppets put Newton down, he continued, "I put you down instead of letting you go. There are many questions for you. You'd better answer them. I think you know that you can't escape... Right?"

"I know, I know, you ask... right..." Originally, Newton was still standing, and in order to show his cooperative attitude, he sat down directly with his legs crossed.

"You said that you were chased by the two adopted sons of the King of the Griffin Kingdom. You also said that your entire family was being chased down, but, how do you look at it, you are all alone. What about your other tribesmen? Don't tell me, they are all dead?" Wang Xu, who was satisfied with Newton's attitude, moved out a back chair and let him sit down, and continued to ask.

"We escaped as a family, but we fled separately. Some fled north and some fled south. I am one of the tribes who fled north. A month ago, ours The group of people was killed, and now, I don't know how many of us are still alive?" As he said, Newton sighed lightly.

"Where are you going to escape?" Kay Wharton asked Newton suddenly.

"I originally planned to go to the northern grasslands, but when I fled to the Temple Kingdom, I found that the borders here were blocked and it was difficult to go out. Therefore, I wanted to be a mercenary temporarily to support myself, anyway. , I have escaped from the realm of Griffin Kingdom, and I am temporarily safe..." Newton replied in a low voice.

"Have you never thought about revenge?" Kay Wharton asked Newton casually.

"Ah...revenge...how to repay, my family was expelled by the future king, am I going back to seek revenge from the king?" Newton really didn't know how to answer this question from Kay Wharton.

"Didn't you say that it was your king's adopted son who cleaned your family? Wouldn't you ask your king's own son to come back to inherit the throne and avenge you?" Kay Wharton asked Newton casually.

"Our king has no heirs. The only remaining blood of our royal family is still in the Eastern Continent. I heard that there is also a war there, who knows them..." Newton sighed with loneliness in his eyes.

"Don't you have some strength? Wouldn't you go and take back the last blood of your royal family? You flee so blindly, when are you a leader? It's better to do something useful so that you can get revenge. Chance!" Kay Wharton urged Newton to take revenge, while testing his loyalty to the royal family of the Griffin Kingdom.

"I... just me... are you talking about me..." After pointing to the tip of his nose and shouting three sentences, Newton looked directly into the eyes of Kay Wharton, and replied dumbly: "The truth is Tell me, Saint Sauron, the strongest mage of our Griffin Kingdom, went to search for it decades ago, and has not come back. A few years ago ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there was another team led by the great magician. The elite team led by the scholar has gone, but..."

"Okay," Wang Xu has no time to continue listening to the conversation between Kay Wharton and Newton. He has been here for too long. "Although this guy is a bit immature, his loyalty is still okay. , Can be used, can be trusted, with him leading the way, I am relieved, then I will go first, and I will meet again when I have a chance. Next time, you should be a king."

"Hmm..." After smiling and nodding at Wang Xu, Kay Wharton took out the pendant left by him and Wang Xu's mother from his own neck.

After glancing at Newton who was startled by the pendant, Wang Xu, who was holding the red sandalwood master chair, suddenly disappeared into a huge space crack.

As soon as he returned to his yard, before he had time to put away the teleportation formation, a voice came from behind Wang Xu: "You know how to build a transboundary teleportation formation..."


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