Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Parting words

After hearing the sudden voice of questioning, Wang Xu turned his head and found that it was Tong En who asked himself. After scanning the surrounding environment, he found that Tong En’s friend, the fairy goddess Luna, did not Did not appear here, Tong En came alone.

After putting away the space-based godhead crystal studded in the center of the cross-border teleportation array, Wang Xu greeted Tong En: “You are here, I remember, you seem to be a space-based god, right? Haven't built a transboundary teleportation array?"

"Of course not." After listening to Wang Xu's question, Tong En didn't look at Wang Xu, but looked up at the gradually shrinking spatial vortex after losing the power provided by the crystal of Godhead. "I am the law of the space system. The gods are true, but, who tells you, the magic **** of the space system knows how to build a cross-border teleportation array, and I am not an array wizard!

After listening to Tong En’s answer, Wang Xu, who realized that he had asked a silly question, nodded and smiled: "What you said makes sense, gourmets don’t necessarily know how to cook..."

"Cross-border Teleportation Array is the formation technique of the Titans. It was lost hundreds of thousands of years ago. Where did you learn this technique?" Tong En curiously asked Wang Xu: "Of course, you You don’t have to answer, I just ask casually."

"Learned from the dragon clan, you have also seen that there are 20 dragon girls around me. How close my relationship with the dragon clan is, no need to explain..." Wang Xu faintly responded. Thank you.

"Oh, that's right. I read the ancient books and said that the relationship between the Titans and the Dragons is the best. It is understandable that the Dragons have the skills of the Titans..." After listening to Wang Xu's explanation, Tong Eun talked to himself like a sudden realization.

"Is there anything else? I'm going to close the stall and go home to sleep..." Wang Xu knew that Tong En was attracted by the spatial energy released by the teleportation array. There must be nothing else, so he Opened to see off the guests.

"It's okay, are you busy..." After a glance at the densely packed women around the teleportation array, Tong En gave a clear smile and moved away.

When Tong En walked by, Wang Xu immediately greeted all his women, and the partners removed the cross-border teleportation formation on the ground...

After another night of "hard work", the next day, Wang Xu followed the Elf King to send off to Towns Wharton. This day was the day when Towns Wharton fulfilled his promise. He was going to take people to the north to guard the border.

This time, the Elf King also knew that it was difficult to guard the northern border, so he "gave a generous donation". He took away a total of 400,000 guards and made Tangs Wharton take away 100,000, and also let Don Walton recruited 200,000 migrant workers in the city. These 200,000 people went to the north to build defenses.

At noon, after finishing the order on the large square in front of the palace, Downs Wharton led the 300,000 people to set out. After the Elf King returned to the palace, Wang Xu sent a few miles away.

"I know that when it comes to fighting, you are better than me. So, do you have anything to teach me?" Towns Wharton, riding a giant unicorn and wearing a golden armor, turned to ask the king who was riding with him. He said: "It's best to be a clever trick, let me take revenge and hate..."

"What? In terms of war, we are only half a cat. There is not much difference. I have nothing to teach you." After shaking his head and smiling, Wang Xu continued to say to Downs Wharton, "But before we separate, I have I want to tell you a few things!"

"What's the matter?" After hearing that Wang Xu was not joking from Wang Xu's words, Tangs Wharton turned his head and asked Wang Xu.

"The first thing is, in a short while, I will go to the north. I will go deep into the enemy's forte and execute the beheading operation. In order to let the enemy's senior personnel gather together to participate in the burning ceremony, let me once Sexual beheading, you'd better not make trouble on the border. Once you cause trouble, some of them won't be able to go to the burning material ceremony!" Wang Xu reminded Tangs Wharton again.

"I know, don't worry, I only brought 300,000 people there. Among them, there will be 100,000 combatants, and the remaining 200,000 will be migrant workers. With this strength, even if I want to cause trouble Son, I don't have that ability!" Towns Wharton responded with a wry smile.

"The second thing is that the few people I gave you are not ordinary people. You'd better experience them more. In the future, when you become a king, they will all be your right-hand man, and they will all be able to stand alone. People!" After Wang Xu looked back at Rebecca, Berg Baker and Yuli Iwens behind him, he whispered to Towns Wharton.

"Well, you are right. Our elves are short of talent. Those few people are really good seedlings. I will experience them well. I also look forward to them becoming talents soon..." Towns Wharton nodded With emotion.

"The last thing, and the most critical thing, is that when my decapitation is successful, enemies who have lost command will immediately fall into chaos. At that time, you can take the opportunity to regain our hometown. Elf Forest, in that way, with your defense against the sky, no one will dare to say that you are not qualified to become the new king." Wang Xu solemnly said to Downs Wharton.

"This..." After listening to the third thing that Wang Xu said, Downs Wharton's performance was not as calm as when he heard the first two things. He hesitated a bit. Obviously, in his heart What is worrying about.

"I know you are worried about your family members who have fallen into the north. Don't worry, I will rescue your family members first, and then execute the beheading operation..." Seeing that Towns Wharton is worrying about something. Damn, calm his heart.

"Then it's okay, I'm responsible for taking back the Elf Forest. After all, it's because of me that we lost it..." After no worries, Downs Wharton regained his fierce eyes and curled his mouth. The cruel arc.

"With the Elf Forest as a strategic buffer zone, the hill city is safer..." Wang Xu sighed.

"Yes..." Towns Wharton interjected: "Getting back there, at least we can guarantee that we will have no worries for 500 years..."

"Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'm done with everything that should be said, I'm going back, you... be careful..." After giving a farewell gift to Towns Wharton, he nodded and did not wait for him to return. , Wang Xu turned the beast's head and went back.

"You..." Stopping the unicorn, looking back at Wang Xu's back, Towns Wharton muttered to himself with a complicated expression, "Be careful too..."

After that, Downs Wharton and his legion continued on the path of destiny.

The next day, Miao, who sent the Naga Sea Captive Army to the beach, came back, perhaps because she was too touched, so she tossed Wang Xu for a whole day, and the other women who provoke Wang Xu There are opinions.

In the evening, at dinner, in order to relieve the jealousy of the sisters, Miao took the initiative to open the topic: "You know, I was on the way back, did you hear any news..."


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