Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Important soldiers

The Elf King, who was originally disgusted with helping the Catren tribe and the Tauren tribe restore their territory, after seeing the two peace contracts full of flattery, suddenly, the old problem committed again, and he was sitting on the cloud.

Wang Xu, who was sitting next to the Elf King, saw the expression on the Elf King’s face transforming to a "nympho". In an instant, he felt relieved, because he knew that the two peace contracts were in "Click", the Elf King agreed 100%.

"Since the cat people and the tauren are so sincere," personally put the two "rolls of flattery" away, planning to take them out at any time in the future, after the eye addiction, the elf king once again cast his sights on Wang Xu, "Ao Jiao" He opened his mouth and said: "It's really not interesting if we don't help. It will damage our wood elves' reputation, so let's help them."

"Father King is kind!" Since the Elf King agreed to send troops and his goal was achieved, Wang Xu didn't mind giving more flattery to the Elf King: "Your good name will always be in the Elf race. Annals of History..."

"Ha, ha, ha..." After a proud smile, the Elf King asked Wang Xu with a grin, "How many soldiers and horses do you plan to bring?"

"I need one hundred thousand imperial guards and two hundred thousand civilian men, and I need your intelligence system to support!" Wang Xu made his request, the soldiers and horses he requested, and the men and horses brought by Downs Wharton. The number and type are exactly the same, the only difference is that his generals have followed Towns Wharton to the north, and now he has no soldiers.

However, Wang Xu is not too worried about the embarrassing state of the soldiers without generals, because he knows that this time, he cooperated with the tauren and cat people to send troops. There are no generals here. They have them. , The big deal, just hand people over to them.

"One hundred thousand imperial guards, two hundred thousand civilians, so many people..." Upon hearing that the total force demanded by Wang Xu reached 300,000, he was originally a calm spirit king, and committed a second old problem. I began to worry about gains and losses, and hesitated: "Do you really need so many people?"

"Yes, Father, you have also seen that the total population of the tauren tribe and the cat tribe outside the city is almost 200,000, just like that, they were beaten to take refuge in us, do you think , Don't bring more people, can you fight our enemies pigheads and kobolds?" Wang Xu replied helplessly to the elf king.

"Hundreds of years ago, I fought against pigheads and kobolds. They don't seem to be that strong..." The Elf King still didn't want to give Wang Xu 300,000 people, so he found another excuse.

"Hey... now and then, you know, all the races in this area of ​​the Dark Mountains are pigheads and kobolds who can eat, sleep, and live the most, although their individual combat power is indeed not enough. Look, but, they are amazing because they have a lot of people. Now, the information I get is that their total population has exceeded 10 million, which is twice our total population!" I knew how to deal with the Elf King’s Wang Xu, and immediately started to scare him. Although the data reported by Wang Xu sounds terrible, what is really terrifying is that what Wang Xu said turned out to be the truth. The population of Kobolds really exceeds 10 million.

"There are so many, ten million people!" Sure enough, after Wang Xu reported the accurate data, the Elf King was a little scared, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes. look.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Yaheng Baker, who has been in charge of the government recently, explained to Wang Xu in a timely manner: "The old minister has been in charge of government affairs here for more than two months. According to the information obtained by the old minister, the Dark Mountain East The total population of orcs on the side is estimated to be no less than 20 million people, of which the population of pig heads and kobolds account for half!"

"I'm worried, Your Majesty Father, hey..." Wang Xu said halfway and shut up. At the same time, he acted on an expression of bitterness and hatred, with a deep anxiety in his tone, obviously , Wang Xu did this, still intimidating the Elf King.

"What's wrong, what are you worried about, my child, Mario?" Sure enough, when he saw Wang Xu's expression of worrying about the country and the people, the Elf King didn't know what Wang Xu was worried about, but he was timid. He, inexplicably, is also worried.

"If we don’t consume the total population of Pigheads and Kobolds now, with their crazy reproductive ability, their population may double within ten years. Then, it will be even more difficult to deal with. They are!" Wang Xu told the Elf King what he was worried about, but this time, in order to scare the Elf King, Wang Xu said nonsense. He knew very well that even if the pigheads and kobolds usually do Don't do it, just give birth to children, it is impossible for the population to double in ten years, and doubling in fifty years will be considered fast.

Although Wang Xu’s words are a bit exaggerated, but the Elf King, who has never cared about foreigners, doesn’t know how pigheads and kobolds are to reproduce. Under Wang Xu’s flicker, he even felt that pigheads and kobolds Can a person give birth to one a day, or a bunch a day...

Seeing the Elf King’s expression was a bit awkward, and he had obviously been fooled by himself, Wang Xu continued his efforts: “As long as we can help the Tauren and Cat Clan regain their territories this time, we will consume the power of Pigheads and Kobolds in the future They did the heavy work of the people. In this way, we will not lose, and we can greatly reduce the population of pig heads and kobolds, killing two birds with one stone."

"Yeah..." After listening to the advanced version of Wang Xu's flicker~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Elf King actually nodded in approval, "By the way, Mario, do you know how many troops they have?"

"I know," Wang Xu replied after taking a deep breath, "Originally, they had a population of more than 10 million, and their total force was about 2.5 million. However, in the past few years, during my continuous blow Next, their military strength has been reduced by more than one million, and only about 1.5 million people are left. Don’t you remember. Two months ago, near the hill city, I eliminated 70 of them at once. Ten thousand people, if it weren't for the seven hundred thousand fewer, I would have doubled the strength of my troops!"

"The enemy's strength is more than 1.5 million. On our side, the total number of civilians is less than 500,000. There are no real combatants even 200,000. Can you fight them..." After listening to Wang Xu's After speaking, the Elf King asked bitterly.

"I can't fight hard, but..." After hearing the words of the Elf King, Wang Xu answered with a confident expression...


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