Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 829: Playing on the donkey

"Despite the large number of enemies, if you use terrain for defensive warfare, you can still deal with the enemy..." After hesitating for half a second, after considering whether to disclose some inside information to the Elf King, Wang Xu decided. Let me tell him something "predictable". He has been constrained by the province, "Our plan is to use a surprise attack on the enemy, before the enemy reacts, start the enemy away, and then immediately surround the newly occupied area. Build defensive settings and conduct defensive battles..."

After a pause, after taking a deep breath, Wang Xu continued: "After entering the defensive battle phase, we can more safely consume the enemy's vital power, and at this stage, our people are not prone to major losses! "

"It's a good idea, but..." The Elf King said halfway, then stopped. He seemed to have other ideas.

"What are you worried about?" Looking at the tangled expression of the Elf King, Wang Xu asked in a low voice. Although Wang Xu's emotions seemed very calm during the questioning, he was already feeling a little bit in his heart at this moment. The child became impatient, and said to his heart: Just such a little trouble, it took such a long time. The ancients are true. The character can really determine the destiny. For a person like the Elf King who suffers from gains and losses, his destiny can be good. Weird.

"Or, let's do it," After listening to Wang Xu's question, the Elf King "reluctantly" replied: "I will give you fifty thousand imperial guards, and then let you take one hundred thousand civilian husbands. There are fewer people going out and losses. Just less, right?"

"I don't think so, my father," Wang Xu, who was about to be tossed by the elf king's fickle character, suppressed the urge to flatten the elf king, clenched his fist secretly, and explained in a gentle tone. Said: "Actually, the more people we bring, the less the loss. Think about it, if we bring fewer people, if we are surrounded by the enemy, we don’t even have enough force to break through, and the entire army may be wiped out. , But, as we have more people, the enemy may not have the ability to surround us!"

"What you said makes sense, okay, let's go," Finally, the Elf King made a decision. "With a compromise between the two of us, the Guards are 50,000 people according to my requirements, and the civilians are according to your needs. One hundred thousand..."

Just when Wang Xu wanted to fight again, the Elf King used his third trick-tiredness, and said: "I'm tired, go back to rest, let's do this... "

After smirking at Wang Xu without a smile, the Elf King ignored Wang Xu’s half-opened, dumbfounded expression, got up and left, leaving only a table of embarrassing people and a more embarrassing Wang Xu. .

"I'll go!" After an uncomfortable scolding, Wang Xu turned his head and looked at the ministers on the conference table, and said: "Since your Majesty has made a final decision, then proceed according to His Majesty's decision. I just ask, how long Can you assemble 200,000 civilian husbands?"

"His Majesty Nulio," the Minister of Finance cried out after hearing Wang Xu's question, "Earlier, when His Highness Downs Wharton took away the two hundred thousand people, he had already spent all the remaining money in the treasury. Now, we no longer have money to hire civilian husbands..."

"This is not a problem. I will pay the money. You calculate how much money is needed. Report it to me later." After replying to the Minister of Finance, Wang Xu asked again: "Are there any other questions?"

"That... Your Royal Highness..." It was the Chancellor of Finance who said again, "Do you want to prepare the equipment for the people, or..."

"Their equipment is prepared by me. What's the problem?" Wang Xu was also helpless for this chancellor of finance who couldn't finish everything in one go. There is a real shortage of talents in the elves today. Excellent talents are at this bad level.

"No problem!" The chancellor replied, shaking his head.

"Can the assembly be finished tomorrow morning?" Wang Xu asked the ministers.

"Yes..." the ministers replied in unison.

"Okay, let's go and prepare separately," Wang Xu stared at the chancellor after he waved his hand at the ministers and ordered: "After I have set the budget, come to my manor to find me..."

"Yes, Her Royal Highness..." After replying to Wang Xu's sentence, the Minister of Finance, who was a little dull in all three aspects, followed the other ministers' **** and ran out of the conference hall.

After all the ministers had left, when only himself was left in the conference hall, Wang Xu vented all his sullenness with a stubborn fist, and rammed his fist on the Amethyst conference table.

Just listened, "Pala la..." there was a crisp sound, and I saw that the amethyst conference table turned into dust in the sky, shining brightly under the bright sunshine.

At the same time, the ground where the amethyst conference table is located is also recessed into a large circle with a radius of ten meters and a depth of three meters.

After hearing a big movement in the conference hall, the guards outside quickly rushed into the conference hall, but there was no one except a big pit inside...

Early the next morning, 50,000 guards and 200,000 civilians gathered outside the city gate. This time, because Wang Xu paid the money, and the money was enough, the morale of the civilians was generally better than that of following Downs. Those who Wharton went out were much taller, and they were all arrogant and arrogant, more fierce than the stubborn guards.

What’s more rare is that this time, it was the first time that Wang Xu’s entire family was dispatched, and even included the twenty extraordinary dragon girls. It can be said that only Wang Xu’s group of people’s combat power, No less than a hundred thousand elite soldiers of the Imperial Guard.

Moreover, Wang Xu had discussed with the twenty dragon girls, and they agreed not to harm the men in the coalition forces. At the same time, Wang Xu also provided a hundred snowfield half-orcs captives for the dragon girls in advance according to the content of the discussion. Our pastime.

After gathering the elven team, Wang Xu led the army through a canyon eastward, meeting with the tauren and cat people behind the canyon.

After passing the anger with the two little chiefs of the tauren tribe and the great chiefs of the cat people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang Xu knew that this time, they had also lost their money.

The combined population of the two tauren tribes is more than 60,000. After excluding the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, this time, they dispatched 50,000, almost all of them.

The cat people tribe played even more absolutely. They brought everyone out, not even the guards left behind. From this, it can be seen that they are planning a battle to determine the future fate of the race.

After the coalition forces moved eastward, all the commanders at the highest level were all concentrated in the oak wood caravan of the Chief Catman tribe. They sat around a round table with a map in the middle of the round table.

"This time, my plan is..." After glancing at the people around the silver cedar round table, Wang Xu said quietly...


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