Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 830: Enemy situation

"It is obviously unwise and undesirable to deal with the coalition of pigheads and kobolds with strength far above us. It is obviously unwise and undesirable to fight against this blind method. Therefore, I personally think that the best way to confront the enemy is - Use tricks!" This time, Wang Xu, who participated in the high-level meeting of the coalition forces, not only brought his three female staff officers Helen, Zana and Mya, but also the fox girl Molina.

Since the former territory of the fox girl Molina was near the hill city, and she had been a little brother under the pig heads and kobolds for a long time, so her understanding of the forces of the pig heads and kobolds is far from all here. Above people, so Wang Xu brought her.

Of course, as the communication bridge between Wang Xu and the cat people, the cat princess Angela, the cat woman Gilly, and Wang Xu’s "good brother" tauren Sanggu Shengho also participated in this strategy. , Big discussion on tactics.

"How to use it?" After listening to Wang Xu's "opening remarks", he stared at the cat chief Abel on the map on the table and asked Wang Xu in a serious tone.

"That's it, Chief Abel." After listening to his cheap father-in-law's question, Wang Xu slowly stretched out his right hand, pointed at the map, and replied in a low voice: "You have also seen the pigheads and kobolds. The occupied territory is located in a large river valley. Logically speaking, to deal with the enemies stationed in the valley, as long as we guard the valley mouth, we can trap them, but the problem is..."

After a bitter smile, Wang Xu continued to analyze in a low voice: "The area of ​​the valley is too big, there are many rivers in it, and there is more than one exit. It is almost impossible to trap them to death, plus , The other party has been stationed in that place for a long time, and many civilians have been moved there to live there. Therefore, there are only two ways to deal with them, or we can lead them out, or we can go in!"

"Huh..." After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, the tauren chieftain and Sanggu's uncle Adrian Holyhoof screamed angrily: "That place was originally our territory, now, huh..."

When he heard his uncle was angry, Sanggu, who has always heard that the wind is rain, also became angry, and shouted: "The pigs and dogs that kill a thousand knives! I must smash them all into pieces..."

After waiting quietly for Sanggu’s curse, Wang Xu said: “What’s worse is that the pigheads and kobolds also know the importance of the valley mouth, so they sent people to occupy the important land of the valley mouth. , If we want to deal with the enemies in the valley, at least we have to take down a Taniguchi first..."

As he said, Wang Xu raised his finger at the fox girl Jasmine, and introduced to the orc chiefs present: "This is Lord Jasmine. Her original territory was near the hill city. For a while, she was in Pigtou. Ren and Kotou had worked under him, but at that time, she was forced and suffered a lot of grievances. Now, she has abandoned the shadow to join us, and it is my woman. The power of humans is well understood. At this moment, let her tell us the details of the enemy!"

"Please say..." After listening to Wang Xu's bleaching introduction, Sanggu's father, chief of the Golden Oxhorn Tribe, Colby Sacred Hoof, said politely.

"You are polite." After learning Wang Xu's kind of fake polite Jasmine, after politely saying to Colby Shohoof, he said: "The number of pigheads and kobolds in that area is about four hundred in total. There are more than 10,000 people and less than 5 million people. Among them, there are more than 3 million pig heads and more than 1 million kobolds. The leader of the pig head is called Gedan, and the leader of the kobold is called Taofen!"

"No, such a bad name," Wang Xu, who felt a bit too depressive, said in a lively atmosphere: "One is called egg cutting and the other called manure. It's too disgusting, how are pigheads and kobolds? The name is too uneducated!"

"Ha, ha..." After listening to Wang Xu's ridicule about the names of the two leaders of the pighead and the kobold coalition, everyone in the room laughed, especially Sanggu, who burst into tears.

Seeing that the surrounding atmosphere had improved, Wang Xu raised his hand to motion to the smiling Molina and asked her to continue speaking.

"Don't think that cutting eggs and digging manure are their leaders," Molina learned Wang Xu's accent and changed the names of the leaders of the pigheads and kobolds. "But, they both don't have the ability to lead soldiers at all. The strength is also very poor. In fact, the real leadership core of the pig heads and the kobolds is the great wizard of the pig heads, Gu Lan. He is the younger brother of the egg cutting. I heard that he is a totem master of the holy order and has a very good grasp. The totem formation is quite difficult to deal with."

"Formation mage... very good..." After a slanting glance at the god-level formation mage Miao and Zana, the formation mad lover, Wang Xu said quietly: "It just so happens that we also have several formation mages here. Who is better..."

"Huh, huh..." After listening to Wang Xu's slightly agitated remarks, Miao coldly smiled, then turned to look at Zana, and asked: "Are you going to deal with him or me?"

"It's better for me to come," Zana took over the job without the slightest hesitation. "To deal with a holy-level formation mage, you don't need a god-level formation mage to take action. I'm afraid you will give it to him. Scared to death, then there is no fun..."

Since Zana has been studying the Necromancer’s ultimate book "Necromancer" in the past few months, the aura around her has become more and more terrifying and colder, even if she is joking, but, The chiefs felt cold all over listening, as if Zana was talking about threats.

Only Wang Xu knew that Zana was just looking at her getting colder and colder. In fact, her personality became more and more gentle and hotter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Well, I won’t take your place. I’m in love, that pighead’s totem master, I’ll leave it to you. To be honest, I’m still used to hiding behind everyone, so it’s not easy to get hurt..." Miao returned to Zana. The attitude reflected in her tone seemed to indicate that she didn't take pigheads and kobolds seriously.

"Be cautious and don't relax too much. After all, the enemy we are facing is not one or two, but four or five million people. The giant bear is too arrogant and will be hurt by the eagle. It's us..." Wang Xu reminded him timely.

"Can the giant bear compare to us? How powerful are we..." Sang Gu, who didn't understand Wang Xu's metaphor at all, yelled an unbelievable remark, and everyone present was stunned.

After an instant, everyone's expressions were all embarrassed. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, for fear of hurting Sanggu's face.

In the end, it was Sanggu’s old father Colby Sacred Hoof who made the siege and yelled at Sanggu: "You idiot, what did you say, you go out..."

"Why..." Sanggu, who still didn't know where he was wrong, asked his father aggrievedly...

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