Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 831: The enemy is strong and we are weak

"Also ask why!" Colby Sacred Hoof, who was gassed by his son Sanggu with seven holes of smoke, rounded his huge copper bell eyes, and yelled at Sanggu with fire: "You are here. If you can't help, forget it, keep making trouble, get out!"

"I didn't add to the chaos, father!" After listening to his father's scolding, Sang Gu, who still didn't know what he had done wrong, wailed with a grievance on his face. This voice shook the world and shook the king. My eardrum hurts.

After slightly frowning his eyebrows, Wang Xu squinted at the women beside him. He was "happy" to see that they were grinning and rubbing their ears. Obviously, they were also affected by Sanggu. "Sonic power" hurts not lightly.

"If you don't roll, you will be banned if you don't roll!" Colby Holyhoof gave his son the final letter.

"Hmm..." After seeing that his father was not joking, Sanggu left the Xiangcha reluctantly. When he went out, he grunted aggrievedly. Those few sounds did not sound like cows. The voice is more like a cat.

"Okay, the annoying guy is gone, let's continue to talk about business..." After watching Sanggu leave, Colby Shenghuo breathed a sigh of relief. From his slightly sad eyes, Wang Xu guessed, The little chief of the tauren in front of him didn't really want to drive his son away, but he didn't want him to delay everyone's affairs. He still loved his child who was as innocent as white paper.

"Hmm..." After responding to Colby Holyhoof aloud, Wang Xu stretched his right hand to the map again and whispered: "My plan is to quickly occupy a valley where the pigheads and kobolds are located. Taniguchi, with that Taniguchi as the core, set up a defensive stronghold, and set up traps around it to let the kobolds and pigheads besiege our stronghold to consume their vital power. When their morale is low, we are launching a counterattack. Give them a fatal blow and drive them out of the valley!"

"That's it..." After listening to Wang Xu's plan, Adrian Sacred Hoof snorted, with a little dissatisfaction in his tone. Obviously, he did not agree with Wang Xu's plan.

"Do you have a better way?" After seeing Adrian Sacred Hoof's attitude, Wang Xu asked him politely. Although Wang Xu’s attitude was very polite, in his heart, Wang Xu was right. Adrian Holyhoof was slightly dissatisfied.

Looking at Adrian Sacred Hoof, who was wearing a big-tailed wolf there, Wang Xuxin said: I said, big brother, I have worked so hard to give you ideas, you can accept it all, oppose it, if you are really capable If you can get rid of the pigheads and kobolds, you won't give up your territory and run around, right.

"That's it, Your Highness Herio," Tauren Little Chief Adrian Sacred Hoof replied with a look of "arrogance": "It seems a bit too awkward to fight like this, since we have brought our troops here. , It’s not enough to fight them directly. Only by defeating them head-on can they always remember our horror!"

"Your idea is also a way, but I would like to ask you one thing, do you think, after we defeated them in the decisive battle, how many injuries we will have, you conservatively estimate!" After listening to Adrian Holyhoof After fighting for the bad idea, Wang Xu scolded him "idiot" in his heart. However, in order not to destroy the unity, Wang Xu still had to convince him.

"This... I don't know..." After hearing Wang Xu's question, Adrian Sacred Hoof looked down and thought for a while, then shook his head and asked Wang Xu, "What do you think?"

"Chief Adrian, let me analyze it for you. You know what price we will pay if we fight the enemy." Adrian Sacred hoof has long been known to be a "brainless" king. Lazily continued to ridicule him, and directly analyzed it to him: "We brought out nearly half a million people this time. Among them, there were only about 150,000 combatants, and the rest were civilian husbands and family members engaged in logistics. Among those 150,000 combatants, I estimate that the elite soldiers will be at most 60,000 to 70,000. This is our true status quo!"

After shook his head, Wang Xu continued to analyze: "As for the enemies waiting to work in the river valley, their total population is about 5 million, and the combatants are about 1.5 million. Among them, the elite soldiers are at least 300,000. Among their elite soldiers, there are about 200,000 cavalry, and here we have a total of 50,000 cavalry, and they are all the elf guards I brought, not that I look down on our elf guards, say something To be honest, as for the cavalry I brought, at most one fights two. They are still at the level of extraordinary performance. Their normal level of strength is equivalent to the combat effectiveness of the pig head cavalry. So, I guess, if we fight the enemy hard If you fight, our cavalry is basically exhausted in about half a day. Next, we will face repeated attacks by enemy cavalry, and we can only deal with infantry. If, what I said is if, If we are defeated, if the enemy has cavalry and we do not have it, we will not even be able to retreat. Maybe the whole army will be wiped out."

"How could it be like that..." After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Adrian Sacred Hoof's face changed in an instant. Although he still muttered questioning Wang Xu's words, his pale face was already betrayed. Obviously, he, who is stern, has understood that Wang Xu is not talking nonsense.

"This is the situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am not alarmist. If you don't believe me, you can ask Molina, or you can ask your intelligence personnel..." Wang Xu returned to Yadri with a blank face. Well, holy hoof.

"His Royal Highness said that the situation is true. The information obtained by our spies is almost exactly the same as what His Highness said just now." The Great Chief of the Cat Clan Abel affirmed the analysis of his cheap son-in-law Wang Yu, and He added: "The only difference is that the number of enemy cavalry I know is more than 200,000, probably around 250,000!"

"If this is the case, then we can't fight the enemy harder. Let's do it according to His Royal Highness's plan. After all, the advantage of the cavalry is not reflected in the siege. As long as we establish a stronghold, even if the enemy has No amount of cavalry can be of great use..." After listening to the words of the chief chief of the cat race Abel, Colby Sacred Hoof expressed his attitude.

Realizing that his younger brother also agreed with Wang Xu's plan, although Adrian Sacred Hoof still felt a little dissatisfied, he nodded and agreed to act according to Wang Xu's plan.

Just as Wang Xu was arranging the details of each step according to his own plan, the sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom..." knocking on the door frame...

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