Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 832: Insider

"Who!?" After hearing the sound of knocking on the oak door frame outside, the little tauren chief Adrian Sacred hoof, who was already a little bit resentful in his heart, finally found an outlet for venting and shouted loudly. Asked.

"My people..." As soon as I heard it, I knew what Adrian Sacred Hoof was like. Abel, the patriarch of the cat people, did not even look at Adrian Sacred Hoof. He curled his lips slightly with disdain, and directly He replied.

It turned out that the person who just knocked on the outer door frame of the oak incense car was an intelligence officer of the cat-human tribe and a spy. Under normal circumstances, this kind of spy would not show up at will, but now it is not an ordinary situation. The cat people's spy has an extremely important piece of information that needs to be reported to the cat people chieftain Abel, so he doesn't care about hiding his figure and shows up directly.

"Come in..." Abel, who was aware of the seriousness of the problem, let the spies from outside come in with a voice.

With the light ringing of a wind chime "jingling bell...", a dwarf cat human spy dressed in a black night clothes and a black cloth mask opened the snow-colored curtain of Shu Jin embroidery pattern with crystal wind chimes, and walked quickly. He ran to Abel and knelt down with one shoe.

"What's the matter?" Abel raised his hand to signal the spy to get up, and personally moved him a backrest chair. After supporting him to sit down, Abel asked him.

"Return to your Majesty, according to the news that the spy in front of us just got, one day ago, the pigheads and kobolds in the valley sent troops!" After listening to Abel's question, the spy immediately replied.

"What..." After listening to the spy's report, the high-level coalition forces sitting around the round table were taken aback for a moment and hummed in unison.

After an instant, everyone’s complexion became extremely ugly, especially the three orc chiefs, whose complexion was even worse, because if there was a major change in this troop operation, then, finally, could they regain their territory? Not necessarily.

After looking down and thinking for a moment, and turning his head to look at each other with Zana, Helen, and Miao beside him, Wang Xu turned his attention to the cat-human spy who was dressed similarly to him, and asked in a low voice: "They How many people are coming out?"

"About seven hundred thousand, maybe more!" After listening to Wang Xu's question, the spies replied in a crisp voice: "Moreover, there are more than one hundred thousand cavalry in their troops!"

"Where are their marching directions?" Wang Xu frowned slightly when he heard the enemy's 700,000 people popping up, and then asked the Cat People spy: "I need details!"

"They are coming towards the position where our army is. I analyze, their purpose of sending troops is to come towards us!" The spy nodded affirmatively and replied.

"No..." After hearing the spy's answer, Wang Xu muttered in a low voice, and then he lowered his head to think again.

"What's wrong? The current situation is not telling you clearly. The enemy already knows that we are going to send troops to fight them. How did the enemy know that there must be a traitor among us..." Wang Xu is afraid of destroying unity. What Dare to say was directly broken by Helen.

After listening to Helen’s "Shocking Words", the two tauren little chiefs who hadn't thought of this level originally, at the same time rounded their bells and ox eyes, only the face of the big chief of the cat people, Abel There is not much change in his expression. Obviously, he has just guessed this situation, so...

"It's very possible that we were really sold by the rape, but, I have a question..." Wang Xu, who drooped his head and thought for a while, raised his eyes and glanced behind everyone in the room, and said quietly.

"What question?" After listening to Wang Xu's concluding remarks, Colby Sacred Hoof immediately asked Wang Xu.

"It's like this. Even if we fly to the valley where the enemy is, it takes two days at the earliest. It took us less than half a day from the assembly of our forces to the present, and the enemy The troops were dispatched a day ago. Could it be that half a day before we dispatched troops, they knew we were going to beat them?" Wang Xu replied puzzled.

"That's right," After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Helen nodded gently in response: "Even if there is a rape, the **** is not an unknown prophet, unless the **** is among the few of us, but this is obviously not possible……"

Everyone agrees with Helen’s judgment. After all, everyone in this room has led the troops out of their families. If someone really betrayed everyone in it, then, the betrayer himself did not personally take it. My family was sent to the tiger's mouth, it doesn't make any sense or reason.

"Then what do we do now, shall we continue to move forward?" Abel, the forward-thinking chief of the cat race, asked everyone after a glance at everyone present.

"We don’t want to continue marching for the time being. We will build defenses on the spot and observe for a long time. If the enemy is really coming towards us, then I immediately ask the Elf King to bring troops out for reinforcements, if they are not towards us. We are here, then...Let's talk about it..."Wang Xu shut up after half talking, because, at this moment, a new plan was brewing in Wang Xu's brain.

"Um... it can only be like this..." The cat-human warchief Abel sighed, shaking his head, "Hey...I'm not reconciled! Do we really want to go back as soon as we sent troops?"

"Boom..." Adrian Sacred hoof slammed the table, and when the others didn't know what he wanted to do, he also learned from Abel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and snorted: " I'm not reconciled either..."

"Let's do this, everyone first set up their respective troops, half a day later, at noon, after we get new information, we will discuss what to do next..." Wang Xu concluded.

"Okay..." After listening to Wang Xu's suggestion, the three orc chiefs nodded and agreed.

As a result, the original meeting to determine future strategies and tactics ended hastily because of the unexpected situation ahead.

As soon as he left the snow-colored oak scented car, Zana spoke to Wang Xu, “Or I’ll go ahead and see the situation. After all, I’m a space magician. I went back and forth!"

"Um..." After hesitating for half a second, Wang Xu told Zana: "Okay, you go and see, but you have to be careful, after all, there are too many enemies!"

"I know!" Looking at Wang Xu's worried eyes, Zana responded: "I will be careful. After all, I am also a family member, for you..."

Before she finished speaking, Zana teleported away...

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