Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 833: Plan 1

After Zana left, Wang Xu glanced down at Zana's footprints on the ground. Then, he raised his eyes to look far away, looking at the endless green mountains bathed in the rising sun, raising annoyingly. His hand scratched his head.

Next is the chaotic scene of army stationing. As the saying goes: The army is over 10,000, and it is difficult to see the head and tail.

What's more, there are still 500,000 troops stationed here, which is simply full of mountains and plains. Since the three armies belong to the kind of skirmishers with insufficient professional training, their actions are even more chaotic: bull roars, cats snorts, and weapon armor collisions. Sounds, one after another between the mountains and the wild, the world at this time, just like the big vegetable market in the Sanregor region, as chaotic as it is.

Finally, it took more than two hours for the coalition forces to be stationed, and after another three hours, when the coalition forces started to light a fire for lunch, Zana returned from the east...

As soon as Zana came back, the high-level coalition forces who discussed strategy and tactics in the morning once again concentrated in the snow-colored oak scented cart of the Cat Chief Chief Abel, and the second meeting began.

"Tell everyone a good news." After everyone sat around the round table, Zana told the information she had detected: "The pighead and kobold coalition that came out of the valley did not continue to move towards us. Coming here, but turning to the south, it can be seen that they are not here for us, we... there is no rape!"

"South! What are they going to do in the south?" After listening to Zana's report, Abel frowned in doubt.

"I don't know..." Zana replied, shaking her head.

"Which force's territory is in the south?" After hearing Zana's answer, Abel muttered to himself.

"It's the territory of the centaur," Adrian Sacred hoof thought Abel's mutter was asking himself, and replied: "Next to my original local market, there is a group of about 100,000 people. Centaur forces!"

"Are the pigheads and kobolds attacking the centaur tribe?" After listening to his brother's answer, Colby Sacred Hoof uttered his guess.

"That's impossible," the fox girl Molina suddenly interrupted: "We all know that centaur, pighead and kobold are allies. How could they fight together?"

"Maybe, they're breaking up!" After hearing the questioning of the fox girl Molina, Adrian Sacred hoof put forward his brainless guess.

"Patriarch Adrian, are there other forces near the centaur, mainly those who have a bad relationship with the centaur?" The king, who was too lazy to take the brainless words of Adrian Holyhoof, asked He has a new problem.

"Nowadays, around the centaur forces, there is only one elephant human race. They have enemies with the centaur forces, and their total number is more than 200,000, which is twice as much as the centaur. Therefore, The centaur can't help them!" Adrian Holyhoof replied.

"Elephant humans..." After reminiscing that the elephant humans are the invincible race with the best combat power among the orcs, Wang Xu tilted his head and whispered: "I originally guessed that the pigheads and kobolds are going to join the centaur and go together. Dealing with the enemies of the Centaur, but if the enemy of the Centaur is humanoid, then..."

"I think your guess is correct," after listening to Wang Xu's inconclusive analysis, the chief of the cat race Abel responded: "The spies didn't say that this time, pig heads and kobolds brought out more than 700,000 people. I suppose they only took 700,000 people, plus the 100,000 centaur, a total of 800,000, with 800,000 troops to deal with the 200,000 people of the Elephant race, four fights one, there should be a lot Great chance to win."

"If this is the case, even if they can win, it is estimated to be a miserable victory, a very miserable... victory..." After listening to Abel's analysis, Fox Girl Molina nodded in response.

"Huh, huh..." Suddenly, Wang Xu sneered. When he sneered, his eyes radiated brilliant light: "Our chance is here. If they really go to the Elephant Human Race to find death, then we may be completely Destroy them!"

"How do you say?" After listening to Wang Xu's "Kuangyan", Helen, who was most curious, asked Wang Xu with excitement.

"I have two plans. I think these two plans are very powerful, but they can't be executed at the same time. I'm very entangled..." After biting his lip, Wang Xu said quietly.

"Let's talk about it first..." Helen, who couldn't wait, asked more excitedly.

"My two plans are based on the premise that the enemy is really going to die with the Elephant Human race. If there is no such premise, then everything will be empty..." Wang Xu answered with a hand.

"Don't talk nonsense, talk..." Helen was just lazy about the premises and not, she just wanted to listen to the plan.

"Okay, then let me say," Wang Xu replied after taking a deep breath. "The first plan is to take advantage of the enemy and the elephant human beings to die and lose, and we will march quickly and attack the centaur. At that time, the centaur territory was empty, so we should be able to easily occupy it. Then, we immediately used it as a stronghold to build fortifications and set up traps around."

"This... plan... how can we eliminate all enemies?" Adrien Sacred Hoof, who didn't understand the subtleties of Wang Xu's plan, asked suspiciously on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

"Think about it, when we occupy the territory of the Centaur, what will the Centaur regiment that is still fighting with the Elephants in front do? They will definitely come back to rescue their hometown, or they will be homeless, huh. , Once they came back to help and moved their whole body, the morale of the pigheads and kobolds allied forces was greatly reduced, and they would also retreat. At that time, would the anxious Elephant tribe let them go? Certainly not, The elephants will definitely chase them down. When they retreat near our stronghold, we who are waiting for work can make them go back to the Underworld with one blow, hum..." Wang Xu leisurely said his own The first plan.

After Wang Xu’s voice fell, no one in the audience answered the conversation. They were completely shocked by this magnificent plan. They all stared and breathed quickly, especially the two little chiefs of the Tauren tribe. Because their lung capacity was too amazing and their breathing was too fierce, the air jets from their noses swelled in the car with whirlwinds and fanned the door curtains outside the car. It looks weird.

After glancing at the reaction of everyone present, Wang Xu smiled proudly, and then he continued to say, "I have a second plan..."

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