Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 834: Plan 2

When Wang Xu said that he had a second plan, everyone in the audience did not say a word, and there was no one who asked him.

After all, after listening to the first plan described by Wang Xu, others have not yet recovered from the extreme shock. Regarding the second plan that Wang Xu just mentioned can be compared with the first plan, They even dare not listen anymore, for fear that their heart can't stand it.

"No one is interested, right? Then I won't talk about it..." After glancing at the reaction of everyone present, Wang Xu said in a vicious and interesting way.

"Let's talk, everyone listen..." Zana, who is interested in all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, doesn't want to miss this kind of "horrible" terrorist plan that is rare in a century.

"Since you are listening, let me give some reaction. After the bard sang the poem, there were still people applauding. After I said this for a long time, you didn't say a word..." Wang Xu unexpectedly applauded applausely. Up.

"Okay, okay, okay..." After listening to Wang Xu's cheeky remarks, everyone in the audience immediately began to praise Wang Xu in unison: "The plan you have just now is great, it is simply a plan that the **** of wisdom can come up with. Even if we kill us, we can't think of that kind of plan..."

After listening to all kinds of flattery for more than a minute, Wang Xu raised his hand to stop the crowd's "talking". After performing a satisfying smile, he turned the corner of his left mouth slightly and whispered. : "My second plan is to spread rumors!"

This time, everyone in the audience learned to be clever and knew that Wang Xu needed his own response. So, after Wang Xu said the words "spread rumors", everyone asked: "What rumors, how to spread them, and to whom , In what way..."

"Quiet, listen to me," Wang Xu nodded "satisfied" in response to everyone's enthusiastic response, and then he continued to narrate: "My plan is to disseminate the two enemies in two different positions. According to the second rumor, one of them is the pigheads and kobold forces who are still in the valley, and the other is the pigheads, kobolds, and centaur forces who are fighting with the elephant humans. I am going to tell the pigheads and kobolds who stay in the river valley. The human forces spread the news of the defeat of the army they sent, and for the pig-heads and kobold forces that are fighting with the elephant humans, I am going to spread to them the rumors that their hometown, the valley, was captured by me."

After a pause and a yin-y smile, Wang Xu explained his purpose of doing this: "When I spread the news of their defeat and retreat to the kobold and pig-headed forces in the river valley, they will definitely send troops. Those who went to support the river valley originally had only half of their total force. When they sent troops to support it, the force in the valley would inevitably be empty. At that time, we took the opportunity to occupy the valley and regain the territory. !"

"As for spreading rumors about the occupation of the river valley to the enemies who are fighting on the front line with the elephants, the purpose is to shake their military spirit and make them lose their strength in advance and retreat. Once they lose their strength in advance and retreat, the probability of their defeat will greatly increase if they retreat. , That's all right," Wang Xu smiled and continued: "After the remnants of their rout and the troops supported by the rear unite, they know that their hometown is all right, and they will definitely continue to fight with the Elephant Human Race. Yes, at that time, it doesn’t matter whether they win or lose, because they have just experienced a fierce battle, with their remnants and defeated generals, do they dare to fight with us? Plus, we have already occupied the valley. I have been waiting for a long time, even if they dare to come to a battle, then, the result of the next war will be self-evident, hum..."

"Even if they are smart, after they join forces with the rear reinforcements, they no longer entangle with the Elephants, it doesn't matter. As long as we set up countless traps on their way back, there will be enough for them to drink a pot, and wait for them to be trapped by countless traps. After the tossing life and death, they didn't have much combat power to fight with us. At that time, the result of the war was still the same. Their entire army was wiped out, hum..." Wang Xu also analyzed another possibility.

"Awesome..." After listening to Wang Xu's explanation of the second plan, Abel, the Great Chief of the Cat Race, said with sincere emotion: "No wonder our Great Wizard predicted that the Son of Time and Space could lead us back to glory, sure enough. Extraordinary!"

"Thanks..." After an insincere and polite sentence, Wang Xu said quietly: "Now, I have clarified both plans. These two plans have their own merits, and they are both good and bad. The first plan Fortunately, we can fight quickly, but the cost is high. After all, in the end, we still have to fight head-to-head with the 800,000 enemies remaining in the valley; the second plan is that we pay less. However, the disadvantage is that it takes a long time and there are too many variables. As long as one of the links changes, the plan will be difficult to implement perfectly, and the price we will pay will increase."

"Alright..." After raising his eyes and scanning the crowd, Wang Xu asked: "Now, everyone decides whether we will implement the first plan, attack the Centaur territory, or implement the second plan. Spreading rumors and attacking River Valley, let me talk about my attitude first. I prefer to pay less for the second plan, but if you decide to implement the first plan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have no problem. , After all, the final result of implementing these two plans is the same, they both wipe out the enemy's army!"

"I like the first plan. A quick fight is good. It doesn't matter if the price is a little bit higher. After all, war is sacrificed. There is no sacrifice. Even if it is won, it is not called war!" The little Tauren Chief Adrian Sacred Hoof spoke first. He, who has always been at odds with Wang Xu's views, did not disappoint everyone. He once again went against Wang Xu's constructive opinions.

"Hmm..." After a noncommittal snorted, Wang Xu turned his gaze to the other Tauren chieftain Colby Sacredhoof, and the cat chieftain Abel, and asked in a low voice: "You two What about opinions?"

"I think the second plan is better. After all, neither the cat people nor the tauren are as populous orc races as the pigheads and kobolds. The populations of our two races are relatively small, so I I feel that in this war, we can sacrifice less people, it’s best to sacrifice less people, we can’t afford to sacrifice..." The Cat Chief Chief Abel explained his attitude, he and his advantage The views of son-in-law Wang Xu are the same.

Now, among the four forces present, two of them have decided to act according to the second plan. At this moment, it depends on the attitude of Colby Holyhoof...

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