Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Action begins

At this moment, if Colby Sacred Hoof supports the views of Wang Xu and Abel, and supports the second plan, then, among the four forces present, there will be three parties who have the same views. According to the basic code of conduct that the minority obey the majority, the ultimate The decision is finalized, that is, according to the second plan.

However, if Colby Sacred Hoof supports the views of his brother Adrian Sacred Hoof and supports the first plan, then the result of the Quartet’s vote is a two-for-two tie. If the result is true, then , The Quartet forces present had to continue the discussion until they convinced the other party.

In any case, Wang Xu is sure that the final result must be to implement the second plan according to his own ideas, because among the people present, if they are able to persuade others, can anyone compete with himself? Standing by a dead man without any thoughts, he was confident to convince him, not to mention a tauren with a very shaky stand in front of him.

While Wang Xu, Abel, and Adrian Sacred Hoof quietly waited for Colby Sacred Hoof to express their opinions, Colby Sacred Hoof lowered his head and fell into silence. At this moment, his heart was very tangled.

The reason why Colby Shenghuo is so entangled is because he feels from the bottom of his heart that Wang Xu’s second plan is better, but his brother agrees with the first plan. If he does not stand with his brother If you agree, then you might hurt your elder brother's face, but if you are in the same position as your brother and support your brother, you will feel very awkward.

After hesitating for about thirty or forty seconds, Colby Sacred Hoof nodded heavily, made up his mind, and said: "I agree with the second plan. I think the life of the tribe is better than winning the battle. More valuable!"

"You..." Unexpectedly, after his own brother would disagree with him, Adrian Sacred hoof sighed bitterly: "Well, the minority obeys the majority, so just follow the second plan. We have decided on the future plan, so what shall we do now?"

"Wait..." After returning Adrian Sacred Hoof with a faint smile, Wang Xu said nothing.

"What are you waiting for?" After waiting for a long time, before Wang Xu gave a detailed explanation, Adrian Sacred hoof asked dissatisfiedly.

"When the enemy goes to war with the elephants, and after we are completely in the quagmire of the melee, we can start marching towards the river valley and spread rumors by the way..." After a blank look at Adrian Holyhoof, Wang Wei Faintly replied.

"How are you going to spread the rumors..." Abel, the chief chief of the cat race, interrupted.

"It's very simple. Of course, it is to spread the news to the goblin travellers who are doing business nearby. This group of people is not profitable and can't afford it early. Once you get the important news of the defeat of the pighead and kobold coalition forces, They will definitely do everything possible to try to sell this news to the pigheads and kobold forces in the river valley behind, and they will sell high-end. The end result is that the pigheads and kobolds in the river valley will absolutely believe those rumors, because, this It's the news they bought at a high price, and they will believe the money!" Wang Xu replied with a light smile.

"Gao Ming..." After listening to Wang Xu's method of spreading rumors, Abel, the Great Chief of the Cat Race, praised Wang Xu from his heart, and at the same time, he held out his thumb at Wang Xu with an expression of admiration.

Finally, after Wang Xu had arranged for more than an hour, he discussed all the details of strategy and tactics with the other three. Although Wang Xu told the other three forces what he should say and do, Wang Xu didn't force them to do what he wanted.

Because Wang Xu felt that although his plan seemed appropriate, there are often many variables in reality that are different from the plan. Therefore, if you really follow the plan every step, if there are variables that are not in the plan. ,that……

As he had to wait for the next move of the enemy, the four forces where Wang Xu was stationed temporarily stayed in place. In order to prevent his group of people from being detected by enemy spies, Wang Xu set up nearby. A large hidden magic circle, because this is a magic circle that can hide the whereabouts of half a million people, so the scale of this magic circle is terrifying, covering almost 20 valleys, building a hidden trace of this scale The direct loss caused by the law formation to Wang Xu was more than 100,000 gold coins, and he wanted to cry because of distress.

After the giant hidden traces circle was completed, Wang Xu still placed many secret whistles on the periphery of the circle. Because these secret whistles are alchemy puppets made up of wooden stakes, it is difficult for the enemy to find their tracks. Moreover, they use alchemy puppets. As a secret whistle, Wang Xu can also control the movement of the alchemy puppets according to his own ideas, and can change the position of the secret whistle at any time.

Finally, on the third day after the 500,000 troops were encamped, the spies of the cat people came to the latest intelligence. The intelligence said that the 700,000 coalition forces of the pig heads and the kobolds, after entering the centaur territory, really As Wang Xu had guessed, they united the centaur forces and headed towards the territory of the Elephant Race ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was obvious that they were really going to fight the Elephant Human Race, the most powerful battle among the orcs.

After receiving this news, Wang Xu immediately ordered the army to move out, the target: He Valley.

At the same time, he himself left the legion, and, dressed as the blue dragon Malygos, dressed as a desolate half-elf bard, he found a team of goblin tribe wandering merchants camped nearby to buy food, The wine was used as an excuse to enter their temporary small market.

Zana was also dispatched with Wang Xu. After all, the human race is definitely the most miserable in the eastern continent, where there are many strong races. Therefore, a little human girl like Zana who seems to be weak, It must be worse. She and the half-elf downcast bard dressed as Wang Xu are really suitable. They are just a natural pair.

"What kind of wine do you need and how much do you want?" The leader of the fifty-man goblin caravan, an old goblin man who is less than half a meter tall and the same length as a green-faced mouse, looked up and looked taller than him. Wang Xu, who had gone four or five times, asked impatiently.

The reason why the leader of the small goblin caravan was so impatient was because Wang Xu and Zana in his eyes seemed too impoverished.

Wang Xu wore a black bearskin gown with half of his hair lost. In some places on the gown, the coat color was very impure, as if it was inlaid with the fur of other animals, which looked cheap.

Moreover, on the Gayageum that looked like it had been burned by the fire, Wang Xu’s back was shiny and shiny, and it also exuded a muddy smell. What's even worse, on the Gayageum. The strings are broken in half, and the broken and twisted strings seem to have been burnt.

If Wang Xu’s dress can be described with a word "poor", then Zana's dress can only be described with the word "miserable"...

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