Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 841: Doomed destiny

"I need you to bring the news of the annihilation of the pigheads and kobolds to their old home in the valley," the snowfield half-orc martyr Doreen suddenly raised his eyelids and looked directly at the old goblin Ahn'Qiraj. With both eyes, they explained with gleaming eyes: "Even though they were defeated in the previous battle, this does not mean that they will fail in the subsequent battle. The Elephants have been maimed. As long as the pigheads and kobolds use more With a little effort, they can be thoroughly washed away!"

"I see. I will take the news right now. Before I leave, can I see my son," the old goblin Angelo asked sadly in a tone similar to pleading: "I just want to See if he has lost weight?"

"Hey..." After listening to Angelo's plea, Doreen sighed first, and then replied: "It's not that I didn't let you see your child. You also know that your child belongs to our clan Sinner, if it weren’t for your face, our king would have killed him, or that said, as long as you can help us open the way to invade the dark mountains, we will immediately release your child! Actually, the last time Let you see him, I have already taken a big risk!"

After listening to this question, answer, and two sentences between Anqiluo and Doreen, Wang Xu’s doubts all over his mind immediately disappeared. Before that, he never understood why the old goblin Anqiluo wanted to be a snowfield. Orcs working for their lives?

For money, the snowfield half-orcs can only give him a few money. It is estimated that the elves can give him ten times more money than the snowfield half-orcs by selling the same information.

If it’s a combination of interests, it’s hard to talk about it. After all, one is a nomadic people on the grasslands living in an alpine zone, the other is a cave people who live underground most of the time, and two races that can’t be beaten. There are so many common interests.

Now, Wang Xu knew that it turned out that the reason why the old goblin Anqiluo devoted his life to the snowfield half-orcs turned out to be that his son was kidnapped by others. He was forced to become a running dog because of helplessness, and it was quite pitiful!

"In this case... hey..." Anqiluo, who knew that he had no chance to see his son this time, got up and said goodbye after a long sigh, "Then I will leave first and finish my task one day earlier. , I will be able to rescue my child one day sooner, hey... I blame my child for being ignorant, it’s not good to offend anyone, and to offend your king, hey..."

"Okay!" Doreen, who didn't want to continue to talk about this topic with Angelo, got up and sent the old goblin Angelo to the side of the round iron gate, and kindly reminded him: "You have to add more outside. Be careful, I heard that after the wood elves took the hill city as the new capital, their minions have already infiltrated many forces in the dark mountains. The wood elves are not so kind as we are and will sympathize with you, once You were targeted by the Mario Wharton who was famous for killing, then..."

Wang Xu, who was hiding in the dark, never expected that he would be so black. He didn't know when he had such a reputation as a murderer. He thought he was famous for being lustful. .

"Huh, Mario Wharton! He is just a little elf prince. Does he think the Dark Mountains is that little elf forest? The water here is deep, how can he be able to overwhelm the sea!" Old goblin Following Doreen's words, Wang Xu was also blacked out, making Wang Xu really helpless.

After hacking Wang Xuan, the old goblin Angelo jumped out of the iron gate opened by Doreen, and disappeared at the end of the tunnel with Dorton's company. At the same time, Doreen, who watched Angelo leave, slowly Slowly closed the iron door.

When the iron door closed, Doreen suddenly raised her head and shouted at the roof: "Who are you, why are you eavesdropping on the conversation between us, what is your purpose, now, the door is closed, the door" The soundproof barrier on the upper side is also opened. Only me and you are left here. As long as I don’t open this door, you can’t get out. What a big deal, I’ll stay here with you to see who is consumed first. dead!"

After listening to Doreen's roar, Wang Xu was stunned for a moment. Then, he began to analyze the reason for Doreen's roar. Was she really discovering herself, or was she screaming and tentatively roaring? , In case she was yelling and jumped out again, that would be ashamed.

"Come out! This is a sealed space, and there are various barriers guarding it, even if you are the Space Law God, you can't get out!" Doreen continued to threaten the ceiling with a roar.

After listening to the huge roar of the snowfield half-orc captain Doreen, Wang Xu nodded clearly. He understood that the female man did not find herself at all. She was just bluffing for a simple reason. She is obviously hiding in the ground, but this female man yells at the ceiling non-stop. This is totally different...

Sure enough, after yelling two more words, and after climbing and jumping around like an ape and flipping through every corner in the study, Doreen sitting back in the chair, muttered in an imperceptible voice: "Is it me It feels wrong, impossible, I obviously feel that there is someone here..."

Hearing Doreen's muttering Wang Xu, he was too lazy to spend it with her, and he walked out of the secret room and repeatedly explored the area along the ground.

This investigation really shocked Wang Xu. He discovered that there were more than 40,000 snowfield half-orcs hidden in this cavern area, and they were all powerful giant axe infantry. I don’t know when they were. The ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hidden here by any means hasn't even leaked any wind.

Seeing this situation, what made Wang even more disturbed was whether there were more snowfield half-orcs who had secretly hid in the dark mountain range, but he didn't know it yet.

Wang Xu knows very well that if he wants to solve all the mysteries, there is a breakthrough in front of him, that is the snowfield half-orc martial master named Doreen, but Wang Xu also understands that before catching her, he must deal with it first. Drop these thirty or forty thousand snowfield half-orcs giant axe infantry in the cave to avoid future troubles.

The moment when the 30,000 to 40,000 snowfield half-orc giant axe infantrymen were watched by Wang Xu, they were doomed to annihilate their entire army.

You know, the underground is not the home of the snowfield half-orcs, but it is definitely the home of Wang Xu. This is not the first time that Wang Xu has dealt with an enemy underground. I think it was underground a year ago. Wang Xu burned all at once. Countless skeleton soldiers died, this time, it was the turn of the snowy half-orcs, and history was repeating itself.

After being familiar with the road, I pasted the middle-level extremely explosive talisman on each gravity node in the cave, and buried hundreds of middle-level ground fire talisman in the ground, Wang Xu returned to the secret room again, unfortunately, the girl Doreen the guy is changing clothes...

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