Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 842: Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrives

Although the snowfield half-orc captain Doreen was changing clothes, Wang Xu did not treat this female man who was twice his height and whose arms were thicker than his waist at all, Wang Xu. Dare to conclude that the strength of the female man in front of him is definitely not worse than that of his old friend Tauren Sanggu.

From the large and meticulously carved muscles of Doreen’s body, Wang Xu judged that the strength of this woman was probably close to the level of a holy level. , The day she became a swordsman would never come, because she was planted in Wang Xu's hands.

Just as Doreen put on her jacket and was about to put on the armor of her upper body, Wang Xu suddenly teleported to her back, and immediately pointed to Doreen's vest.

Just listen, with a muffled sound of "pop...", Wang Xu's output of yin and yang two spiritual powers instantly shredded the fighting energy operating system in Doreen's body, and then there was another burst of "click, click..." There was a crisp sound, and I saw that Doreen threw himself straight on the desk in front of her, crushing the cups and saucers on the table.

Fortunately, the quality of the desk was not bad, and Doreen hadn't crushed it. Otherwise, she would have to fall a dog, which would be embarrassing.

"Who..." Doreen, who didn't seem to be surprised that she was attacked, spit out blood in a "poof...", firmly supported the edge of the desk, and slowly supported her body, which was extremely strong. For Doreen, it was very difficult to move her own body full of muscles like a hill without losing a fight. Besides, she was seriously injured by Wang Xu.

Finally, with waves of coughing and vomiting blood, Doreen moved her body to the edge of the chair, and then, relieved, she sat upright like a free fall.

"I knew there were people here," Doreen, who was still not panicked, said with a bitter smile with blood on the corners of his mouth: "My feeling is right..."

"You seem to accept your fate of dying, right," Wang Xu, who silently stared at Doreen's eyes, took out his red sandalwood armchair from the backpack system after flying off the square table in front of him. Sit up gently, "I admire your calmness in the face of death."

"Hmph, you don't kill me directly, you want to make a fool of my mouth," Doreen is indeed a senior general who has become a ten thousand chief. She still has enough brains, and she knew instantly that she was not killed by a spike. The reason, "I advise you to give up, even if I die, I won't tell you anything!"

"Sometimes, death is not the most painful, life is better than death, I don’t know what you think of reputation, but I think you are also a woman, you should not despise reputation too much, you say, if I treat you Bring it back and give my brothers a treat. Do you think that life is better than death?" As long as Wang Xu says he is second, he absolutely guarantees that no one in the world of Loren would dare. Called first.

"Despicable!" Sure enough, even though Doreen the Snowfield Half-orc tenant was a fierce who despised death, she still loved face, so her weakness was caught by Wang Xu.

"Don't talk about those useless, you and I are smart people, you think you will kill you if you scold you, don't be so naive, OK," Wang Xu smiled at Doreen with disdain. Later, he got up and put away the red sandalwood master chair behind him. Then, he walked to the curved bookshelf, and while putting the books on the bookshelf away, he continued to threaten Doreen and said: "You are also a general at the rank of ten thousand lords. , You don’t want the news of your becoming a slave girl to be sent back to the north, maybe, in those news, there is also the news that you have been enjoyed by my brothers!"

"Huh, we are armed with heavy defenses here. Even if you have the ability to come in alone, but, take me, even if you are a god, you can't go out, or if you use me as a hostage, I will send you out." Sure enough, she was not a good person to deal with. At the same time that she was threatened by Wang Xu, she also began to threaten Wang Xu, and she seemed to be planning to make a deal with Wang Xu.

"Please, you are not stupid, and don't think of me as a fool, don't I know what you want to do?" Wang Xu, who was still collecting books in front of the bookshelf, sneered at Doreen with extreme disdain after squinting at Doreen. "You want to use being a hostage as an excuse to lead me into your heavily encircled circle, right? In that case, even if you are killed by me, you will at least gain the reputation of a hero. You don’t need to be tortured. You think it’s just you. That kind of superficial and careful thinking can break my wrist, naive!"

"Who on earth are you..." After being instantly seen through the trick, the injured Doreen couldn't control her emotions for a while, and was stunned. Due to the excessive shaking of her body, she pulled the wound on her body again. So, Doreen coughed again with "cough, cough, cough..." blood.

"Five or six minutes ago, you mentioned me to the old man named Anqiluo, and you forgot..." After putting away the last book on the shelf, Wang Xu walked over with a "wretched" smile on his face. Doreen looked at her contemptuously in front of her.

"You are Mario Wharton!" After seeing Wang Xu's pair of purple pupils representing the blood of the elves, Doreen roared emotionally. This roar snarled all the blood in her chest. After coming out, her lungs no longer hurt, and she regained the ability to breathe deeply, so she gasped for a long breath.

"Guess right!" Wang Xu bowed to Doreen with a flirtatious expression. After the salute, Wang Xu smiled and said, "I didn't expect it to be me, I remember, just now, when you were chatting with the old goblin , I'm still talking bad about me, I didn't expect to meet so soon!"

After hearing Wang Xu admit that he was Mario Wharton, Doreen, who had planned to play with Wang Xu, immediately fell into discomfort. At this time, she seemed to have lost her steel-like muscles. , Soft on the back chair.

After seeing Doreen’s reaction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wang Xu was also slightly stunned. He did not expect that the deterrence of his name had reached this level, and he could make his opponent give up resistance directly. This shows that now My self is already really hot.

"Well, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's get out..." Throwing out two alchemy puppets, controlling those two alchemy puppets and carrying Doreen, Wang Xu casually punched the ground.

Accompanied by Wang Xu's punch full of God-level vindictiveness, the ground cracked directly, and a channel cracked under the ground. It was one of the various forked roads in the cave, and it was a secret that Doreen didn't know. aisle.

Wang Xu, who had thoroughly explored every passage in the cave, used the secret passages in the cave that were not easy to be discovered, and easily bypassed the heavily guarded snowfield half-orc sentry.

After coming out of another cave entrance that was different from the entrance, Wang Xu directly used the earth fire technique in the area full of cave exits...


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