Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 843: The beginning of revenge

After Wang Xu used the ground fire on the area of ​​the cave exit group, seeing that, on the ground in the middle of that area, there was a pile of small hills.

As the small mountain bag became thicker and thicker, the temperature on it became higher and higher. Soon, I saw smoke coming from the top of the small mountain bag with the same hue as the earth.

Suddenly, "Guru, Guru..." sounds similar to the bursting of blisters. Seeing that the top of the small mountain bag exploded, immediately, violent lava gushed out from the top of the small mountain bag like a waterfall, and then , The magma quickly poured into the caves with open caves all around.

"No..." Although she was carried by two alchemy puppets, her field of vision was very limited, but the snowfield half-orc martial arts chief Doreen still used the light to catch the tragic sight in the distance. After the cave entrance was almost filled with magma, she instantly realized that the thirty or forty thousand people under her might be buried underground and unable to get out, so she screamed hoarsely.

Hearing Doreen’s painful cry, when Wang Xu was about to tease her and at the same time question her how the Snowfield Orcs treated the elves in the City of Elements, Zana’s figure suddenly flashed before Wang Xu’s eyes. .

"She is..." After a glance at Doreen, who was as strong as a hill, Zana nodded clearly and asked, "The prisoner you took?"

"Yes, her name is Doreen, hehe, it's hard to hear, right? Don't look at her appearance, she is the master of the snowfield half-orcs, you know..." In just a few words, Wang Xu Tell Zana about the forty to fifty thousand giant axe soldiers hiding in the snowfield.

"There's such a thing..." After listening to Wang Xu's recount, Zana immediately realized Wang Xu's purpose of capturing Doreen as a prisoner: "You want to get out of her mouth the snowy half-orcs hidden elsewhere. s position?"

"Of course, otherwise, she would have died for this purpose!" After raising his hand to put Zana's shoulder, Wang Xu continued: "Go, let's talk a little bit far away, this place, soon Will disappear!"

"That's right," Zana, who probably guessed what Wang Xu did, walked away under Wang Xu's lead, and asked Wang Xu: "Ten minutes ago, the small caravan of the goblin tribe I came out from the inside, because I didn't see you come out, so I didn't dare to leave. I sent eight teams of skeleton birds to follow them!"

"Don't worry about the team of goblins anymore. This time, they must have sent information to the pigheads and kobolds in the valley, because she ordered it," he glanced back and was carried behind by two alchemy puppets. Queen Doreen, Wang Xu explained: "I'll tell you why those goblins listen to her..."

As he walked, Wang Xu told Zana about the kidnapping of the old goblin’s son by the Snowfield Orcs. After listening to the story told by Wang Xu, Zana nodded and said with emotion: “I heard that the Snowfield Orcs do better than you. There are still three abuses. The feelings are true. They have even committed kidnapping and extortion. It's really..."

"What, am I doing something profligate?" After listening to Zana's sarcasm, Wang Xu replied in amazement.

"What do you mean, didn't you kidnap the fierce girl behind?" In order to determine that her judgment of Wang Xu was reasonable and modest, Zana immediately cited an example that Wang Xu couldn't refute.

"Okay, I admit..." Wang Xu, who was indisputable in front of the dazzling example, could only confess with a wry smile and shaking his head.

During the quarrel between Wang Xu and Zana, they crossed two streams and climbed to the top of a rocky mountain next to the stream. Unlike Wang Xu and Zana’s ease and joy, they were carried over the mountain by two alchemy puppets. Doreen of Ling had already rolled her eyes. It was obviously "motion sickness". Foam started to overflow from the corners of her mouth, as if she was about to pump.

Finally, when Doreen's hands and feet were just beginning to tremble, Wang Xu and the others rested on a boulder on the top of the rocky mountain. Wang Xu was not afraid of Doreen running away, and directly placed her in the shadow under the boulder, allowing her to recover. strength.

"Boom..." Just as Doreen lay down and panted, there was a loud noise in the distance. Then, the earth began to vibrate violently, and the whole small rock mountain began to sway greatly. The "Hula La..." was thrown out, and the "Papa..." rolled down the hillside.

After suddenly feeling the change in the world, Doreen, who was still lying down and panting, struggling to support the boulder beside him, slowly sat up.

As soon as she sat up, Doreen was stunned by the distant sight. At this moment, her whole figure seemed to be petrified, her eyes rounded, staring motionlessly into the distance, looking at the original cloth. A zone full of cave openings.

I saw that the area that was originally full of small hills collapsed completely after the super-explosive talisman placed by Wang Xu broke the underground pillars. The depth of the collapse was more than one hundred meters. At this moment, there, it became a whole A deep valley with very irregular shapes.

This is not over yet. After the extremely explosive talisman exploded the cave group, the hundreds of earth fire talisman under the ground began to be powerful. Soon, the ground in the collapsed area began to smoke, and then, gushing out from the cracks in the ground. A burst of flaming lava.

The duration of the earth fire talisman is much longer than that of Wang Xu’s earth fire technique, unlike Wang Xu’s one-minute earth fire technique. If the earth fire talisman burns, it will not stop for half an hour. Down.

Seeing that the sinking area recessed into a valley became a lava pool with billowing yellow smoke. Soon, the bright yellow smoke and dust carried the pungent sulphur smell and filled it.

"It's too unpleasant, let's go..." After being unable to open her eyes by the sulfur smoke, Zana turned to Wang Xu's side and said: "I can't open my eyes anymore, don't be blinded for a while. ."

"Let's go..." Wang Xu, who was also choking, nodded and turned back to Zana.

Immediately, Wang Xu jumped off the boulder and said to Doreen, who was leaning on the boulder with a bloodless face, “Go, you are following us~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the old rules, let me be alchemy The puppet is carrying you?"

"The devil... you are the devil..." Doreen, who had just witnessed the burial of his men in the lava sea, weakly raised his finger at Wang Xu and cursed with a bloodless face: "What have you done...Did they offend you? ...Are you so cruel?"

"Are you embarrassed to ask!" After hearing Doreen's accusation, Wang Xu choked back loudly: "How did the elemental city of our wood elves fall? How did our compatriots in the elves forest be killed by you, this time, I only killed forty to fifty thousand of you. Next time, it won't be so few!"

After listening to Wang Xu's sonorous and powerful response, Doreen, who knew what Wang Xu said was true, dropped his head in despair.

"Anyway, you are definitely going to die in my hands, then I will tell a secret..." Queen Doreen waved his two alchemy puppets to lift the linger, Wang Xu said coldly...


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