Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 862: 2 Army Posture

At three in the morning, when the cold mountain breeze was blowing over the rough skin of the dark mountain range, the sky was still the territory of the bright moon, and occasionally a few stars that did not want to be suppressed by the moonlight, exhausted all their strength and worked hard to squeeze I tried my best to show my peerless beauty.

The sound of the "rumbling..." waterfall hitting the pool water from a distance, accompanied by the crisp sound of "crashing..." nearby, these two sounds seem to be the natural world in this dark night. There is only the sound in it. At this moment, the bird has not yet reached the time to search for food, and the beast is still curled up in sleep...

Suddenly, "Boom, boom, boom..." The sound of war drums awakened Jingyi's world and awakened all the sleeping creatures. I saw a bright "Galaxy" composed of torches, suddenly Flowing from a distance, its light made Haoyue, the king of the night, also "ashamed" a lot.

Wang Xu’s army, under the path of the 30,000 powerful tauren pioneers, quickly marched towards the valley mouth on the west side of the river valley. Because the individual abilities of the tauren race are too strong, so, it meets mountains and meets water. Bridging this kind of thing may be a difficult problem for other races, but for the tauren, it is a trivial matter that can be solved in minutes.

The reason why the Tauren troops will act as the forefront of the outpost is that Wang Xu carefully arranged according to the racial characteristics. After all, among the wood elves, cat people and taurens, the tauren is the only race in this army that is good at close combat. The race is gone, if there is a sudden encounter, the melee race advantage is obvious.

As for the wood elves who are good at long-range attacks, Wang Xu arranged them in the middle of the formation. However, because of the inherent inadequacies, the cat people who are not good at close combat or long-range attacks, Wang Xu arranged them at the end as a reserve team.

Of course, Wang Xu was able to make such an arrangement. It was also a painstaking negotiation with the three orc chiefs. In this negotiation that took several hours, Wang Xu didn’t even have time to go to bed, and his mouth was so full of words. Worn out, after the negotiation succeeded, Wang Xu kept cursing the orcs in his heart: IQ is quite low, his temper is very hard, really...

Wang Xu, who was at the forefront of the team riding a unicorn, looked back at the boundless sea of ​​torches, feeling the shaking of the earth as the army moved forward, and couldn’t help feeling: The army of half a million is really not a joke, look at that The coverage of the torch has already illuminated seven or eight river valleys. With so many people, if they fight, the scene...

Ten minutes ago, there was a light rain in this area that lasted less than a minute. The rain stopped before the earth was wet by rain, but because of this light rain, the team The warriors who were still dozing off in the middle of the game immediately awoke, at least, they are not as trance as before the rain.

Different from the unhurried state of Wang Xu's army, at this moment, the pigheads and kobold guards in the valley are getting more and more chaotic.

Originally, because there were only 200,000 regular troops left in the valley, the pigheads and kobolds in the valley were already panicked. In addition, there was only one general who could lead in the valley, and they were even more panicked. Even worse, the only general who stayed behind in the valley was just a pig-headed general. This pig-headed general named Kazrak has only carried a force of 10,000 people in his generation. The number of troops exceeds 10,000, which is beyond the scope of his ability, and now he needs to lead 200,000 people in a fateful life and death battle.

For Pigheads and Kobolds, the only thing that is worthy of their joy is that they are on the defensive side, not on the offensive side. They believe that relying on the rough terrain, they should be able to drag for three or five days to defend the reinforcements. At that time, the time to fight back came.

The dream is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. After receiving the news of the enemy’s offensive, the yawning pig-headed leader Kazlak immediately gave the order to wake all the defenders and conduct defensive operations as planned. .

However, after waiting for fifteen minutes in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army, after realizing that even half of his subordinates had not been assembled, Kazlak angrily asked one of his commanders: "What's the matter?"

"Report to the general. At this moment, everyone is sleeping and dying, can't you wake up..." The commander who was asked responded with a distressed expression.

"When is it, I'm still asleep, I'm really dead..." After an angrily muttered, Kazlak ordered again: "Give me an order, whoever can't get up, pour cold water on their faces. , If you still can’t get up, pour boiling water on their faces!"

"That's not good, General," after a glance at his leader, the one-eyed ten thousand chief Kazlak, the thousand chief hesitated: "This will affect morale..."

"Is there any other good way?" After hearing his subordinates questioning his decision, Kazlak said angrily: "If there is a way, you can quickly say, if there is no way, just follow my orders!"

"Yes, General! I'm going to execute your order!" The commander, who didn't want to be scolded anymore, took advantage of the opportunity to execute the order and left the Chinese army account.

Immediately, the scolding voices began to burst out in the camps of the pig heads and kobolds. All the soldiers who were asleep and watered up screamed.

In the end, the garrison of Pighead and Kobold was assembled, but the result was the same as that predicted by the commander. Since half of the children were awakened by water, the morale seemed very low.

The other half of the soldiers who had not been watered and awakened on their own initiative were dozed off. Coupled with the constant curses of the comrades beside them, their mood was not very high, and their morale was also very low.

Anyway, the overall condition of the pigheads and the kobold defenders was very bad. Their combat power was at least a few percent weaker than usual. Half of them kept covering their mouths and yawning, and could fall asleep almost standing.

When the commanding commander returned to the entrance of the Chinese army’s big tent~www.wuxiaspot.com~, I heard the commander Kazlak still cursing: "Is our opponent a crazy person? They were all night owls who launched the attack at three o'clock, so there is no need to sleep!"

Just as the commander was hesitating whether to wait for his leader to finish cursing and then enter the Chinese army's tent, a spy walked over nervously.

Therefore, the commander, who was unable to continue standing at the door, had to accompany the spies and enter the big account together.

"What's the situation?" After an impatient glance at his commander, Kazrak didn't say anything to him, and asked the spy directly.

"General, we have found out who is the leader of the enemy!" The spy who knelt down on one knee, the trembling voice reported...


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