Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 863: do my best

"What do you mean, isn't the guy Abel leading the army? This is the old territory of the cat people. In addition to the cat people, who else will come to **** us!" After listening to the spies' response, the pighead Cyclops ten thousand master Kazrak murmured: "I don't know if that guy Abel is crazy, and he can ask the tauren and wood elves for help. I think the price he paid must be huge!"

The spy only said a word, and Kazrak muttered to himself for a long time. It was because of his undisciplined and complaining disposition that he would be left by his superiors to guard his hometown, if not for him He was born in a pig-headed noble family, and because of his personality that offends both his superiors and inferior, it's strange that he can be mixed as a ten thousand chief.

"No, General!" When he heard that his occupant was starting to have old problems again, the spies hurriedly interrupted him and reported: "The enemy's commander is not the chief chief of the cat people, but the wood spirit. The sixth prince Mario Wharton!"

"What!" After hearing that the leader was Wang Xu, Kazrak was shocked. His pig eyes were instantly bigger than bull eyes, and he slammed from the horse under him. Get up, rush to the spy in one step, leaned over and grabbed the spy by the collar, lifted him directly, and asked loudly, "You say it again!"

"General, the leader is really Mario Wharton, we have seen his battle flag!" The spy who was caught by the collar nodded heavily after swallowing a hard saliva. Replied firmly.

"It's impossible, it's impossible..." After throwing away the spies, Kazrak looked like a silly chicken, pacing in the large tent of the Chinese army with distracted eyes, while pacing, his mouth was inside. Muttering denial of reality.

Since Wang Xu has been smashing all quarters in the Dark Mountain region recently, he has risen to fame and almost has the meaning of invincibility. Therefore, the various forces in the Dark Mountain are a little afraid of him, and even the name Wang Xu is The terrifying degree of the Dark Mountain Range is comparable to that of the Demon Race, and he has almost faintly become the representative of the Dark Mountain Range.

"We are not his opponents..." Kazlak, the pig-headed martial artist, was still muttering, "My cousin took 700,000 people to attack his hill city. As a result, the entire army was wiped out and everyone We haven’t come back. We have only 200,000 people here, which is not enough to kill..."

"What should we do, shall we just wait and die like this..." Seeing his leader's trash appearance, the commander yelled.

"Todd!" The pig-headed marquee Kazrak, who had been pacing for a long time, stopped abruptly, turned and told the commander Todd, "Go and invite the Great Wizard Bringal to come over, saying that we need him. !"

"But, General, that guy is insatiable!" Commander Todd reminded Kazrak with a worried look.

"Can we still consider this? Now is the moment for our survival. We must invite his old man out of the mountain. You go and invite him out, just say, I promised, I will give him whatever he wants!" In order to survive, Kazrak was going to fight it out.

"Yes, General!" After shook his head helplessly, Commander Todd immediately ran out of the army's account and executed the order.

The Great Wizard of Blingol of the Kobold race is a legend of the Orc race. His legend is not only reflected in his super strength, but also in his lustful, cruel and greedy character.

There are rumors that Blingol is lecherous. The number of women around him is almost a thousand, even more fierce than the Elf King. Moreover, as long as it is the woman he likes, whether that woman is married or not, he will Go rob, if the husband obstructs, then he will brutally kill the husband and seize the wife.

In addition to **** and cruelty, Blingol is also very greedy for money, especially like gems. If someone's good things are targeted by him, then... that family is not far from the tragic fate of home ruin...

Although his reputation is not good, Kazrak also dislikes Blingol, whose reputation is worse than his own. However, when it comes to this kind of life and death, Kazrak can completely survive, even if the opponent is shit. He also decided to eat.

When the pigheads and kobolds were extremely exhausted and ready to face off, Wang Xu's army had arrived one kilometer outside the pass. When they reached 800 meters from the pass, the army stopped and began to line up.

Outside the valley mouth of the river valley, there is a vast plain with an estimated area of ​​more than ten square kilometers. This area, let alone 500,000 people, can still accommodate five million people. So This place is very suitable for the two armies to set up a decisive battle, but, because the pigheads and kobolds allied forces were shrinking in the river valley and did not come out, so this large area was completely left to Wang Xu and the others to set up at will.

The valley mouth of the river valley directly cuts a mountain range thousands of meters high and stretches thousands of miles into two parts. The reason for this topography is that it used to be an ancient river course, and the river of the ancient river flows for many months. It’s flowing, so I split the mountain apart, but maybe I think it’s too fun to split the mountain, so Furukawa changed his route a long time ago to split another higher mountain, so he just stayed The next such a weird Taniguchi.

The width of Taniguchi is about 500 meters. In the past, after the cat people occupied the valley area, they built a three to four hundred meters high and projecting fan-shaped gate at the location of Taniguchi. They thought that with this gate, In the future, I can live and work in peace and contentment in the river valley. Who knows, luck is hard to predict...

Accompanied by the fast rhythm of war drums ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It took about fifteen minutes, Wang Xu's array here was completely set up, but Wang Xu's array is not like a siege array at all. , More like an array of mobile warfare.

Logically speaking, if you want to attack the city, it should be the most powerful Tauren fighters in the front line. However, Wang Xu and their array are led by the Elf Legion, and the Tauren’s 30,000 people , Was divided into two parts, surrounded by the two flanks of the Elven Legion.

As for the cat people’s army, they still stand at the back as a reserve team. After all, they... really have limited combat power. If they are allowed to fight the enemy hard, they will basically send their heads to the enemy to kill. They... …Only suitable for cleaning the battlefield.

The reason why Wang Xu made the Elf tribe’s army stand at the forefront of the array was because Wang Xu didn’t plan to attack the city at all. He had already buried hundreds of Intermediate Extreme Explosive Talismans under the pass. Now, his mission is , Using the long-range killing of the elven archers to attract more enemies to concentrate on the wall of the pass, and then, all at once...


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