Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 864: Destroy the world

"Kachacha..." Accompanied by the sound of the friction of the wooden bearings, the alchemy puppets pushed the crossbows with wooden wheels, stepped out of the array where Wang Xu's army was, and moved towards the fan at the gate. The wall moved slowly.

This time, Wang Xu was not too "expensive". He only prepared fifty large bed crossbows. However, anyone who underestimated Wang Xu’s fifty bed crossbows would inevitably pay a painful price because of his Each of the crossbow arrows used by the bed crossbow is attached with ten middle-level extremely explosive charms. That is to say, every crossbow arrow explodes and has the power of the fire-type god-level forbidden curse.

When the fifty alchemy puppets pushed the fifty bed crossbows to 600 meters away from the city wall, Wang Xu turned to look at the god-level mage Miao next to her, suggesting that she was acting according to plan.

After receiving Wang Xu's secret signal, she raised her arms and directly activated her pre-arranged formation. Seeing, a semi-transparent sea blue energy shield slowly rose from the ground in front of the army formation, and so on. Ascending to three or four hundred meters, blocking the front and back of the army like a city wall, the defensive shield stopped and continued to change.

"Cough..." After taking a deep breath and coughing slightly, Wang Xu, who didn't say much nonsense, controlled the alchemy puppet and started attacking.

"Swish, swish, swish..." After a sound of breaking through the air, fifty giant crossbow arrows with a length of ten meters and thick thighs, like a rocket launcher, were fired from fifty crossbow machines at the same time, neatly facing Flew inside the gate of the city wall.

This time, Wang Xu deliberately did not let the bed crossbow group shoot at the city wall itself. If fifty crossbow arrows hit the city wall at the same time, then fifty fire-type forbidden spells exploded there at the same time. This explosive power, Destroying the city wall is a matter of seconds, but then again, while destroying the city wall, this explosion will definitely affect your army. After all, your army is only more than 800 meters away from the city wall. The distance, this distance, is completely within the range of the explosion core, even if there is a wonderful energy array defense, it can't hold the impact of fifty forbidden spells.

It was also because Wang Xu slaughtered a nest of giant dragons in the underground world. Therefore, the bed crossbows made by Wang Xu were really bowstrings made by dragon tendons. In order not to be seen by the dragon girls. The bowstring is a dragon tendon. Wang Xu also specially soaked all the dragon tendons in his hand in the blood of the devil for a long time, so that all the dragon breath on it was soaked out. Now those dragon tendons, no matter how you look at them Something like a demon.

Because the bowstring of the bed crossbow is made of dragon tendons, the attack distance of these bed crossbows is not comparable to that of ordinary bed crossbows. When the bowstring is full, these giant crossbow arrows can easily fly a distance of ten kilometers. This distance has basically reached the level of ordinary artillery.

In the light of the moonlight, those fifty giant crossbow arrows lined up into a terrifying wall of shadows and rushed to the sky quickly. Then, they bypassed the city wall, and then quickly disappeared behind the city wall.

About less than a minute later, suddenly, the earth began to vibrate as if it was being violently beaten by some giant, and, soon, the frequency and amplitude of the ground tremors became higher and higher. Seeing, the "weak soldiers" of the cat people lined up at the back of Wang Xu's army were all unsteady, and they fell to the ground one after another. By the way, they even had weapons in their hands. Throw it, and immediately, "Ping-ping-pong..." The sound of the weapon's landing sounded one after another.

Suddenly, the night sky was completely lit by something, as bright as day. Except for Wang Xu and his women who had known this situation for a long time, the rest of their troops were surprised to see that the distant sky suddenly rose. There were pillars of fire that could not see the top of the sky, and the night sky was illuminated by the fifty pillars of fire neatly arranged, bright and dazzling.

Ten seconds later, the sound of the explosion came, and the roar that resembled the sound of annihilation once again frightened the "weak soldiers" of the cat-human race who had just stood up from the ground.

After another three or four seconds, the shock wave of the explosion came. Seeing, a wave of energy like a transparent film, wrapped in a wall of sandstorm, swept out from the wall of the pass, and instantly stood on the wall. Thousands of enemy soldiers were swept away by the shock wave.

"Ah, ah, ah..." In the screams, the soldiers swept away by the shock wave were carbonized by the huge heat entrapped in the shock wave before they fell to their deaths. Then, they broke into the sky. Black and gray disappear without a trace.

With a loud bang, the shock wave blasted the one or two-meter thick stainless steel hanging door on the front of the gate. Seeing that the huge stainless steel door with a height of 30 meters, this would My son, like a fallen leaf in a violent wind, soars freely toward the endless sky in constant distortion and deformation, and can never come back!

Fortunately, the explosion point was ten kilometers away from the city wall. Fortunately, the cat people had lost their blood when building the wall at the pass in the past. The wall was really strong enough. If it were a normal wall, if the explosion point was closer, Then, when it encounters the shock wave that is comparable to fifty fire forbidden spells at the same time, it will definitely collapse completely.

It was also because the city wall did not collapse. It blocked most of the shock waves. Therefore, the Wang Xu army outside the valley, under the protection of the wonderful energy defense array, was hardly harmed and unharmed.

Although Wang Xu’s army was unscathed, the explosion completely shocked Wang Xu’s three allies-Tauren Chief Colby Sacred Hoof, Adrian Sacred Hoof, and Cat Human chieftain Abel.

The chiefs of the three orc tribes ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with an expression of seeing the end of the world, half-opened their mouths, and stared at the fifty pillars of fire. At this moment, three of those three Huge mouth, muttering the same sentence in unison: "Impossible, impossible..."

After rubbing their eyes and looking again, facing the fifty pillars of fire still shining in the sky, the three orc chieftains suddenly looked at each other in pairs. At this moment, their eyes were expressing the same idea, that is: 婓里O Wharton is terrible, we can't afford it, for the future of our race, we must sit in the same boat with him.

Unlike these three foresight chiefs in high positions, the soldiers under them did not have as many thoughts as they thought. Looking at the fifty pillars of fire in the distance that seemed to burn the sky, the soldiers kept on Celebrating with the bullet crown, it seems that the war has been won.

However, compared with Wang Xu's cheering atmosphere, the pig heads and kobolds in the valley seem to be facing the real end of the world...


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