Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 865: Shit

"How is it?" Kazrak, the pig-headed pig head man who was blinded in one eye, was blind now, even the only eye left, he was carried by the blast wave. The crushed stone blinded his eyes, even the eyeballs were smashed, and there was no cure at all. "How about our loss?"

Although Khazlak at this moment, covered with **** gauze, has become a veritable blind general, but his mood is not very painful, on the contrary, he still feels a little bit lucky at this time, thanking himself Under this kind of destruction, he could still survive. At the moment he realized that he was alive, Kazlak even sighed in a low voice: "It's good to be alive..."

"General, we have suffered a great loss," said Todd, a severely burned commander, frowning his mouth in pain, and replied: "Our baggage was almost completely ruined, and more than 8,000 brothers died, injured. There are more people, I am afraid that it will be 20,000. Among them, more than 10,000 are seriously injured and unable to fight again. We can't bear the second blow!

"Is the explosion just now a forbidden curse, Master Blingol?" Although his eyes are blind, I can't see where the kobold wizard is sitting, but Kazrak still relied on the instinct of "smelly congenial" between the two. , Found Bringore's location, and asked him.

At this moment, Blingol, who looked like an old dog, was also shredded by a leg in the explosion. A thick bandage was also wrapped around his broken leg, except for the broken leg. In addition, his body was all burned, and even his dog's fur was burned out. At this moment, he is like a bald super fat Shar Pei, all over his body. It was roasted red and full of wrinkled fat.

"It's a forbidden curse, and, according to my observations, the attack just now was not as simple as a forbidden curse, maybe dozens..." Blingol, who used to be an arrogant posture, is now very decadent. Replied.

"What!" After listening to Blingol's answer, Kazrak was completely shocked and bounced off his horse. It didn't matter, it was directly related to the wound on his body. It hurts him. He fell directly to the ground, hissing and rolling.

After tumbling for a long time without being left unattended, Kazlak, who had a bad character, fumbled for his Mazhazi by himself, sat back slowly, and continued to ask Bringore: "Master, you have no choice. Are you wrong, dozens of forbidden curses?"

"Absolutely right, and, hey..." After a sigh, Blingor replied with a downcast head: "The dozens of forbidden curses are not holy curses, but god-level curses..."

"Ah..." Kazrak, who was shocked again, instinctively wanted to bounce again, but after thinking that he had just been rolling on the floor but no one was watching, he resisted the desire to bounce and his **** was dead. He pressed Maza's surface, and did not move: "Dozens of god-level forbidden curses, isn't the opponent coming with dozens of magic gods? Then let's slap, let's run away, come!"

Kazlak, who had realized that he might die without a place to bury him, was about to retreat directly. The purpose of his retreat was not to preserve the vitality of the entire team, he was just to save his own life.

"Can't withdraw, General!" Upon hearing that his leader wanted to flee, Todd hurriedly stopped him and said: "You must not just withdraw like this!"

"Why?" Kazlak, who knew Todby's own skills, was jealous of him and had stumbling over him, but at this moment, if he wanted to survive, he had to listen to this kind of experience. The words of the person in charge: "Chief Todd!"

"General, the enemy's combat power, we just saw it, and our soldiers have seen it too. We are afraid, and our soldiers are even more afraid. As long as we order a retreat, then we will immediately have a big retreat here. , In case, the enemy takes advantage of our chaotic opportunity to attack us, then..." Todd wanted to say "we all have to die...", but when the words came to his lips, he still suppressed it. It's in the stomach.

"Then what do you say?" Kazrak, who knew what the commander Todd was talking about, asked Todd anxiously.

"Withdrawal is necessary because we really can't fight, but we have to withdraw in a planned way, I think," Todd, whose painful mouth was still twitching after taking a deep breath, suggested: "We want to send A small group of death squads smashed out of the city to contain the enemy, creating a time window for the retreat of our large forces..."

"It's easy to say. Now, who else wants to go out of the city to fight? The enemy leader is Mario Wharton, the killer. Is that the one we dealt with? Besides, even if the leader is not the killer. , Didn’t you see the explosion just now, you said, who wants to face an enemy who can use this kind of god-level forbidden curse?" Before Kazrak reacted, the kobold wizard Blingol Roared.

"I'll go!" After listening to Bringor's "shit man", the commander Todd stood up abruptly, sacrificed himself, and wanted to implement his own plan: "Give me 20,000 cavalry. I will contain the enemy!"

"How long can you contain them?" Bringal, whose character was so trash that he could not imagine, after hearing that someone was willing to sacrifice for himself, not only didn't feel touched or grateful, but suspected that the other party's ability was wrong.

"Huh..." After humming Blingol disdainfully, Commander Todd turned to face Khazlak, and resolutely promised: "I promise to contain the enemy for an hour. Please be sure to lead the people to evacuate as soon as possible. Here!"

"Then I’ll trouble you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I just thought about running away, and never thought about taking the people away. After hearing Todd’s awe-inspiring promise, he bowed his head in shame. Knowing that Todd could not come back alive, he pretended to say: "As long as you can come back alive, General Todd, then I will give you the position of chieftain. After all, I am already blind. ..."

"Farewell..." Todd, who no longer wanted to talk to the two "shit people" in front of him, shook his head without even looking at Kazrak, and turned to leave.

Perhaps it was because of guilt, Kazlak, who had always been procrastinating, was so efficient at this time. He immediately ordered that the whole army listened to Todd's mobilization, and Todd would take as many people as he wanted. Get out.

Just when the pig-headed commander Todd mobilized his troops to carry out a suicide attack, Wang Xu felt that the time was almost time, and he should be able to detonate his "dark thunder" buried in the gate wall...


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