Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 866: Expendables

Wang Xu silently calculated the time, knowing that after another ten to fifteen minutes, the Intermediate Extremely Explosive Talisman that he had buried in the gate’s city wall should explode. At that time, the tower stood tall in the mountain pass. After a century of Xiongguan, it is about to say goodbye to this world.

In order not to accidentally injure his own army, Wang Xu’s number of mid-level extremely explosive amulets buried in the pass is not very large, but even so, the explosive power of the extremely explosive amulet in the pass is enough to bring all enemies stationed near the pass. All the army sent to see the Underworld God.

While Wang Xu was waiting leisurely for the "fireworks blooming" at the pass, suddenly, a low horn sound "Woo, woo, woo..." surged from the pass, and accompanied by the sound of the horn, a puff of smoke came from the pass. The gate was diffused, and you saw a team of orc cavalry with bright armor, under the moonlight, surging out from the gate where the gate had been lost.

"No..." Wang Xu was dumbfounded after discovering that the enemy had sent troops out to fight in a magical way. With an incredible expression on his face, he turned to look at his staff Zana and asked: "It's me. Dizzy, they went out of the city. After being blown up twice by me, are they all so stupid that they dare to go out of the city to fight?"

"It shouldn't be." After listening to Wang Xu's incomprehensible words, Zana also had a ghostly expression, and she shook her head slightly to analyze: "The power of the terrible explosion just now should be enough to deter them. Now, at this moment, how can they dare to go out of the city to fight when they are frightened, don't they know that they will die in a decisive battle out of the city?"

"It's definitely a ghost!" After nodding heavily, Wang Xu told Zana: "I have to look at the army. I can't get out of my body. You go into the valley to see what happened. Be safe and hurry. Go back soon!"

"Okay..." Before the words fell, Zana disappeared directly on the back of the unicorn under her seat, teleporting to Yanai to see what happened.

"Woo..." After another long sound of the horn, in less than five minutes, the death squad led by Todd, the pig-headed commander, had a total of 15,000 people, and it was assembled outside the pass. Now, the sole purpose of Todd's dispatch of troops was to use the offensive to contain Wang Xu's army and buy more time for the evacuation of the people in Yanai.

However, dreams are good, but reality is often cruel. Just when Todd was in formation outside the pass, Wang Xu controlled an alchemy puppet and pointed a crossbow at Todd's troops.

It was still because he was afraid of hurting his own people, so Wang Xu didn't dare to put on another bed crossbow. He only dared to use a crossbow bolt from a bed crossbow. After all, ten mid-level extremely explosive charms were already attached to a crossbow bolt. , And the power of ten mid-level extremely explosive amulet is equivalent to a god-level forbidden curse. If you use one more shot, the explosion's range will be enough to affect your own people.

Wang Xu judged that although the explosive power of a single crossbow arrow could not kill all the enemies who exited the customs, it was still possible to kill a few thousand people. Moreover, one explosion was enough to completely collapse their charge formation and no formation. The cavalry team is basically toothless tigers, very easy to deal with.

Just as a cruel arc appeared at the corner of Wang Xu's mouth, he was about to launch the crossbow that had been aimed for a long time. Suddenly, he also realized the cruelty of reality.

Just listen to, "Hoo..." a long horn of horns rang, and the tauren troops that had surrounded the two wings of the elves suddenly began to charge to meet the enemy. At this time, Wang Xu was so dumbfounded that he was almost demented. For a second, he cursed in his heart: Are tauren idiots? I haven't ordered an attack yet. What are you doing? I can kill them all right away, but you rush out, my plan……

After gritting his teeth and scratching the top of his head for a long time, he almost scratched his scalp. Wang Xu bitterly slapped himself on his right leg. He reluctantly gave up his plan to bombard the enemy cavalry with crossbow arrows, because at this time, the enemy and us were about to Contact, and the distance between the vanguards of the two armies is estimated to be only one or two hundred meters, and the tauren troops have also idiotically rushed out of the guarding range of the defensive circle. If they were to bombard as originally planned, it is estimated Tauren will die more!

"Bow and arrow cover!" After cursing, Wang Xu immediately changed his plan and quickly ordered the Elf Clan Herald next to him.

After receiving Wang Xu’s order, the messenger picked up a gilt antler horn from his side, and blew it with a certain rhythm "beep...beep...beep...", the horns sounded together, behind Wang Xu The elven archers immediately understood the meaning of the rhythm, bent their bows and set up their arrows, and waited for Wang Xu's command after drawing the full string.

"Let it go!" Wang Xu gave an order, and the rhythm of the antlers changed. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of elf archers released their bowstrings almost simultaneously.

In an instant, the feather arrows covering the sky and the moon, like a black wall, rushed into the sky with the sound of "Sa...Sa...Sa...", because some archers themselves are magicians, so, The arrows they released also carried magical streamers, and those streamers added a hint of brilliance to the shady wall of arrows rain.

Since the death squad convened by the pig-headed commander Todd came out to drag time, this armed corps is really the elite of the remaining troops of the pig-heads and kobolds in Yanai, and this corps, The best equipment is also worn out. Not only are they covered with heavy armor, but each of them has a small bronze round shield that can cover the top of their heads on their left forearms.

"Ding ding dang dang..." a piece of metal collision ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ followed by the rain of Mars, hundreds of thousands of arrows, without any gaps, covered the orc squad, but that endless The arrows were almost all bounced off by the excellent equipment of the death squad. Only the most unlucky people would accidentally be killed by the arrows bounced off by their teammates, and the number of such people was very limited.

In the end, the number of enemy soldiers who died under the rain of arrows was less than 30, and the number of injured was less than 100. This shows that the killing effect of bows and arrows on them is really limited, but the attack of the rain of arrows has slowed down. The strength of the enemy cavalry's charge was still used for a little bit. However, the use of Jianyu did not make Wang Xu's embarrassing mood any better.

The distance of one or two hundred meters was too close. It took less than thirty seconds. The tauren rushing up from the two wings of the Wang Xu army and the enemy death squad, like three torrents of steel, collided fiercely in the center of the two armies Up.

After a series of loud noises of "Boom, boom, boom...", Wang Xu, who watched the battle between the two sides, was "stunned" by the battle in the distance...


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