Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 867: reality

If before this moment, someone told Wang Xu that infantry could not beat the cavalry, Wang Xu would definitely raise his hands in favor. After all, having a mount would be equivalent to adding a powerful maneuvering force and saving physical energy on the road. At least, in terms of physical strength, the cavalry of the cold weapon era definitely has an advantage over the infantry.

However, after this moment, if someone still tells Wang Xu that the infantry can't beat the cavalry, then Wang Xu will definitely reach out and draw the man’s face. In the face of absolute racial superiority, what is the difference between the cavalry and the infantry? It is not necessary at all.

The reason why Wang Xu had this new point of view was because, at this moment, he saw that on the battlefield, pigheads and kobold cavalry and their mounts were flying all over the sky, and no tauren was shot. Yes, just now, after the death squad of the pig-headed commander Todd came into contact with the two tauren legions, the contrast between the strength of the two sides' combat power was instantly reflected.

No matter what weapons the pigheads and kobold warriors use, even with spears or sharp axes, it is difficult for them to break through the tauren’s hard as iron muscles. Even if some tauren warriors are injured, that’s fine. It's just a little bit of broken skin, no bones.

The Tauren opponents, the Pigheads and the kobold knights, are different. They usually get a heavy blow from the tauren warrior, and they fly to the sky with their mounts, and they are broken to pieces. Even when they die, they wear armor. And the shields are completely deformed, and the deformed armor will squeeze a part of their bloodless body from the inside. As for whether the part that is squeezed out is something inside the body or something outside the body, then look at it. Luck.

Regarding the outcome of this seemingly very disparity in power, Wang Xu has no doubts. The Tauren will definitely win. It is estimated that after the fight, it will be difficult for a person in the Tauren Legion to die.

Wang Xu, who had relaxed his mentality, began to quietly observe the tauren fighters on the battlefield. He found that there were two completely different types of fighters in the tauren.

A type of tauren warriors who use double axes. They have strong muscles and use vindictiveness when fighting. Thanks to the support of vindictiveness, they are already infinitely powerful. A vigorous spirit is terrifying to look at.

The other type of tauren warriors use totem poles to fight. Their size is slightly thinner than the type of tauren fighting with a double axe. This kind of thinness is also relatively speaking. In contrast to their own people, if compared with their opponents, then even the thinnest tauren is several times stronger than the strongest pighead, not to mention those dogheads who are already thin. People.

This kind of tauren warrior fighting with totem poles seems to be inferior to the kind with double axe in terms of combat effectiveness. However, this kind of tauren has another ability. They can use witchcraft, this witchcraft , It can greatly increase its defense and attack power. Although the duration of this witchcraft is not too long, it is only about half a minute, and between the two uses of this witchcraft, there must be an interval of one or two minutes, but , This kind of tauren warrior, once in this kind of "bloodthirsty"-like witchcraft, its combat power is comparable to a meat grinder. Any enemy who is close to the tauren warrior in the witchcraft state will be totem poles. There is not even scum left.

While Wang Xu was "viewing the scenery," Todd, the pig-headed commander, saw his subordinates. Before he came out, a thousand or two thousand people were killed or injured. A little annoyed, he decisively ordered: "Go around!"

After receiving the general's order, the pigheads and kobold cavalry voluntarily gave up the tactics of fighting the tauren and began to circle around the body of the tauren. This change completely exposed the tauren warriors. The weakness of slow movement and turning.

Soon, some of the tauren fighters who had accumulated minor injuries to major injuries fell, and even began to suffer from battle damage.

"Hey..." Wang Xu didn't have a good solution to this situation. He thought that even if he asked the tauren to withdraw at this moment, people might not listen to it. After all, they are face-saving orcs. People have already died and lost face on the battlefield. If they don’t return the lost face, it is estimated that they will never withdraw.

Just as the two armies were entangled with each other's casualties, a burst of "boom, boom, boom..." blasted from the direction of the pass again. At this moment, Wang Xu buried the extremely explosive talisman near the pass. Now, seeing the explosion again and again, from near the pass, all the way to the valley, all the defenders stationed near the valley should have gone to heaven.

Originally, the morale of the pigheads and kobold death squads who found a way to deal with the tauren was gradually rising, but when they saw the majestic danger, it was gradually collapsing at this moment, and their way back would be completely blocked. The morale that had already been mentioned disappeared in an instant.

Different from the collapse of the pigheads and the kugheads, the tauren army, which was originally beaten by the enemy to a little bit of temper, realized that the opponent had no way to retreat and had become a trapped beast, its morale immediately soared. With that, their mobility and turning degree also improved, once again suppressing Todd's death squad.

Just when Wang Xu was analyzing how long it would take the tauren to clean up the group of "trapped beasts", Zana, who went to Guinchi to search for information, returned. When she came back, she turned her head and asked Wang Xu: "How can the tauren follow The enemy is fighting, when will this fight be over?"

"I can't help it, they did it by themselves, you know, their brains..." Wang Xu shook his head helplessly and sighed, "What happened in the valley?"

"The enemy is retreating..." Zana succinctly stated what she saw ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and hinted at Wang Xu: "Then, this team who went out of the city to fight to death is..."

"It's the death squad, they are here to drag the time, so that the enemies in the city can have enough time to evacuate..." Wang Xu's brain is comparable to a computer, after listening to Zana's report. , He immediately understood what Todd's group was doing.

"Hey!" After a fiercely glanced at the army of tauren who were still fighting there, Wang Xu cursed dejectedly: "Now, there is no way for us to chase after them, worship those brain-disabled tauren. Thanks, we are really held back, and I don’t know how long it will be!

"Don't worry," Zana smiled strangely after hearing Wang Xu's complaint, and replied: "The enemy in the valley can't be withdrawn..."


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