Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 868: Irreconcilable contradiction

"Ah...why the enemy can't retreat, can it be..." Listening to Zana's words that the enemy can't retreat, and looking at the weird smile on the corner of her mouth, Wang Xu "rationalized" guessed: "No Could it be that you blocked the other exits in the valley?"

"What!" After listening to Wang Xu's half-joking guessing remarks, Zana turned his head and gave Wang Xu a sideways glance, and then replied in an annoyed manner: "You think it's just the undead under my hand that can stop him. Can millions of people retreat? The only thing that can stop them is themselves!"

"Hmm..." Wang Xu, who seemed to think of something, looked up into Zana's eyes after looking down for a few seconds, and asked with a weird smile: "Could it be that they blocked the exit by themselves? Living?"

"Yes..." After shook her head and smiled slightly, Zana explained softly: "It seems that the pigheads and kobold nobles in Yanai did not notify the ordinary civilians there when they were retreating. Therefore, they were caught by the angry civilians. It was blocked in the city. Later, the aristocratic power began to become stronger. The people were no opponents. Then, the people fleeed to the exit in a swarm. Think about it, there are three exits in the entire valley. Let’s block After one of them, only two are left, and there are still one or two million people in the valley."

"So, under the situation of trampling on one another, the corpses of the pigheads and the kobold people who were crushed and trampled to death blocked the only two exits in the valley. Now the situation in the valley is, except for the escape. The people who had the foresight when they went out, whether they were the nobles or most of the people, were completely blocked in it. At this moment, I guess, the ordinary people who are burning with anger are already panicked. The nobles are starting to fight!" Zana calmly analyzed.

"Oh..." After raising his right hand, grabbing his chin, and snorting again, Wang Xu smiled happily, and said: "If they really start fighting, then we will be happy. After a while, we will enter the valley. They are not dead yet, but after a long period of cannibalism, they should have little strength to fight with us, hum..."

"Although I am also a great nobleman, I have to. The contradiction between the noble and the people is really an irreconcilable contradiction. The relationship between these two forces is like a dry thatch. It ignites, and once it burns, it won't be extinguished!" Nilu, who was listening to the conversation between Wang Xu and Zana, suddenly sighed.

After hearing Nilu's emotional words, everyone around him nodded in acquiescence.

"Do you have any way to solve this contradiction between the great nobles and the peaceful people?" Since the death battle between the tauren and the orc death squad is still going on, and it seems to have to be entangled for a long time, so, Nilu, who has nothing to do, Take the initiative to ask Wang Xu.

"Yes, haven't I just solved the problem of the great aristocrats in our clan? I have ransacked them all, and they have been demoted to slaves. They have lost their power and status, and it is difficult for them to want to cause chaos?" Wang Xu Da answered the question.

"I am not asking you how to solve the problem of the great aristocracy, I am asking you how to solve the problem of contradiction between the nobles and the common people, even if you eliminate the existing great aristocrats, but the new wave of great aristocrats will still be like spring Like the straw, it grows quickly. Is it true that every time you have to clean up the new nobles? If you do, who else is willing to work for you?" Wang Xu repeated the question "seriously" to the perfunctory Nilu, and after asking, her eyes looked straight into Wang Xu’s eyes, as if, as long as Wang Xu’s answer did not satisfy her, she would Going to use force.

"Hey..." After using a sigh as the opening remark, Wang Xu, who was "threatened" by Nilu, had to answer seriously: "The contradiction between nobles and common people is the most basic inherent contradiction in the entire world of Loren. There are nobles, what is a noble, this is the root of the problem. The so-called noble is a person who holds power. What is power? Power is a means to control others. Therefore, the aristocracy and the contradiction between the people are the controller. The contradiction between being controlled."

Now that he has decided to be "serious", Wang Xu has nothing to worry about. After all, his women are all around him. No matter how straightforward he is, they are still discussing issues among his own people. It is impossible for outsiders. knew.

"As the controller of the noble group, what is their desire? It is to control more people, how can they control more people? That is to seize greater power, and what is their fear? It is the loss of power. Why are they afraid of losing power? Because they know how miserable the people who were controlled by them are. They don't want to accept the extremely miserable fate and become the group of people controlled!" Wang Xu continued .

After a pause, after looking up at Haoyue who was about to fall, Wang Xu continued to explain: "As for the common people, what is their desire? Their most basic desire is freedom, freedom not controlled by the nobles. What are they afraid of? The controllers and the nobles. Therefore, to resolve the contradiction between the great nobles and the people is to let the fear of both parties disappear!"

"How do you do it?" Afrah, who was originally not interested in this matter and was born in a noble family, became interested. So she interrupted Wang Xu's narration and interjected. Sentence mouth.

"Don’t the nobles who are controllers fear that power will disappear and become controlled? Then, to eliminate their fears, they must be allowed to do so. Even if they have power, they cannot control anyone; and being controlled Aren’t the civilians who are most afraid of the nobles, as long as the nobles can’t control and persecute them, then their fear will disappear~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The contradiction between the two sides will be resolved!" Wang Xu answered with a smile .

"How could the nobles not persecute the civilians? You are gone. Power is control. If you have control, isn't it necessary?" Zana casually asked the key to the problem.

"How can it be impossible, as long as the time-sensitive aristocracy system is implemented in the future, that is, nobles are not always aristocrats, but time-effective, and nobles must be elected by commoners. In this case, in order to continue to be aristocrats , Do they still dare to persecute the civilians who elected them? At the same time, the civilians no longer have to fear the nobles. In this way, the contradiction is resolved!" Wang Xu gave the answer.

"High!" After listening to Wang Xu's solution, Nilu expressed her admiration for the idea in one word.

"Don't rush to boast, it's a pity..." After stopping the other girls who wanted to express their views, Wang Xu shook his head and sighed...·k·s·b·


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