Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 871: Add fuel to the fire

"He went back... and Guai was even more confused?" After listening to Wang Xu's answer, Helen, who has a high enough IQ, didn't know what trick Wang Xu was playing.

"Of course, didn't you just say that he is a man who knows how to lead soldiers, this kind of person has very strong organizational skills," after hearing Helen's question, Wang Xu nodded and responded: "Now, The nobles of the pig heads and the kobolds in the valley are already dead, and the dead represent blood feuds. This is a kind of hatred that cannot be reconciled. Then, the general named Todd, who looks like a ten thousand chief, once he returns When he gets to the city, he has to stand in line. He has only two options, one is to stand on the side of the nobleman and deal with the common people, and the other is to stand on the side of the common people and fight back against the nobleman!"

After a pause, Wang Xu continued to analyze: "Although the civilian power and the great aristocratic power in the valley are still at a stalemate, the civilians are always an unarmed and vulnerable group, despite their large numbers, more than the large aristocratic powers. Ten times and twenty times are normal, but no matter how many people there are, the flesh cannot hold the sword. It is only a matter of time before they are defeated."

"Then you let Todd go back, in case he joins the noble force, and he commands the army of the noble group, wouldn't it speed up the pace of defeating the civilian forces and let them escape from the valley faster?" I asked Wang Xu.

"I have said that no matter how large the number of great aristocratic forces is, it is only one-tenth or one-twentieth of the number of civilians, at most 150,000 to 60 thousand people. In these 100,000 people, one or two hundred are defeated. After 10,000 civilians, how many troops can they have left? Only forty to fifty thousand. Besides, those four to fifty thousand remnants, after the war, still have the strength to fight us? At that time, they just waited. The lambs we slaughtered, wait for us to slaughter them!" After hearing the wonderful question, Wang Xu raised his eyebrows at her first, and then replied: "I'll forget, round up those one or two million civilians. We have to die at least five to sixty thousand people, and to deal with the remnants of the noble group at the end of the crossbow, we can die a hundred even if we are defeated, so instead of dealing with its civilians, we have killed and injured fifty or six thousand, it is better to leave the civilians to them. Kill the nobles."

"What if the pig-headed man named Todd, Mr. Wan, joins the civilian ranks, isn't your plan bankrupt?" After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Helen raised her question.

"That would be even better. Once he joins the forces of the common people, the resistance of the common people rises sharply. However, the two fists still cannot stop the sword. The noble group will eventually win, but they will win very much. It's miserable. After the war, it would be nice if there were ten thousand people left. At that time, we would be able to clean them up without a single soldier!" Wang Xu analyzed again.

"There is another possibility, that is, he won't help anyone on either side, and hide himself?" After listening to Wang Xu's analysis, Miao proposed a third possibility.

"This possibility is very slim. Unless that guy is smarter than me, otherwise..." Wang Xu shook his head and replied: "If he really doesn't help anyone, then we must kill him and keep this high IQ. The fact that his opponent is alive is to leave a huge hidden danger to the future!"

Just as Wang Xu and his women were analyzing the principles of letting the tiger go back to the mountain, Zana, who was sent by Wang Xu into the valley to investigate intelligence, came back. As soon as she came back, she smiled and reported to Wang Xuhui: "You let go. After a big argument with the nobles, the orc captain, he directly joined the civilian power. The current situation is that the civilian power in the valley is soaring, and the rivalry with the aristocratic group has once again increased. According to me Observation, the two sides have nearly killed and injured hundreds of thousands of people."

"Haha, this relationship is good! Think I spent a lot of money to release more than 500 middle-level extremely explosive charms, even if I could kill 10,000 of them, I would be very happy, but in just half an hour, they killed each other alone. Hundreds of thousands of people died. This comparison made my theory come true again. Fortunately, my mind is more effective than force, hum..." Wang Xu shook his head a little triumphantly.

"Without force, no matter how good your brain is, you can only escape for your life..." He couldn't wait to see Wang Xu's statement, and, knowing that his brain seemed to be not good, Nilu responded back to Wang Xu.

"That's..." Wang Xu, who was very happy that the situation was moving in the direction he expected, lazily argued with Nilu, and dealt with her directly.

Seeing that Wang Xu was only dealing with his own Nilu, just as he was about to continue to go crazy, it happened that Wang Xu's alliance, the three orc chiefs, came over and relieved Wang Xu.

Seeing his allies coming, Wang Xu quickly got up from the red sandalwood master chair, put away the master chair, and said hello: "You three come here together, are you?"

"According to your request, we killed all the pigheads and kobold cavalry regiments that went out of the city, and also burned their bodies on the spot. This is their left ear. Didn't you mean, a The enemy's left ear, ten gold coins, now there is a full fifteen thousand one hundred left ear in it, give it money!" Adrian Sacred hoof held a circle of space bracelets and handed it to Wang Xu.

"Those ears, please burn them too. This is money, a total of 200,000 gold coins." Wang Xu did not pick up the ring of space bracelets containing the left ears of the death squad members. Instead, there was a black on his left palm. The iron space ring was handed to Adrian Sacred Hoof, and immediately added: "As for the extra 50,000 gold coins, they are given to the families of the fallen soldiers and the wounded soldiers."

"Okay, I thank you for the casualties!" After receiving the black iron space ring that Wang Xu handed over, Adrian Sacred Hoof saluted Wang Xu and sincerely thanked him. Immediately, he immediately turned and left, and went back to divide the money, but the cat chieftain Abel and another tauren chieftain Colby Sacred hoof remained.

After watching Adrian Sacred Hoof leave, Abel, the Great Chief of the Cat Race, asked Wang Xu: "What are we going to do next~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Should we take advantage of the opportunity of the enemies in the valley to attack? "

"No, no, no..." After vetoing Abel's proposal, Wang Xu said his plan: "Since the enemy likes killing each other so much, let's let them kill enough. Now, we soldiers Divide into three paths and block the three exits of the river valley respectively. When the enemy kills himself enough, we will do it again."

"Hmm..." After nodding and agreeing to Wang Xu's plan, Abel asked, "How to divide the troops?"

"Our elves are going to block the south exit that they are most likely to rush out. The two tauren tribes block this exit and the west exit respectively..." Wang Xu ordered.

"Then what do we cat people do, do we have to watch with nothing else to do..." After listening to Wang Xu's instructions, Wang Xu's cheap father-in-law, the chief chief of the cat people, Abel, murmured somewhat "dissatisfied"... …


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