Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 872: Hell is coming

"Actually, the reason why I don't let you and your cat people army participate in Du Gukou's work is because I have more important tasks for you and your cat people army to do..." After listening to Abel After his slightly dissatisfied complaint, Wang Xu quickly comforted him.

To be honest, Wang Xu really didn’t want to arrange any tasks for the Cat People Legion. It was not because Wang Xu looked down on them, but because the Cat People, a race known in the world of Loren for its beauty and illusion ability, did not belong to Fighting races, fighting power is really not enough, instead of letting them attack the city, it is better to let them die directly.

"What important task do you have to give us?" Feeling that Wang Xu was perfunctory Abel, after listening to Wang Xu's words, he quickly asked Wang Xu.

"You know, the capture of the river valley is only part of our overall plan to eliminate the pigheads and the kobold forces. Our next task is to ambush the regular army that will help the pigheads and kobolds. Therefore, we cannot let you know our details. The enemy of the enemy, pass our detailed information to the ears of the backing enemy. If someone penetrates our bottom, the enemy who is out cannot return, it will be a big problem!" Wang Xu explained.

"Then what do you want us to do?" Abel, who probably understands what Wang Xu wants to do, needs to make sure that Wang Xu's meaning is consistent with his own guess, so he asked Wang Xu again.

"Previously, some pigheads and kobold civilians escaped from Yanai. Those people are enemies who may reveal our secrets. Therefore, I need you and your cat-human army to find all the enemies who escaped. Kill it so that we can smoothly implement the next plan..." Wang Xu said his request.

"Well, I understand, I will go now..." After knowing that Wang Xu's meaning is consistent with his own guess, Abel nodded and turned back Wang Xu. After replying, Abel left directly and went to perform the task. Up.

As the cat people chieftain Abel is a resolute person, so, one minute after Wang Xu finished talking with him, he led the cat people army to leave and searched for the trace of the escaped enemy.

Although the cat people are far inferior to the kobolds, who have a sense of smell against the sky, in terms of search ability, the kobolds can easily avoid ordinary searches with this kind of smell, but they escaped from the valley. After all, there are not many kobolds, there are only a few hundred people, while the cat people legion has tens of thousands of people. Relying on the carpet search of tens of thousands of people, Wang Xu can't believe it. There are still kobolds who only rely on a keen sense of smell. Can escape.

After the cat people army left, Wang Xu immediately went to implement his "blocking door plan". Soon, he and his two other allies arranged their respective armies properly. When Wang Xu treated the elves After the legion brought to the south gate of the river valley, the two tauren legions were blocked at the west gate and the other at the east gate.

Although the tauren is indeed a stunned and a bit excessive race, the two little tauren chiefs who are in charge of blocking the door also understand that at this moment, when the enemy is fighting, he cannot bring people into the valley. The more you kill each other, the more people die, and the better it is for you. You must not bother others to self-harm.

Although his troops only need to patiently stay outside the valley and do nothing, Wang Xu cannot do nothing at all. He must always pay attention to the infighting of the enemies in the valley.

At this time, Wang Xu, who was hiding in the dark place of the high ground with Zana and Nilu, took advantage of the dazzling light of the rising sun to clearly see that the river valley at this time was a living Hell of Abi.

With just a rough glance, Wang Xu observed that at this time, the confrontation between the pigheads and the kobold nobles and the common people had reached the fiercest time in the valley. The total number of deaths on both sides probably exceeded five. One hundred thousand people.

I saw that all kinds of dead bodies, in various incomprehensible and strange postures, quietly "lying" on the streams and grass. The green grass in the valley, at this moment, has been completely reddened by blood. To make matters worse, the water of the four small creeks and the water of a small river in the valley are all blood red at this moment. Even the large lake in the middle of the valley that occupies a quarter of the total area of ​​the valley is also The blood was dyed pink.

As the morning breeze blows, the lake surface, which was stained pink by blood, carries various corpses floating on it, fluctuating up and down. Many birds and beasts that only dared to forage outside the valley, this will Er, also entered the valley one after another, pecking at the flesh and blood of the corpses on the lake to fill their hunger. Many carnivorous fish, after eating and drinking, jumped out of the water excitedly, expressing their "happiness."

Many people who were originally seriously injured and have not died are also freed from the dying pain under the gnawing of the carnivores. They are "serenely" belching. For this group, they have been watching their compatriots being gnawed away. For the dying, perhaps, only death can relieve their spiritual pain.

The situation of cannibalism in Yanai continued to develop. After about an hour, the development of the situation began to move in the opposite direction that Wang Xu had predicted.

Wang Xu’s point of view is that no matter how large the number of civilians in the city, after all, they are an unarmed and vulnerable group, it is difficult to defeat the noble group with the army and various weapons, but when Todd joined the civilian power , The situation began to turn towards the result that civilians might have to come back.

The reason for this result is that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the soldiers of the noble army are being killed continuously, their weapons have become the weapons of the civilians. Gradually, the more civilians have weapons The more they came, and the more they fought, the more experienced they became. After an hour of fighting, the civilians who survived, their individual combat power is almost not inferior to ordinary soldiers, and some of them are talented, even alone. Killed several regular soldiers in a row.

"The situation is gradually different from what you predicted?" After seeing that the civilian armed forces in Yanai were about to come back and counterattack, Nilu turned to look at Wang Xu and reminded: "The civilian armed forces seem to be overturned soon. ?"

"It should be impossible." Although he himself saw that civilian armed forces had begun to take advantage, Wang Xu still shook his head: "The aristocratic legion is not only the armed forces of the ordinary regular army, but they are the aristocratic power with huge wealth. The usefulness of things is limitless, and many experts like money..."

Before Wang Xu's words were finished, it was fulfilled. The "master" in the aristocratic legion, made a move...


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