Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 873: Demon Soul

The kobold wizard scum Blingoer, who represents the power of the great nobles, endured a pain and took a shot. As soon as he shot, he immediately showed the demeanor of the top master of the holy rank.

I saw that when he lifted his dog's hoof, a circle of **** vortex was erected in the air in front of him. Soon, the **** vortex turned more and more fiercely, and it became bigger and bigger. In the end, the **** vortex became the size of a city gate. .

"Drink..." Following the scum Blingol's violent drink, **** runes made up of orc characters, like machine gun bullets, flew straight out of the **** vortex, towards the civilians. Flew armed.

With a muffled sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom...", the **** runes that ran at a speed hard to see with the naked eye hit the civilian-armed soldiers who stood in the way.

After that, the screams of "Ah, ah, ah..." continued to sound, and I saw that all the soldiers hit by the scarlet rune immediately clutched their heads and rushed to the ground. Then, they burst out from all over their bodies. The plumes of hot blue smoke, and then their muscles began to shrink, and eventually, they shrank into a skinny "mummy".

Although the warriors with the scarlet rune turned into a mummy, from their still staring eyes and the fear in their eyes, it can be seen that these "mummy" are still To live, it's just that life is better than death.

With Blingol's use of this rune machine gun witchcraft, the counterattack of civilian armed forces on the battlefield was immediately suppressed.

In less than five minutes, Blingol's sci-fi magical technique poisoned more than two thousand civilian soldiers into "mummy".

Just as Blingol smiled and looked at the masterpiece created by his witchcraft, the pig-headed commander Todd, who was in civilian armed forces, shouted: "Don't be afraid, don't hold back, the more we It’s fear, and the more we avoid it, the more witchcraft hurts us. Now, only if we work together to break through the witchcraft wall and kill the wicked Blingol who released the witchcraft, we can get it. The final victory! Everyone...follow me!"

After shouting, Todd raised his two sharp axes with both hands, and took the lead to rush towards the **** vortex released by Blingore. On the way to the charge, Todd was like a tireless war machine. Two battle axes full of vindictiveness danced, and all the **** runes that flew toward him were all split by the vindictiveness he blessed on the axe.

Seeing that their leaders are so brave, the civilians who had been frightened by Bringore’s witchcraft once again ignited revenge. They followed Todd closely, shouting and clamoring, and moved towards The scarlet whirlpool rushed.

The aggressive momentum stunned Bringor, the "shit man" who was hiding in front of the witchcraft. He couldn't help taking a half step back. However, the **** man is indeed a **** man, his heart is ruthless and his hands are dark enough. After realizing that the other party’s next goal was himself, he immediately took the next action. He took out a fist-sized black glass vial from his arms, and said viciously: "You forced me. Don't blame me..."

After he finished speaking, Bringor raised his hand and threw the small glass bottle at the civilian army like him, and said something in his mouth.

"Pl..." After a crisp sound, the small glass bottle exploded in mid-air, and then, a puff of black smoke instantly expanded from the shards of glass, accompanied by the appearance of black smoke, like metal rubbing. The treacherous laughter filled the black smoke: "Haha, kill, kill..."

"Hmm..." Zana, who was hiding in the dark with Wang Xu and Nilu "looking at the scenery", whispered in a slightly surprised tone after seeing the black smoke erupting from the glass bottle: " Oh, that's the soul of the devil... I didn't expect that there are still people playing such cruel things today!"

"Devil's soul?" After listening to Zana's mutter, Nilu immediately asked her: "Is it a devil's soul? Why didn't I feel a devil's breath from there?"

"Although that thing is called the devil's soul, it is not the devil's soul." After hearing Nilu's question, Zana explained casually: "The devil's soul is a kind of spiritism, a part of undead magic. This is an unacceptable sorcery. Its main body is just an ordinary soul, but it is the soul of the evil man. The person who refines the soul of the devil needs to use the most cruel means to make that great evil. The evil person tortured to death, filling his soul with resentment. Then, the soul refiner swallowed it with the soul of the child to help it grow, and finally, refine it into a complete demon soul!"

"No wonder even the unacceptable necromancers call it a sorcery. It turns out that they are able to increase their strength by persecuting children!" After listening to Zana's explanation, Wang Xu shook his head and said with emotion: "Dare to play this People with spirit skills should be regarded as scumbags among scumbags..."

"You can say so," Zana smiled bitterly after listening to Wang Xu's words, and then nodded in response: "What's more cruel is that the complete demon soul has the ability to devour souls, and everything is swallowed by him. Those who lose their souls will be controlled by them forever and become walking dead..."

"Huh..." After a cold snort, Nilu cursed with a slightly angry expression: "I thought that the orcs were a relatively simple race. It turns out that there are such scums among them. We can't let go of using the devil. The rotten man of the soul must kill him!"

"It's not busy..." Wang Xu raised his right arm and put it on Nilu's shoulder, coaxing her: "This kind of **** is worse than shit. I will never let him leave here alive, but Well, the enemy is fighting inwardly right now. If we kill that guy right now, we are helping the enemy. We should wait for the enemy to decide the victory or defeat. Let's do it again!"

"I can't bear it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You don't do it, I do it, I can't tolerate such a person alive, for a second!" After shaking her shoulders and throwing away Wang Xu's arm, Nilu was fierce. Hummed.

"Well, I'll kill him, but before I kill him, I have to ask Zana a question," Wang Xu, who agreed to kill Bringol, turned his head and asked Zana after calming Nilu: " If I kill the soul refiner, will the sorcery of Demon Soul disappear?"

"I don't know," Zana shook her head and replied after a bitter smile: "Although I am also a necromancer, but, like Demon Soul, a magic that is too evil and has very limited power, the people who refined it in history It's really not much, and the records are not detailed. I don't know what will happen after the soul refiner is killed!"

"In that case, let's try to see what the result looks like. You wait, I will come as soon as I go..." After hearing Zana's answer, Wang Xu teleported and disappeared in place...


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