Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 888: Golden, Glenn, Gerton, Taofen

"This..." After seeing his youngest brother Gerton fainted from severe injuries, Lord Pighead Ge Dan hurriedly threw away the ivory wine glass in his hand and took a quick step forward to observe the condition of his younger brother's injury. At the same time, Gerton Another elder brother, Glenn, was already standing next to Gerton.

"Gerton's injury is very serious, whether it is a burn on the outside of the body or a broken wound in the internal organs, it is fatal..." Glenn, who has a certain medical ability, used witchcraft to explore Grton's body. With a solemn expression, he said to Ge Dan.

"Who hurt our brother like this, who is it?" After listening to Glenn's recounting of Gerton's injury, Golden, who had not completely evaporated his alcohol, screamed in anger, he shouted , Was just venting his angry emotions, no matter how loud he roared, it was useless.

"Did Lord Gordon come back alone, or was he sent back?" Or Glenn was more calm, he didn't snarly shout like Goldan, after looking down for a few seconds, He asked coldly the two pighead guards who helped Gerton in.

"Lord Gordon was sent back by his servants. There were about a dozen servants who came back with the lord. Their condition is similar to that of Lord Gordon. Most of them suffered severe burns. Almost all were tired and dizzy, only a few people were still awake!" After listening to the question of the pighead lord Gulan, one of the two pighead guards, who was slightly older, answered Gulen’s question respectfully. .

"Oh, well, you help Lord Gordon to rest in my account, and send the lord’s fainted servants to my tent, and then you go and inform the great witch doctor, saying that I will let He hurriedly healed Lord Gordon's wounds, and also informed the few servants who were still awake and accompanied Lord Gordon to come back to our army tent, the sooner the better!" As a pig head in this race One of the rare think tanks, Gülen is still very organized.

"Yes, my lord!" After receiving the order from Glenn, the two guards who were supporting Grton immediately helped Grton out of the Chinese army's tent, to carry out the order of Gren.

"You tell me, what's the matter?" Gedan, the lord of the pighead, who has just been helped away and has silently returned to his throne, glanced at the kobold who has always been sitting in his position and has not moved. After the lord Tao Fen, he turned his head and asked his smart brother Glenn.

"Before he fainted, Gerton said something went wrong. I guess he wanted to tell us that something happened in the valley..." The frowning and heavy footed Glenn moved toward his seat. Going to answer Ge Dan's question.

"What!" After hearing that there might be an accident in his hometown, Taofen, the lord of the kobold, who had been unresponsive, finally became "excited". He shouted, "Who did it?"

"Who else can anyone else," Ge Dan, whose face burned with anger, took a slap on the table top of the long table in front of him, and said, "Of course it is the cat race, but they have been obsessed with wanting to take it back. From that river valley!"

"Hmm..." After listening to his elder brother's answer, Gu Lan silently returned to his original position and nodded in recognition: "I also think it was the Cat People, but now, the Cat People have split. It has become several forces, and I don’t know which of them is responsible for it. Could it be Abel’s servant!"

"It must be him," after listening to Gulen's guess, the lord of the kobold cursed at Taofen, "not only has that guy been thinking about our river valley, but also wishfully intends to unite the divided cat race. , I heard earlier that the splitting forces of the cat people have reached a consensus, that is, whoever takes the valley, then they recognize who is the king, Abel does not want to lose the throne, he is definitely the one who wants to take our valley the most. people!"

"But..." After listening to the analysis of the Kobold lord Taofen, the wise lord of the lord Gülen muttered questioningly. The reason why he did not finish the whole sentence was because he considered It might hurt Taofen's face if you reach yourself, so...

"When is it, you are still mumbling like that, just talk if you have something..." After sensing the hesitant expression on Gu Lan's face, he yelled at him unhappily.

"Then I'll just say it straight." After raising the "trotter" on the front of his left arm and tapping the table lightly twice, Gülen continued with the paragraph he had just said, and continued: "I listen Say, now, the number of cat people surrounding Abel’s nag is about 50,000, and we stay in the valley, there are nearly 3 million people, just rely on Abel’s 50,000 people, take Do we have to get down to our river valley? I even think that even if all the forces split by the cat-human tribe are brought together, they have not won the battle power of our river valley!"

"Then what do you think is the situation?" After listening to Glenn's analysis, the Kobold Lord nodded fiercely in agreement. Then he walked to the side of Glenn and sat on the backrest on the right side of Glenn. On the chair, he asked Gu Lan back.

"I don’t know, all the situations we discussed just now are based on my guesses. Let’s wait for Gerton’s servants to come and clarify the matter before continuing to analyze. Maybe, the situation in the valley is not like that. It’s as serious as we imagined...” In fact, the situation in Gulen’s imagination was more serious than what he just said. However, considering that everything was his own imagination and there was no factual basis, he did not continue. Go on.

"Hmm..." Tao Fen, who agreed with Gülen's plan again, nodded and snorted. Then, he folded his arms, closed his eyes, and began to wait for Grton's servant to come over.

Although ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ closed his eyes and looked attentively, Taofen seemed to have calmed down. However, from his trembling eyelids, it can be seen that this guy is still angry and nervous. He The action of closing his eyes and concentrating is nothing but a show of pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

"If the river valley is really lost," Gedan, who had been listening to Glenn and Taofen's conversation, gritted his teeth after Taofen shut up, "I must give the **** Kazrak to the corpse. ..."

Angrily cursing at the left-behind general in the valley, Gedan of the pig-headed leader Kazrak, how did he know that the man he wanted to smash his body was burned into the air by the fire in the explosion that Wang Xu finally released , Even if Godan wanted to break Kazrak's body into pieces, Kazrak's body didn't have the body to break him.

Just when the three people in the Chinese army’s big tent were all quiet, a pig-headed servant covered in bandages was kicked in by two pig-headed guards...


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