Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 889: Bandage man

"Help him sit down, no need to kneel..." After seeing the servant of his younger brother who was helped in by two guards, his body was covered with **** bandages, Gulen ordered the two guards to help the servant. When I got to the chair opposite to me, I didn't need to kneel and speak according to the rules.

"Thanks... Master Xie Gelan..." The whole face, except for the eyes and nostrils, the pighead servant who was covered in bandages, thanked Gu Lan weakly, and then he half-lied on the back chair. From his frail appearance, it can be seen that this guy is not far from the moment of collapse and fainting.

"You can go out..." After raising his hand to dismiss the two guards, Gu Lan raised his eyes and looked at the "Bandage Man" who was across the table from him, and asked him in a low voice: "What happened and why Ge Lord Dun will hurt like that?"

"Forbidden curses, endless forbidden curses..." After recalling the inexplicable rain of forbidden curses he had suffered, the "bandage man" trembling all over, with a tone of fear, replied: "Ge Dan Lord, Lord Glenn, Lord Taofen, our river valley...at the same time... suffered a hundred fire spells, really a hundred times, if not for my master Gordon We are hunting outside the valley, maybe, we won't be able to escape..."

"What, a hundred forbidden curses, are you telling a joke?" After listening to the bandage man's answer, Glenn hadn't responded yet. Ge Dan, who was sitting on the throne, exploded immediately: "You know, fire Forbidden spells are spells that can only be used by fire-type great wizards. You just said that our valley suffered a hundred fire-type forbidden spells at the same time. What you mean is that a hundred fire-type great wizards attacked by the enemy. Our river valley is now, are you scared crazy? The fire-type great wizards of all races of our orcs add up. It’s hard to say whether there are 100 fire-type great wizards. Could it be that all the fire-type great wizards have killed our hometown? Go to release the Forbidden Fire Curse!"

"Yes...really..." Hearing that his leader didn't believe his words, the bandage man endured the pain, sat up straight, and shouted with tears. As he talked, he rolled his eyes a little. Mean it.

"I believe you..." After listening to the bandager's reply, just as Gedan was about to scold again, his brother Ge Lan raised his hand to block him who was going to be mad, and Ge Lan quickly got up and ran to the bandaged body. Next, he was bored with a pot of **** potion similar to life potion. After the bandager was relieved under the action of the potion, Gu Lan asked him in a low voice: "You can tell me the details, then hundreds Where did this forbidden spell come from?"

"That's it. I originally accompanied my master to hunt near the Niema River on the east side of the valley. Suddenly, hundreds of fire pillars rose up in the valley. Later, the heat flow from the explosion blew us away. After I woke up from the faint, I found that my whole body was burned, and I was stuck between the branches of an oak tree. If it hadn’t been for the oak tree to block me, I guess I’d already..." The people answered with tears.

"Speak slowly..." After wiping away tears from the bandager himself, Glenn took the sentence.

"When I finally climbed down from the oak tree, by the Niema River not far from me, I found the fainted master and other colleagues around the master. I originally had 30 colleagues. But, at that time, we only had thirteen living people left. Later, the master awoke and he ordered us to leave quickly, so..." The bandaged man after drinking the potion obviously recovered quite well, he said Then, it's not as panting as it was at the beginning.

"Do you know who the enemy is attacking our valley?" After listening for a long time, the kobold lord Taofen, who couldn't hear the key point, finally became impatient and asked the bandage man directly.

"It's the cat people! Master Taofen..." The Bandager replied in a very affirmative tone.

"How can you be so sure? Didn't you leave without even going back to the river valley? How do you know that the enemy is the cat race?" Ge Dan, who was sitting on the throne, asked the bandage man impatiently. .

"That's it, Big Boss. We came along the secret road along the ridge. On the top of the mountain, we saw the cat people's army hunting us everywhere. Those people all escaped from the valley. Among them Most of them were taken away by the cat people!" The bandage man said the reason for his confidence.

"It's not good!" After listening to the bandage man's words, the pighead think tank Glenn grinned.

"What's the matter?" Taofen, who didn't understand what Gu Lan's muttering wanted to express, quickly asked Gu Lan.

"If the enemy can calmly capture our people outside the valley, then, in all likelihood, the valley has already been occupied by them..." Glenn said his judgment quietly.

However, before Gülen’s voice fell, he was interrupted by the bandager: “It’s not like that, Master Gülen. At that time, the valley had not fallen yet, and the master still had a relationship with Mr. Kazrakov and Mr. Todd. I have talked with a secret technique. I remember that at that time, Chief Kazrakk said he was going to flee the valley with a large army, but Chief Todd disagreed. So the two of them immediately quarreled. Later, the master I fainted again, and the call ended. Later, the master never woke up again until we returned to the camp!"

"That said, it is very possible that the fellow Kazrak has also escaped from the river valley..." After listening to the situation described by the bandage man, Ge Dan, sitting on the throne, whispered.

However ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ While Ge Dan was muttering, Ge Lan, the pig-headed think tank Ge Dan's younger brother, bowed his head silently and fell into contemplation. He always felt that what the bandage man said was revealing. It was a little weird, but because the bandager brought back too little information, he analyzed it for a long time and couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"In this way, the enemy who attacked our river valley is the group of silly cats. Well, we will immediately return to the army, retake the river valley, and deprive him of every silly cat in the cat people!" After a while, the peaceful Kobold lord Tao Fen finally broke out again, roaring out his plans.

"Well... it's a good idea. On our way back to the army, if we meet the **** of Kazlak, by the way, he will be broken into pieces. This time, even if someone intercedes, he must die. After all, He Gu was left in his hands..." After listening to Taofen's suggestion, Ge Danyin replied.

"Wait..." Just when the two orc lord Gedan and Taofen reached a consensus and were about to return their troops to retake the valley, Ge Lan suddenly stopped saying...


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