Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 890: Warring parties

"What's wrong, is there any problem?" After not knowing why his smart brother had to stop his plan, Lord Pighead Ge Dan asked Gu Lan suspiciously.

"I think it's better for us not to move. After all, we still have a lot of questions that we haven't figured out yet. For example, we haven't figured out what the 100 forbidden spells are all about..." was asked. Later, Gu Lan raised his eyes to look at his reckless brother, and answered with worry on his face.

"Then what are you going to do?" Tao Fen, the kobold lord, who knew that Glenn was much smarter than himself and Ge Dan, humbly asked for advice.

"Wait... just wait here, wait until Kazlak leads the team and explain to us all the things happening in the valley. Let's decide on the next plan. We can't fight an unprepared war... "Glen whispered his plan.

"But, in case the **** of Kazrak hasn't withdrawn, think about it, didn't Todd have a dispute with Kazrak? Didn't Todd advocate keeping in the valley and waiting for us to support? In case, Todd's Advocates have the upper hand. Our people are still waiting in the river valley for our rescue. Then, if we wait here, won’t we be wronged by our own people? Besides, our family members are still in the river valley. Here, if the news of an accident in the river valley spreads among our army, then our morale..." After listening to his brother Gelan's plan, Lord Pighead Ge Dan replied with some worry.

"Compared with our morale problem, I am more worried that, in case, the one hundred fire forbidden spells that the servant said just now are true, then if we rush back to the army, in case, we will also be hit by that. A hundred forbidden spells, then we are not just a morale problem, we may encounter serious damage to soldiers and soldiers..." Regarding the small problem that his brother was worried about, Gülen said the big problem he was worried about.

"Then we can't wait here and wait for nothing. After a long time, there will be rumors in the army. After all, many people have seen Gerton come back in despair. Those witnesses will not Don't guess, don't wait for me..." Kobold Lord Taofen frowned and expressed his concerns.

"Furthermore," following the words of his ally and friend Taofen, Lord Pighead Gedan added: "That river valley is our hometown. We just depended on smashing that river valley home, if we didn't take it. Going down the river valley, we have established great feats and prestige. Now we are just a few small captains. If the valley is lost, I am worried that we will lose everything we have now!"

"Yes..." After listening to his brother Ge Dan's insightful analysis, Lord Kobold Taofen nodded in favor and responded.

"Hey..." Knowing what my brother said is very reasonable, and knowing that his brother has made up his mind to withdraw the army, Glenn sighed helplessly, and sighed bitterly, shook his head, "Well, let's withdraw, but, When we go back, we must divide the army into three groups, the front, the middle and the back. The three groups must be separated from each other by 30 miles. On the way back to the army, whenever we encounter dangerous places such as valleys and rivers, we must repeatedly explore. And move forward slowly. Only in this way can we avoid being ambushed by the enemy and minimize losses..."

"Just do what you say..." After listening to his smart brother's strategizing analysis, Ge Dan nodded and agreed.

Therefore, under the decision of the three highest commanders of the pigheads, kobolds, and centaur coalition forces, the orc coalition began to retreat. Of course, the territories they occupy today need to be guarded by soldiers. Therefore, they stayed The Centaur was placed to guard here, and all the pigheads and kobold soldiers were taken away. After all, the valley area is the territory of their pigheads and kobolds, and has nothing to do with the centaur, even if the centaur is allowed to help They won't take the Centaur back to the river valley too much, so instead of taking those Centaur tow oil bottles, it's better not to take them back and let them guard their vested interests.

On the afternoon of the second day after the orc coalition began to withdraw, the spies of the cat people sent this information back to Wang Xu, so Wang Xu, the cat chief Abel, the tauren little chief Corby Holyhoof and Adrian Sacred Hoof, once again held a coalition strategy meeting in the Chinese Army's Great Tent, located 30 kilometers outside the south gate of the river valley.

This time, Colby Holyhoof, who came to the meeting, brought his son and Wang Xu’s old friend Tauren Sanggu. Logically speaking, this level of meeting shouldn’t be allowed to Sanggu. Brain Dismembered, then, there is only one reason why Sanggu came, and it must be Colby Sacred Hoof who finally brought him helplessly after he stalked Sanggu.

As soon as he brought Sanggu, Colby Sacred Hoof regretted it, because his stupid son Sanggu, while listening to the spy of the Cat Human Race, snored and fell asleep shamelessly. Embarrassed himself.

In the end, Colby Sacred Hoof had to order to take away his son who was sleeping like a dead pig. However, due to Sanggu's trouble, the atmosphere in the venue was much relaxed, not as serious as it was at the beginning.

After watching Sanggu, who was asleep, was carried away, Wang Xu first coughed two throats with a "cough, cough...", after his throats focused the attention of the audience on himself, Wang Xu He opened his mouth and said: "That's it, thank Chief Abel for bringing us such detailed information~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Without this information, we would be very passive."

He got up and saluted his old father-in-law Abel, and after accepting his return, Wang Xu, who sat back in his seat, continued: "From the information we have just heard, we know that the enemy is divided into three parts. The team withdrew, the three teams were separated from each other by a distance of about fifty miles. From this phenomenon, we can conclude that the enemy is still very cautious, and they have already predicted the possibility of being ambushed by us. That’s why it’s so arranged, but I’m still very lucky that they decided to come back. If they stay where they are, then we’re in trouble..."

"What's your plan?" After listening to Wang Xu's simple analysis of the status quo, Abel, the Chief Chief of the Cat Race, asked Wang Xu.

"That's it. Before I explain my plan, let me tell you about the main dilemmas faced by the enemy and their possible solutions," Wang Xu said after hearing Abel asked himself: "There are two main routes for the enemy to return..."


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