Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 891: Wrong choice

"If the enemy wants to return to the river valley, there are two ways to go, one is a short way and the other is a long way..." After glancing at the main leaders of the coalition forces sitting around the round table in the Chinese army's tent, Wang Xu began to analyze: "Although the short road is close, the return is fast, but the road is mostly dangerous and more dangerous; while the long road is far, the return is slow, but there is no too dangerous terrain on the road, which is relatively safe; Therefore, it is possible for the enemy to take any path, and we must be fully prepared!"

"Then tell me, how do we prepare?" After listening to Wang Xu's brief analysis, Colby Sacred Hoof asked Wang Xu.

"If the enemy chooses to return shortly, then they need to pass through seven gorges first, and then wading through four rivers. Between the gorge and the river, there are two swamps. Therefore, I will set traps in those seven gorges to consume them. People are powerful, and our people only need to stop them from crossing the four rivers. Once they cross the river, we will retreat. We have four rivers to stop them. At the first three rivers, we don’t need Fight hard with them, and the final place of the battle is on the bank of the fourth river!" Wang Xu explained his response plan when the first situation occurred.

"What if the enemy chooses to take a long way?" After listening to Wang Xu's solution to the first situation, Adrian Holyhoof asked the solution to the second situation.

"The situation of the enemy detouring a long distance is also something I am looking forward to very much. Although they only need to pass a canyon and two rivers to come here by detouring, there are not many dangerous places, but," Wang Xu pointed to the round table. On the map, he explained: “On this road, half of the sections they passed were gravel roads sandwiched between rivers and mountains. As long as I kept blasting the mountains on their march, how many people would they have? Can survive the endless rain of gravel, I think, among them who can come to us, it is a great achievement to have one of their current numbers."

"Miao..." After listening to Wang Xu's plan to deal with the second situation, Abel, the chief chief of the cat race, couldn't help but stroke his hand in praise.

"Then what if the enemy divides its troops and marches from two routes separately?" Adrian Holyhoof asked the third situation.

"Then they are too stupid, because dividing the troops on the way to withdraw is a taboo. Once they do, then, as long as I let out rumors and lie that their opponent's army was defeated, then their Morale..." Wang Xuyin replied with a smile: "I remember, in that pig-headed force, isn't there a smart man named Gu Lan? If they really divide their forces, then the so-called smart man Gu Lan , It's just a joke."

Just as Wang Xu and the others analyzed how the enemy would retreat and how to respond to the enemy's choice of different routes, the pighead coalition forces were also caught in a fierce debate over which route to return to the army.

While the soldiers were camping with dinner, the three leaders of the orc coalition once again concentrated on the Chinese army’s tent, eating dinner while discussing which way to return. This time, a newcomer joined The three of them discussed that the newcomer was Gerton who fled back a day ago.

Under the serious treatment of the great witch doctor, it took only half a day for Gerton, who was severely burned and deeply fainted, to wake up, and his injuries were improved by 20% to 30%, and he could even walk alone without being supported. His appearance destroyed by the flames may never be restored.

However, for a pig head man with a pig head, it doesn’t matter whether his face is disfigured or not. Originally, his appearance is the ugly pig head. Even if it is disfigured, how much ugly he can be. Maybe, for As far as Pighead is concerned, disfigurement is equivalent to plastic surgery. After being burned with scars, he is actually more beautiful.

"I think, let's take a short cut, go back sooner, and solve the problem sooner..." Grton, with a scarred face, is only a small character, but after all, he is the youngest brother of the Pighead Lord Gedan. , Someone listened to his words.

"Although a short path can shorten the three-day march time, there are too many dangerous places on the road, which will help the enemy to ambush us. I think we should choose the long road. That road is safer!" The head of the kobold, Taofen, was listening. After finishing Gedton's opinion, he also expressed his own opinion, his opinion is exactly the opposite of Gedun's.

"Three days are not short. In the three delayed days, maybe the enemy has captured the river valley and defended the city..." After hearing Taofen's disagreement, Gerton immediately replied.

"What about your opinion..." After listening to Taofen and Gerton's opinions, Ge Dan, the highest standing present, asked his smart brother Ge Lan in a low voice.

"My opinion is consistent with Lord Taofen," raised his hand and patted Gerton on the shoulder, and nodded apologetically to his brother Gerton, the pighead think tank Glenn replied, "I would rather delay three days. Time, you can't be greedy for timeliness, toss about dangerously..."

"Hmm..." After listening to Glenn's opinion, he actually wanted to cut corners in his heart, and asked Glenn back: "Can we divide our forces, cut all the way back and stalemate with the enemy, and go the other way? How about going back three days late and reuniting with the vanguard?"

"This is definitely not possible!" As soon as Ge Dan's voice fell, his opinion of dividing the army was rejected by Ge Lan.

"Why?" Ge Dan, who had insufficient IQ, really didn't understand what was wrong with his opinion. How could he be so decisively opposed by his younger brother. When he couldn't think of a reason, he asked Gu Lan.

"Division of troops and retreat ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the biggest taboo in the use of troops. Once there is a rumor that one of the troops has collapsed, then the other army will immediately flicker and collapse without fighting. We must not divide the troops... "Glen said his reasons loudly.

"It makes sense..." After listening to Gu Lan's answer, Ge Dan slowly nodded his head in agreement. Then, after looking down and thinking for half a minute, Ge Dan made a decision: "I've decided to go a long way. I would rather delay. For three days, we must also avoid unnecessary loss of soldiers..."

Ge Dan, who made this decision, didn't know that his decision made by Wang Xu had already destined their entire army to be wiped out, but he was stupid and didn't know anything.

There was a dead silence in the tent. When the four people in the tent began to eat silently, a messenger suddenly opened the curtain of the Chinese army’s large account and walked into the account. Then, the messenger kneeled down and reported. Said: "Lord, the goblin clan intelligence dealer you wanted us to look for was brought by us..."


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