Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 892: Intelligence dealer class

"Bring him in..." Hearing that his subordinates had found the goblin clan intelligence dealer nearby, Ge Dan, the pig-headed martial artist, quickly ordered.

"Yes, High Lord..." After kneeling back to Ge Dan, the pighead guard stood up and rushed out of the tent.

After about thirty seconds, I saw that, including the pig head guard who had just left, four pig head guards, pressing a cursing, short emerald green skin young goblin, entered the Orc coalition. Military account.

Seeing that the goblin intelligence dealer brought in was actually **** by his own subordinates, Godan suddenly felt cold and said: I am sending you to find the goblin intelligence dealer because I want to buy information from others. You idiots who don’t have any brains, you’ve even tied them up. This is fine, and offend them. If they refuse to sell information to us, then I have to continue to waste time and find another intelligence dealer. .

Just when the Pighead Lord Gedan was embarrassed and overwhelmed, the pighead think tank Glenn took action. He suddenly got up with an angry look, and immediately picked up a short whip hung on the tent curtain. People were drawn, and the objects he drew were the four guards who pressed the goblin intelligence dealer. The four guards who drawn screamed screamingly while scurrying with their heads.

While pumping, Glenn cursed: "You foolish things, I asked you to invite a friend of the goblin clan to come over. I didn't say that I asked you to tie this friend. How many are you? stupid!"

After seeing the "bitter tricks" that his brother Gülen was performing, Golden was relieved. Then, in line with his brother's performance, he gave a loud command: "You four idiots, please give this goblin Friends of the clan untie!"

"Yes, High Lord..." After hearing Ge Dan's order, Ge Lan stopped using short whips to slap the four guards, and the four blood-stained guards returned to Ge. After Dan said, he rushed to untie the intelligence dealer who had been caught by them.

"You..." After four of his subordinates loosened the twine rope tied to the goblin, Ge Dan immediately performed an expression of lingering anger and scolded the four subordinates: "You go out first, wait. I'll pack you up later..."

"Yes..." After replied with a tragic expression, the four guards rushed out of the camp gate with an expression of fear in a confused situation.

And when his brother Ge Dan scolded the four guards, the think tank Glenn helped the little goblin who suffered only a slight injury and sat on the back chair next to his seat, waiting for the four guards to emerge. Behind the tent, Gelan raised his hand and lowered the curtain at the entrance of the Chinese Army's Great Tent.

Since the curtains of the Chinese Army's Great Tent were embroidered with soundproof runes, the moment after Glenn put the curtains down, all the conversations in the Great Tent were absolutely inaudible to outsiders.

"I'm sorry, this friend, you have also seen that, our original intention was to let our subordinates invite you over, but our subordinates are all uncivilized savages, so..." I sat back to my position. After going up, Gu Lan looked apologetic and greeted the little goblin who was sitting next to him: "What do you call it?"

"My name is Ban, and you can also call me Green Ban. As you can see, my complexion is greener than ordinary goblin..." While rubbing the bruise that was strangled by the hemp rope, little goblin Ban While responding to Glenn said, "I wonder why the adults are looking for me?"

After hearing the rhetoric that the little goblin class responded to, Ge Dan, who was sitting on the innermost throne of the big tent, breathed a sigh of relief again. From the little goblin-like attitude, Ge Dan could see that this guy is quite aware of current affairs and accepts After his brother Gülen comforted him, he had no resistance, and it seemed that he could do intelligence business with him.

"It's like this, my friend class, you have also seen that we are out to fight, we can't win without intelligence, so we want to buy some intelligence from your friend, you make a price?" After a kind smile on his face, Ge Dan asked the little goblin class.

"This lord, if I read it right, you should be Lord Gedan, and the one next to me should be your brother Ge Lan, and the one sitting next to you is definitely the lord. Master Fen, as for the one sitting across from me, it should be your youngest brother Gerton who arrived in your camp last night!" I shook myself very much, and after a proud smile , The little goblin class of intelligence dealers answered the main question: "I collect money based on how easy it is to obtain intelligence. For ordinary intelligence, I receive five gold coins for each one, and I receive fifty gold coins for each intermediate intelligence. , High-level intelligence, I will collect 500 gold coins, you can ask, only after listening to what information you want to get, I can know how to collect money!"

"Very good, my friend, you can recognize the four of us at a glance, which shows that your intelligence ability is worthy of our trust. In this case, I will ask," he said, trusting the little goblin class, but Gulen's But he didn't believe him at all in his heart, so Gu Lan asked Ben a piece of information he knew, as a test: "Do you know the movements of our enemies like Humans and Lizardmen at this moment?"

"This question is an intermediate level intelligence. How about I collect fifty gold coins?" After listening to Glenn's question, the little goblin class offered a price.

"Okay, you say..." In order to express his sincerity, Gülen asked Ban to tell the information he knew, while taking out a large number of gold coins from the space equipment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and placing it on the table, and, He put fifty pieces in front of the class.

After collecting the fifty gold coins in front of him into his own space equipment, the little goblin class of intelligence dealers said: "Most of the combatants of the elephant tribe and the lizardmen have been retracted into the lizardmen’s bunker. Decided to defend the bunker against you. At the same time, they still have a small number of personnel to build ground defense measures outside. I will tell you the location of those defense measures for free. It is a meeting ceremony!"

After speaking, the intelligence dealer group took out a roll of maps from his space equipment and placed it on the desktop in front of him. Then, after learning what Gulen had just done, he raised his left hand and gently lifted the roll of maps. Dialed to the front of Gülen.

"Thanks..." After smiling and thanking Ben for the meeting ceremony, Gu Lan stretched out his hand and took the map and opened it in front of him to take a look. After he knew almost exactly the same, he finally believed that the intelligence dealer was not fooling him like a little goblin. So, after putting away the map, he asked: "Second question..."


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