Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 893: Q&A

"You said..." The little goblin class of intelligence dealers did not expect that Glenn next to him would immediately ask himself a second question. After being stunned for half a second, he immediately responded to Glenn.

"Since you know who we are, then you must also know where we come from. We came from the Catman Valley in the north. At this moment, someone is attacking our Catman Valley. I want to ask you. Our river valley, is it lost?" Gulen asked directly what he wanted to know.

The reason Gülen wanted to know the most was whether the valley was lost or not, because he didn’t want to return to the valley as he originally intended. However, at the request of his elder brother, he had to make suggestions for plans he did not agree with. But, if the river valley area has been lost, then the stupid plan of helping the river valley has no meaning to continue. Then you can let the army temporarily repair it, and wait until you understand the hundred forbidden curses. After what's going on, let's make the next plan.

"I'm sorry," after listening to Gülen's question, the little goblin class apologized: "I can't answer this question, so I can't make a price?"

"Why, are you afraid?" Gu Lan, who thought that Ben was afraid to say, added a bargaining chip: "If you can answer this question, I will give you a thousand gold coins, how about?"

"Hey, you are misunderstood. I have something to be afraid of. The reason why I can't tell you whether your territory, the Catman River Valley, is lost or not, is because, I don't know, our people can't get close there. Because, the neighborhood was surrounded by cat people. The only thing we knew was that a few days ago, one night, dozens of pillars of fire that went straight to the sky sprang up from the valley of the cat people. That terrible sight..." Knowing that I couldn't say more, I said too many classes with no money, and immediately shut up.

"Since you don't know whether our river valley is lost or not, then you always know who is attacking our river valley?" Glenn, with a disappointed expression on his face, shook his head helplessly and asked again. problem.

"I really know this, but this is a high-level intelligence that requires 500 gold coins..." After raising his eyes and glancing at Gelan, Ben quietly said the price of this intelligence.

"You pick it yourself..." After pointing to the pile of gold coins on the table with a total of about three or four thousand, Gülen replied: "After taking it, I will bring you a new one. You only need to answer my question. ..."

"Thanks..." After nodding to Gülen and thanking him, the little goblin class of intelligence dealers first put away 500 gold coins, and then replied in a serious tone: "There are four forces that are besieging your valley. One is the wood elves, the other is the golden horn tribe of Colby Holyhoof, the other is the double golden horn tribe of Adrian Holyhoof, and the other is the cat people of Abel."

"Wood Elf! Tauren!" After listening to the information given by the class, Gerton, the most uncomfortable, roared: "What did they beat us for, we did not provoke them. Besides, we occupied It’s the territories of the cat people in the past, and they didn’t grab the territories of the tauren and wood elves. Why do they..."

Before Gerton could finish speaking, the little goblin class of intelligence dealers, after receiving another 500 gold coins, replied: "I will tell you why. In the past six months, the two tauren tribes and the cat tribes of Abel , I have formed an alliance with the former lord of the hill city, Mario Wharton. I didn’t know how they could form an alliance before they were irrelevant. Now I know. It seems that the purpose of the alliance between the three forces is to work together. Regained their lost territories!"

"Do you think that Mario Wharton participated in this war against our river valley territory?" After listening to Ban's recount, Glenn, with a sinking face, lowered his voice and asked Ban Dao.

"You asked this question, are you giving me money? Don’t you know that Mario Wharton is the core figure of the coalition army. Without Mario Wharton, can they cooperate in the war? "After picking up five gold coins, the intelligence dealer squad replied, "If I'm not mistaken, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces that attacked your valley is Mario Wharton!"

"How do you know that the four forces attacked our river valley?" Gadan, who had been silently listening for a long time, couldn't help but questioned Ban.

"Our people saw them marching ten days ago. They just don’t know where they are going to attack. We originally guessed that they were going north to fight with the snowfield half-orcs. Who knows, they are going to attack you. That..." After taking five more gold coins, Ban answered Ge Dan.

"Do you think that if we go back to fight with them, who will win?" The face was worse than before, and he was almost as gray as death, and asked Ban Dao with a trembling sound that seemed to be frightened.

"Huh..." After waving his hand to collect all the gold coins left on the table, Ben quietly replied: "The question I will answer determines your life and death, so there are more than three thousand gold coins left. I want it all."

"As long as your answer satisfies me, I will give you three thousand gold coins!" Glenn nodded slightly.

"Okay, it's a deal!" After another yin-yin smile, the little goblin class of intelligence dealers shook his head and replied: "If you go back, the whole army will be wiped out!"

"You're looking for death!" Gerton, a young man who was irritated by Ben's answer, would kill Ben with a knife. However, before his scimitar was completely out of the scabbard, he was snatched away by Glenn~www. wuxiaspot.com~ And, Glenn turned his head and glared at him, frightening Gerton back into his seat.

Then, Glenn threw aside the scimitar he had grabbed from Gerton, and then sighed to Ben: "You continue to say..."

"Who is Mario Wharton? I don't need to explain it anymore." After a slanting glance at the angry Gerton, Pan Chui said: "Who is the most famous person in the Dark Mountains in the past six months? , Of course, it’s Mario Wharton. How did he get the title of killing god? He killed it with his hands. I won’t talk about other races. In the past six months, you pigheads and kobolds, there are also How many people died in his hands, I am afraid that there are already over a million people. I clearly remember the news from Hill City a month and a half ago. The news said that he was alone, within half an hour, You killed 700,000 of you. I think it’s impossible for you to not know about this. Then, how many people are there in your place, and how long will it last?"

"Big brother!" After listening to the analysis of the class, Ge Lan got up and knelt in front of Ge Dan, and said with tears: "You..."


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