Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 894: New definition


"You have also heard that if we insist on going back, then we will face Mario Wharton," I don't know if the old tears on Glen’s face were forced by his acting skills, anyway. He was crying a lot of pain, "Mario Wharton is a **** of death, we don't have the strength to beat him, brother!"

Seeing his brother kneeling on one knee, crying his nose and crying tears to himself, Ge Dan was silent. Now he is struggling whether he wants to listen to his clever brother, and really abandon the Catman Valley, if he abandons the Catman Valley. If he loses the river valley, Gedan will lose all the glory of his first half of his life, and the loss is extremely heavy, but if you don’t give up, maybe...

"Big brother!" After seeing the hesitation in his elder brother Gedan's eyes, Gu Lan shouted again and persuaded: "We abandon the Catman River Valley, even if we lose our current position, but we still have a chance to make a comeback, but, If you lose your life, then..."

"Okay, I have decided to give up the original plan of returning to the river valley and retreat..." Finally, under Gu Lan's repeated persuasion, Ge Dan got his hands on him. Knowing that his brother was right, he determined to give up the counterattack on the river valley. At the same time as he made a decision, he did not forget to ask Taofen the Kobold leader sitting next to him: "What's your opinion?"

"Hey..." After listening to his old friend Gedan's question, the lord of the kobold Taofen first sighed bitterly, then he bowed his head and shook his head and replied: "When I heard the name Mario Wharton At the time I had no confidence, the forces in other places might not know how terrifying he was, but we are all local forces in the Dark Mountains. Do we know how cruel he can be as a murderer? I agree Your opinion, retreat!"

"Malio Wharton! Huh! The yellow-mouthed child! Someday..." After listening to the old friend Taofen's answer, Ge Dan, who felt shameless, cursed Wang Xu as if venting his anger, and then he Turning his head to look at the little goblin class of intelligence dealers who were sitting steadily watching the show like Tarzan, and personally left the throne, and handed the space ring he carried on the "trotter" to the class's hands.

"There are ten thousand gold coins in the ring. It is all my wealth. I have given it to you, Mr. Ban. If you were not here, we might go to death with our heads covered," looked at the one who put away his spatial ring. Ben, Ge Dan sincerely asked the class: "Before you leave, can you help us analyze what will happen to our future? I know you are a very insightful person?"

"Since Lord Gedan is so sincere, I would advise you a few words." After the corner of his mouth was slightly bent, the intelligence dealer little goblin class replied quietly: "Now, the overall situation of the Dark Mountains has gradually become clear, Dangmu When the sacred tree of the elves is reborn in the hill city, it means that the wood elves will rise in the dark mountains!"

"Do you mean that the wood elves will dominate the entire Dark Mountain region? Can they eat it? There are tens of thousands of large and small forces here, even stronger than today’s wood elves, and there are hundreds of them. Yeah!" Gerton, the unhappy young man, after he helped his elder brother Glenn, who had been kneeling for a long time, back to his original position, he looked down at his class and impatiently snapped at him.

"Today's wood elves are extraordinary. I'm not saying how powerful the wood elves are. I mean, their attitudes have changed. They are not so arrogant and difficult to contact. Before that, have you ever heard I have said that wood elves will cooperate with other races to fight wars. Wood elves have always dealt with each other by themselves. However, the current wood elves have changed and are willing to cooperate with others, and I also heard that the current wood elves, Even allowing all races to live in the hill city of their new imperial city, which was unimaginable in the past!" Ban ignored Gerton's response without paying attention.

After a pause and another deep breath, the squad leader sighed: "I don't know why the elves have such a big change in attitude. Maybe they have matured after losing the elven forest, knowing that arrogance is what destroys them. Death knell, so the attitude has changed, maybe, it's another possibility!"

"Another possibility, what do you mean?" He frowned when he heard what Gu Lan wanted to express.

"The other possibility is Mario Wharton!" After listening to Glenn’s question, Ban turned his head and replied solemnly: "The changes in the elves all happened after Mario Wharton's rise. Many practices of the elves are very similar to what Mario Wharton did before. The elves nowadays are no longer the kind of hard rocks that cannot be approached. They now like to make friends and are attracting many dark mountains. The local forces, those forces that were drawn by the wood elves, have one thing in common. The common point is that they are an oppressed race and they have no ability to resist oppression. However, they have a common hatred. Once they get together Come, then, I think it’s hard for you to resist their counterattack..."

"What do you mean," Goldan asked worriedly after listening to the analysis of the class: "Morio Wharton intends to connect the small forces and to work together to destroy all the big ones. In the future, Is there no power to influence the wood elves to take root in the dark mountains?"

"That's right~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Our goblin clan, since Mario Wharton was exiled here 25 years ago, he has been paying attention to him. His usual diplomatic method is to unite the weak against the strong. In addition to this trick, he also has another trick, which is to instigate separation. He also often instigates the strong to fight against each other in order to weaken the strength of the strong. Therefore, I The summary for him is that he is a conspirator, he is playing big chess, and you are the pawns played by him!" Ban defined Wang Xu.

"Is he that powerful? If he is really as powerful as you said, in the past twenty-five years, hasn't he already turned the dark mountains into his pocket..." Gerton, the young man who exaggerated the praise, once again questioned the class sentence.

"I'm just talking about our goblin clan's analysis of him. As for the correctness or incorrectness, it has to be proven by history. However, there is one thing, I can assure you that it is happening, that is, Nulio. Wharton is speeding up his action to clean up the hostile forces in the Dark Mountains, and soon, it will be your turn!" Ban once again said "alarmist".

"Huh... just by him..." After listening to Ben's analysis, Gerton snorted coldly... () "Warlock War" only represents the author ah ah Rongrong's point of view. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. Our position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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