Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 895: Put your face there

"Isn’t there an extra person named Mario Wharton? Does the wood elves really dare to fight us? The total population of our pigheads and kobolds in the Dark Mountain region is more than 40 million and close to five thousand. Wan, the wood elves are only a few people, and the total is less than five million. He brought five million people to fight with our 50 million people. Isn't he afraid of being beaten by us?" He said again.

"Hey..." Glitter glanced slantingly, and after a light sigh, Ben turned his head and stared at Glenn, and said, "Believe it or not, anyway, I'm talking about our goblin clan analysis." In addition, we feel that when Mario Wharton has dealt with the northern snowy half-orcs and regained the elven forest that they had lost soon, his next goal may be you!"

"Can you tell us about such an important thing. It is obvious that you are on the same side with us. I want to know why you are willing to tell us the advice of your goblin clan?" After nodding and thanking Ben, Gulen asked the class.

"I'm not on the side of you, I'm on the side of money, only in troubled times, our race that sells information for a living, has its meaning to exist. If Mario Wharton takes the entire darkness The mountains are settled, there is no more war here, so what business do we have to do, we won’t let him cut off our money, so..." Ben said why he was willing to help the orcs coalition. Put the reason.

"Thank you for being so frank. I will ask you one last question. If we, pigheads and kobolds, use the power of the whole clan to attack the hill city of wood elves, then, do you think we have a chance of winning?" Gu Lan asked worriedly in a low voice.

"No one in Chengdu. If you really did that, then you must be in danger of extinction." After hesitating for three or four seconds, Ban still said the reason for his analysis. "From the gathering place of your two clans It’s a long journey to reach the hill city. Even if it’s all cavalry, you have to walk for at least 30 days. If there are 30 days, how many stages can Mario Wharton think of to deal with you? Are you not afraid? , Unless you can raid the hill city and beat them by surprise, otherwise..."

"Okay, I understand. Thanks for your hard work, I will send you out of the camp..." Gu Lan, who knew what Ban said was true, shook his head and gave a wry smile, got up and sent him away.

Before Ban stepped out of the Chinese army's tent, Ge Dan and Taofen expressed their gratitude. Even Ge Dun, who was very upset with Ban, thanked Ban insincerely under the watchful eyes of his two brothers.

When sending Ban out of the camp gate, Gulen gave Ban a space ring containing gold coins. The ring was given to Gulen by Taofen before he left, and Gulen did not go to explore the inside. How much money is there, but from the satisfied smile on his face when Ban left, Glenn knew that the space ring that Taofen gave was definitely filled with a sum of more than tens of thousands of dollars, definitely not a small amount of money.

After watching the class leave on a small piggy, Gu Lan looked up at the night sky, and after a long sigh, he walked back slowly...

One day later, in the evening, Wang Xu, who had come up with three plans for annihilating the enemy, was waiting in his camp, waiting for the chief chief of the cat race Abel and the two tauren chiefs to come to a meeting. He was going to use this meeting. , To arrange the respective tasks of the four forces of his own. His new intention is to prevent the enemy from approaching the river valley within a range of 50 kilometers and to let them die before the enemy can reach a short distance.

After waiting for half an hour, the three orc chiefs came over. When the three entered his big tent, Wang Xu found that the three orc chiefs had a kind of excitement from the heart and smiled facial features. It's almost distorted.

"Three chiefs, why are you so happy..." I suspect that the three are Wang Xu who has drunk, thinking that the three of them are still in a state of drunkenness, so they are so excited.

"Good thing," Abel, the Great Chief of the Cat Race, said to Wang Xu with a big smile after he took his seat: "Just now, I got news that the enemy has retreated..."

"Retreat, where to retreat..." Wang Xu, who couldn't understand what Abel was talking about, asked him after tilting his head slightly.

"It's like this. Didn’t the original enemy’s back-relief troops come from north to our place, but last night, they withdrew from camp overnight and headed southeast. In that direction, they happened to be pigheads and kobolds. From the direction of the hometown, it seems that they are taking the initiative to abandon our river valley and don't want to take this site anymore..." Abel, who knew what he said was unclear, quickly explained the details to Wang Xu.

"No, we are doing a good job of confidentiality work here. The enemy shouldn't know whether the valley is lost or not. They have no reason to withdraw their troops. Besides, the Catman Valley is an area that can raise tens of millions of people, easy to defend and difficult to attack. They are also willing to give up this kind of fat. Do they have their brains gnawed by dogs?" Wang Xu, who could not figure out the enemy's reason for retreating after repeated thinking, could only scratch his head and smile bitterly.

"The news came from our spies at midday. Yesterday, the enemy had been searching for the little goblin vendors selling intelligence, but at dinner time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the enemy stopped searching. I guess if the enemy found it. The goblin clan intelligence dealers, and our news here has been bought from the intelligence dealers!" After listening to Wang Xu's mutter, Abel replied to Wang Xu.

"Then this is not right. If the enemy really inquires about our intelligence from the goblin clansmen, then they should know that our total strength is only about one-fifth of theirs. It's good at this kind of five to one. After the meeting, if I were them, I would never let go of such a good meeting with more abuse and less abuse. Are they all fools, and even gave up the good meeting in front of them?" Wang Xu with a chin, the more he thought about it, the more strange it became.

"Don't think about it, the enemy really left, and they retreated in panic without looking back. All their heavy siege equipment was left and burned. This is completely the appearance of escaping and never returning. They seem It's not tricking..." Abel said his attitude towards this matter.

"Oh..." After raising his head and scratching his head fiercely, Wang Xu sighed: "They flee, then I have calculated the plan for annihilating the enemy for several days. Wouldn't it be completely bankrupt? Where do you put your face, no, you can’t let them run away so easily...) "Warlock War" only represents the author's point of view. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. Processing, the position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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