Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 900: 20 million tons of grain

"It's okay to sign a contract." After listening to Wang Xu's conditions, Chief Elephant Human Race Bunir asked Wang Xu in a very real way: "Then how much food can you support us?"

"How much do you need?" Wang Xu raised his head and asked Bunir. Since Bunir's six-meter height is more than three times taller than Wang Xu, Wang Xu seemed to be talking to him. The children who just entered the kindergarten had to raise their heads high, just like Yao Ming, and for a little longer, Wang Xu’s neck was a little sore.

"We are not a race of inferior character like goblins. We will never take advantage of you. As long as you provide our two races with food for two years, a total of two million tons of rice, then we will not only help you deal with it wholeheartedly. Pigheads, kobolds, and centaurs, we are still willing to form an alliance with you and promise that we will never take the initiative to attack you wood elves!" After listening to Wang Xu’s question, the lizardman leader Buck represents two powerful orc races and drove out Conditions.

"Well... I accept the terms you made. At the same time, outside of the contract, on behalf of the wood elves, I will send you 20 years of grain, 20 million tons of rice, and 20 million tons of rice, representing us. The sincerity of the wood elves, we are sincerely willing to establish a deep friendship with the two and the two races, and hope that you two will accept our kindness!" Wang Xu is facing the elephant human chieftain Bunir and the lizardman chieftain Buck After making a good etiquette from the elves, he smiled and said.

Although he wanted to give the other party ten times more food, Wang Xu was willing to pay this insignificant price. For less than 20,000 gold coins, it was possible to buy 20 million tons of rice from the store system. Move the other party, once the other party is really touched, then, in exchange for his little money, it may be that the horses of the two powerful orc races are looking forward to it. This transaction is simply a bargain.

"Are you true..." After listening to Wang Xu’s new promise, the two orc warchiefs were immediately shocked. They stared at Wang Xu with their eyes widened. There were moving emotions as well as incomprehensible doubts, and then, the Chief Elephant Human Race asked his doubts.

"Of course it's true. Don't worry, you two. My reputation as a big businessman has long resonated in the dark mountains. I must know that both of you. Have you ever heard of me doing silly business? I promise once again that the 20 million tons of food is a gift from our wood elves to make friends with the two races. Of course, we wood elves also welcome the two to send envoys to our hill city to establish a permanent embassy!" Wang Xu, who was thinking about how to answer, casually said his words to deal with doubts.

"Okay! With your name Mario Wharton, we believe in you, and we are willing to establish friendship with the wood elves..." The War Chief Bunir of the Elephant Race looked at the War Chief Buck of the Lizardman. After that, clinch a plan.

"Okay..." Wang Xu, who reached a verbal agreement, originally planned to shake hands with the two in front of him to celebrate the establishment of the friendship alliance, but he glanced sideways at the dirty two orc chiefs. After holding his hands, Wang Xu, a patient with advanced cleansing addiction, still gave up the "stupid" plan just after he raised his right eyebrow in disgust.

Five minutes later, Wang Xu wrote a contract on a snow-white sheepskin to cooperate with the two orc races against the enemy, and handed the contract to both of them. Soon, two very sincere orc chiefs, It represents the races of those two, and signed their names on the contract.

When the two orc chiefs signed their names on the cooperation contract, Wang Xu laughed and breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he clearly understood what the contract meant, it not only represented the human race. The Lizardmen will work with themselves to deal with Pigheads and Kobolds. It also means that they have won two powerful "friends" for the Elves. With these two friends, the Elves will live in the dark mountains. , It can be better.

After putting away the contract, Wang Xu took out 22 of the cheapest black iron space rings, and in the presence of the two orc chiefs, put the 22 space rings in a black linen bag Then, he fastened the mouth of the burlap bag with a white cotton rope, and then threw the bag at the lizardman chieftain Buck with relatively small hands.

After Buck received the cloth bag, Wang Xu said, "In the bag are twenty-two space rings, and each space ring contains one million tons of rice. Twenty-two are two thousand two hundred. Ten thousand tons, you can check it."

"Oh..." After listening to Wang Xu's explanation, the lizardman warchief Buck, with his big claws, gently untied the knot on the sack and opened the bag, honestly and simply one by one. Go to try the space ring inside, every time he tried one, he put the ring he tried into the palm of the elephant human chief Bunir standing next to him.

After the elephant human chieftain Bunir put the twenty-two black iron space rings in his palm, the lizardman chieftain Buck looked up at Wang Xu and nodded: "You did not deceive us, these 22 spaces The ring is indeed full of the food you promised to support us. Nothing is bad. You... are a trustworthy friend!"

After pouring the twenty-two black iron space rings from his palm back into the black cloth sack, he looked like the human chieftain Bunir, unexpectedly in full view~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Kneeling down to Wang Xu He saluted and expressed his most lofty gratitude: "On behalf of the Elephant Human Race, and our partner Lizardman of the Elephant Human Race, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to you, Prince Mario Wharton! "

After seeing the action of the big brother next to him on one knee, the lizardman warchief Buck also knelt on one knee and saluted Wang Xu.

At this moment, Wang Xu really had no choice but to endure the nausea, stretched out his arms, held the elbows of Buck and Buniel, lifted them from the ground, and helped them After the two orc chiefs, Wang Xu hurriedly retracted his hands into his warlock cloak, and secretly disinfected the poison with alcohol. After the poison was eliminated, Wang Xu took a long sigh of relief and felt relieved again. stand up.

Different from Wang Xu’s relaxed expression, after the two orc warchiefs were supported by Wang Xu, their eyes flashed four surprised eyes at the same time. After looking at each other, they looked away. They focused on Wang Xu again, but this time, they looked at Wang Xu, and there was a new emotion...


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