Warlock War

Vol 2 Chapter 901: Time and situation

Like the human chieftain Bunir and the lizardman chieftain Buck, although they are not militants, there is no outstanding single challenge record in the arena, but after all, they are the two most powerful orc races. The great chief, his strength, is also leveraged, and both have the combat power of the holy rank.

Especially like Bunir, the great chieftain of the human race, he has the strength of the peak of the holy rank, and it has been two hundred years since he became a master of the gods.

The two Saint-Rank masters, while kneeling on one knee at the same time, were lifted up from the ground effortlessly by Wang Xu. Although Wang Xu did not think this was a major event worthy of analysis, This is no small matter for the two who were helped up.

At the moment they were lifted up, Bunir and Buck clearly realized that the seemingly young elf prince in front of them was far superior to them. He was definitely a god-level master. Now, as to how high he is, it is not something that the two of them can detect.

"Oh... do you have any questions?" Wang Xu, with strong eyesight, just raised his eyes and noticed that the eyes of the two orc warchiefs in front of him had changed. He knew that these two were more honest. Without any scheming, Wang Xu asked them casually.

"That's it," the two orc warchiefs were really honest. After listening to Wang Xu's question, the elephant human warchief Bunir replied honestly: "We both think we are not weak, but, You can help us both at the same time, dare to ask, what is your strength?"

"I have been a **** for a long time, or else, can I stay here in our Dark Mountains for more than 20 years without dying..." After listening to Bunir's question, Wang Xu immediately understood why the eyes of the two honest people in front of him had changed. It turned out that they were stunned by their own strength, no wonder they looked at them with a bit of fear in their eyes.

"Oh..." After listening to Wang Xu's answer, Bunir and Buck nodded clearly at the same time, and they looked at each other again. The exchange of eyes seemed to reach a consensus. The consensus is: If you want to be good, you still have to be covered by a godless zero. You see, Mario Wharton, after he became a god, didn't he bring up the declining wood elves again.

Wang Xu, who saw the meaning of the eyes of the two orc warchiefs, Bunir and Buck, shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said, "Since we have reached an alliance, then I will talk about how I plan to deal with pigs. People, kobolds and centaur idiots!"

"You speak," Bunir and Buck ended their "affectionate" look at each other after hearing Wang Xu's opening, and turned their heads to Wang Xu. Then Bunir raised their hands and said: "We listen. Your……"

"It's like this..." Wang Xu took out a large round table of pine wood for meetings from his backpack system, and took out an enlarged version of the map of the Dark Mountains and placed it on the large round table. Twenty minutes later, he told the two orc chiefs about his interception plan.

After talking about the plan, Wang Xu pointed his finger at the place where the red circle was drawn on the map, and solemnly instructed the two orc chiefs: "You only need to lead your troops to the southern end of the road within one day and establish a defensive position there. Just stop the enemy and escape. Remember, never go north along the road, and don't let your men go north..."

"If the enemy is defeated, can we go northward to pursue it?" After listening to Wang Xu's instructions, Lizardman Chief Buck asked Wang Xu back.

"For the safety of you and your subordinates, it is better not to go north," after hesitating for half a second, Wang Xu still told the truth: "Because... the whole road will become gods and slaughter all beings. The **** killing field, under the mighty power..."

Wang Xu did not finish his words, but the meaning has been clearly expressed. His words are warning Bunir and Buck: I am a god, I will kill people along the road, if you rush into my killing battlefield, then , Under my power, it is difficult for you to survive.

"Understood..." After listening to Wang Xu's "warning", Buck nodded clearly and swallowed hard.

"Please again, you must be there within one day. If it is late, the enemy may have escaped from our encirclement..." Wang Xu emphasized the time for the third time.

"Don't worry, we will be out in an hour, and we will be there in half a day..." Elephant Human Chief Bunir assured Wang Xu, patting his chest.

"Thanks for the second person, the map is left for the second person... I have to prepare too." After bending down and bowing and thanking the two orc chiefs, Wang Xu slowly floated up. Floating back to the back of the giant undead bat.

Immediately, the giant undead bat suddenly flapped its fleshy wings, carrying Wang Xu and his lazy women, flew straight into the sky, and quickly disappeared beyond the clouds and mountains. .

Looking at the location where the giant undead bat disappeared for a while, the Great Chief Elephant looked down at his old buddy, Buck, who looked up at him, and said with emotion: "Merio Wharton is not easy..."

"Is it necessary to say, I heard goblins say, he is less than fifty years old, this age, for a half-elf, is a baby, but he has become a god, and I also heard that, There are gods in his wife..." Buck replied to Bunir quietly.

"Fortunately, we are in the same boat as him, or..." Buniel sighed again.

"Yeah... I hope he can win in the end. In that case, at least, we have a place to stay in the Dark Mountains. If the Snow Orcs win, we probably all have to be slaves..." Buckley was a little bit Anxious emotion said.

"Stop talking, let's work. If you want to leave a place in the Dark Mountains, you have to work hard..." Bunir nodded and said with determination.

"Work..." Listening to his old friend's words of determination ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing his serious expression, Buck also nodded heavily and turned back.

Then, the two orc warchiefs walked back to the bunker gate side by side. The steps they took when they returned were much stronger than when they came out...

At the same time, on Wang Xu's side, Afrah, who hates the orc race, is teasing the two orc warchiefs: "You said they were stupid? Why are they so honest? You haven't asked anything. , They both explained everything..."

"The time is also the situation..." After listening to Afrah's ridicule, Wang Xu casually took a sentence in classical Chinese.

"What do you mean..." Afrah, who didn't understand classical Chinese, gently twisted Wang Xu's arm, and complained loudly: "Speaking of people..."


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